MECH-001: Impact-induced reaction of energetic materials
Professor David Frostdavid.frost [at] |
Research AreaEnergetic materials |
DescriptionSome compacted mixtures of metal and metal oxide powders can react upon shock loading. Impact of an energetic metal fragment with a wall at high speeds can generate a sufficiently strong shock to initiate reaction. This project will focus on the use of a light gas gun and a test section to study the impact-induced fragmentation and reaction of various projectiles consisting of compacted powders. High-speed photography will be used to observe the fragmentation process, and emission spectroscopy will be used to infer the temperature of reacting fragments. Please contact Geoff Chase ( [at] to interview for this position. TasksAssist with the development of diagnostics and the operation of the light gas gun to visualize the impact of a particle with an end wall and the subsequent fragmentation and reaction. Carry out tests with various particles and gas mixtures. Ìý |
DeliverablesPrepare a comprehensive report describing the operation of the apparatus and experimental test results and analysis. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-002: Virtual Reality and Sensor Integration for Tree Harvesting Machine:
Professor Inna Sharfinna.sharf [at] |
Research AreaAutomation of Tree-harvesting Operations |
DescriptionProfessor Sharf is starting joint research with FPInnovations on increasing robotics and automation in tree harvesting machinery. In particular, she would like to develop virtual reality (VR) for the machine, its immediate environment and interaction between machine and environment. This topic is motivated by the need for having a ‘digital twin’ of the system, that is a high-fidelity simulator that can be used for visualization, development and evaluation of new control and motion planning strategies for automating aspects of tree cutting operations. The simulator will be developed using Vortex software for a particular tree harvesting machine: the feller buncher. This is a complex articulated machine comprised of a tracked or wheeled mobile base with an articulated hydraulic arm equipped with a special purpose end-effector for cutting (felling) and gathering several cut trees, before they are placed on the ground for further processing. A big aspect of the modeling effort will go into creating representative and useful models of the environment in which the machine operates, in particular, the terrain modeling and the forest modeling. Another aspect to be investigated is the selection and integration of sensors to be placed on the machine to collect data that can assist initially in model development and ultimately in closed-loop control. FPInnovations has developed FPdat which is a box integrated on the feller buncher for collecting various diagnostic and operational data on the machine. We need to understand what data is currently being collected and whether FPdat can be used to integrate additional proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors, such as cameras or lidar on the machine. This is a secondary aspect of the work, time permitting. Tasks1) Familiarize and learn basic aspects of Vortext Dynamics Software 2) Develop a basic model of the feller buncher in Vortex Dynamics 3) Integrate into the model realistic terrain properties, and a virtual forest 4) Test and validate the model through a series of maneuvers of the machine 5) Integrate into the model the specialized end-effector and tree-cutting operation Ìý |
DeliverablesA basic model of feller-buncher and its environment; validation of the model through a series of maneuvers; report summarizing the model and the validation tests |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-003: Collaborative tasks for a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles
Professor Inna Sharfinna.sharf [at] |
Research AreaUnmanned aerial vehicles |
DescriptionProfessor Sharf has an ongoing collaboration with a local company developing collaborative behaviours for swarms of UAVs. Currently, we are investigating collaborative transport of a payload with several UAVs. Other topics of interest include dealing with an intruding UAV and autonomous recharging of UAVs. Student will have an opportunity to work on extending sim capabilities and algorithms developed to date, system integration and testing with UAVs. A minimum 3.5 CGPA is desired with completion of Year 2.. Tasks1) familiarize with simulation tools developed to date; 2) extend sim capabilities and algorithms; 3) carry out electro-mechanical design and testing necessary for demonstration on real vehicles; 4) provide assistance during flight testing Ìý |
DeliverablesDemonstration on a fleet of 3-4 vehicles; final report documenting the work |
Number of positions2 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-004: Study of discrete flames in suspensions of metal particles
Professor Jeff Bergthorsonjeffrey.bergthorson [at] |
Research AreaCombustion |
Descriptionowders of micron-sized metallic particles can be used as a fuel in a large range of applications such as, for example, in propulsion or as an additive in slurry fuels. Recently, metal powders, such as iron or aluminum, have been proposed as an energy carrier which can be burned in a reactor to produce energy without carbon emissions. In some instances, the combustion process may occur in the so-called discrete regime of propagation, in which the properties of the flame significantly differ from classical combustion theory. This project investigates experimentally the properties of dicrete flames. Contact Jan Palecka (jan.palecka [at] to interview for position. TasksCarry out experiments to study discrete flame propagation in tubes. Use MATLAB to process and analyze the data. Ìý |
DeliverablesPrepare a comprehensive report presenting results (both data and analysis) from the flame tests. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelNo preference |
MECH-005: Emissions Modelling under Uncertainty
Professor Jeff Bergthorsonjeffrey.bergthorson [at] |
Research AreaCombustion |
DescriptionNitrogen oxides (NOx) have been identified as a primary pollutant in the atmosphere responsible for various environmental problems requiring novel low-emissions designs. Current chemical models perform relatively well at atmospheric conditions, but emissions predictions at pressures relevant to the gas turbine industry present significant discrepancies with experimental measurements. With the complexities involved in designing an apparatus to study NOx formation at elevated pressures, few measurements are available to optimize and constrain chemical model. By identifying sensitive parameters at engine conditions, one can develop experiments at lower pressures, achievable in the laboratory, that trigger a similar set of parameters to further our knowledge of pollutant formation. The student will have to identify such experimental conditions that can be performed in the available experimental setups in the Alternative Fuels Laboratory. Under physically realistic uncertainty limits, this design of experiments will support the ongoing experimental campaign to better understand the formation of NO to reduce emissions in the gas turbine industry. Contact Antoine Durocher: antoine.durocher [at] to interview for position. TasksPerform a Design of Experiment (DOE) to identify low-pressure conditions where a similar set of chemical reactions are active as for pressures found in gas turbines. Ìý |
DeliverablesExperimental conditions to perform NO measurements. A detailed report summarizing the analysis and the implication of the DOE on future experiments. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelNo preference |
MECH-006: Reaction of Metal Powders with Water for Sustainable Hydrogen Production
Professor Jeff Bergthorsonjeff.bergthorson [at] |
Research AreaAlternative Energy |
DescriptionMetal powders can react with water, releasing energy and producing hot hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas can then be used in a fuel cell or burned with air to release additional energy to power an internal or external combustion engine. The metal oxides and hydroxides produced can then be converted back to metal powder to produce a sustainable energy carrier cycle with a zero carbon footprint. This project involves modelling the hydrogen and steam flowrates and ratios of hydrogen to steam needed to power a gas turbine engine. Preliminary work on the development of a prototype reactor may also be part of the project. The goal is to further our understanding of such a fuel system and move toward the development of a prototype. Please contact Keena Trowell (keena.trowell [at] to interview for the position. TasksCarry out calculations needed to design a prototype metal-water reactor to be used in a power application Ìý |
DeliverablesPrepare a comprehensive report presenting findings from the above research |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-007: Aerodynamic loads on unmanned aerial systems
Professor Jovan Nedicjovan.nedic [at] |
Research AreaExperimental aerodynamics |
DescriptionThe stability and control of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) has been an extensive area of research over the past few decades, and has significantly accelerated recently owing to the increased demands of such systems for various commercial applications. Our ability to adequately control UAS in a quiescent environment is well established, however, the vast majority of the commercial applications of such systems would see the UAS operate in a variety of steady and unsteady flow conditions. In order to improve the accuracy and performance of controllers in such conditions, one must first have an adequate understanding of the basic aerodynamics of the system, specifically the loads that will be experienced by the UAS. This is precisely the main focus of this SURE project. This particular project is part of a much larger project being undertaken by professors in the department; as such, the results of the SURE project would be integrated into it. Tasks1) Perform aerodynamic load measurements in a quiescent environment; 2) Repeat measurements in a low-speed wind tunnel to check for confinement effects and ascertain change in performance for various UAS orientations. Ìý |
DeliverablesData acquired during the measurements, plus any controllers developed for the control of the system during experimentation. A final report, written in LaTeX, which includes the analysis and discussion of the aerodynamic performance. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-008: Validation and analysis of a multi-fan wind tunnel facility
Professor Jovan Nedicjovan.nedic [at] |
Research AreaExperimental fluid dynamics, control, unsteady aerodynamics |
DescriptionThe stability and control of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) has been an extensive area of research over the past few decades, and has significantly accelerated recently owing to the increased demands of such systems for various commercial applications. Our ability to adequately control UAS in a quiescent environment is well established, however, the vast majority of the commercial applications of such systems would see the UAS operate in a variety of steady and unsteady flow conditions. To study the unsteady aerodynamics effects, a unique multi-fan (81 fans in total) wind tunnel has been developed at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, where each fan can be independently controlled to create bespoke unsteady velocity fields. This SURE project aims at developing a robust controller that can create bespoke velocity fields, as well as perform some rudimentary flow field analysis. Tasks1) Determine dynamic response of multi-fan wind tunnel facility. 2) Development and validation of a controller to create steady, shear and parabolic velocity profiles. 3) Development and validation of a controller for random fan speed array to create bespoke turbulence profiles. All velocity field measurements will be taken with hot-wire anemometry. Ìý |
DeliverablesLabVIEW code with controller for different flow scenarios. A video clearly demonstrating how the code work. A final report with the same details, as well as analysis and discussion on the flow field properties developed by the multi-fan wind tunnel. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-009: Modelling the effect of mechanical properties and structural flexibility in planetary exploration rovers
Professor Jozsef Kovecsesjozsef.kovecses [at] |
Research AreaMechanical Engineering |
DescriptionThe Applied Dynamics Laboratory at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has been conducting research on the dynamics behaviour of planetary exploration rovers for almost ten years. Interaction between rover components and ground obstacles need to be studied in detail, as they may give rise to significant forces that can damage the robot or its scientific instruments and also affect vehicle mobility. Models of these vehicles have been developed to simulate and analyze obstacle negotiation manoeuvres involving impacts. However, rigid-body models fail to capture the effect of structural rover flexibility, which can significantly change vehicle behaviour and the outcome of the manoeuvre. This project aims to further study how the presence of flexible components in the rover structure modifies its ability to undergo impacts, minimize component damage, and improve obstacle negotiation. Computational models that represent the most common rover designs will be built; novel representations of the rover stiffness distribution will be developed. Impact and contact manoeuvres will be simulated to represent common operation scenarios, evaluating how stiffness distribution affects obstacle negotiation for different robot configurations, mass distributions, and operating velocities. These cases may differ considerably between each other, defining suitable performance indicators will be necessary to obtain design and operation guidelines that remain valid for a large range of rover prototypes. These indicators and guidelines will constitute the final objective of this research project. Tasks- Developing interaction models among components of a rover to represent structural properties. - Building models of the most common planetary exploration rover designs (e.g., rocker-bogie, double bogie). - Studying the relevant sources of flexibility in each rover design. - Evaluating the effect of configuration and stiffness distribution on the forces and torques experienced by the rover during obstacle negotiation. - Defining performance indicators and actuation guidelines to optimize obstacle negotiation manoeuvres with exploration rovers. Ìý |
DeliverablesA report on the modelling and analysis of structural flexibility on obstacle negotiation manoeuvres with planetary exploration rovers. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-010: Recycling of Aerospace Waste Composite Materials
Professor Larry LessardLarry.Lessard [at] |
Research AreaComposite Materials |
DescriptionAs composite material usage continues to increase, so does the waste generated by the manufacturing process and from end-of-life parts. The aim is to find solutions for recycling of both carbon and fibreglass from aerospace sources. They must be reprocessed into useful products in a sustainable way. TasksWork with graduate students on experimental aspects of recycling Characterization of recycled materials Material testing Ìý |
DeliverablesDevelop a manufacturing process Developi a suitable test plan Conduct a meaningful series of tests |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelNo preference |
MECH-011: Further refinement of a high spatial and temporal resolution pressure sensor for turbulence measurements
Professor Laurent Mydlarskilaurent.mydlarski [at] |
Research AreaFluid mechanics / turbulence |
DescriptionA high spatial and temporal resolution static pressure sensor has been developed by two previous SURE students. This sensor requires further refinement, to increase its signal-to-noise ratio at high frequencies (> 1 kHz). Tasks1) Become familiar with the current pressure sensor 2) Propose a refined design to improve its performance 3) Design and build the second version of the sensor 4) Test the sensor in both a turbulent jet and in high-Reynolds-number, grid-generated wind tunnel turbulence. 5) Prepare a report summarizing the student's activities Ìý |
DeliverablesA report documenting i) the new design of the pressure sensor, and ii) its performance. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-012: Experiments on large amplitude vibrations
Professor Marco Amabilimarco.amabili [at] |
Research AreaMechanical vibrations and dynamics |
DescriptionThe research focuses on experimental activity to identify the nonlinear damping and nonlinear stiffness of mechanical systems. Very advanced laser Doppler instrumentation will be applied. Data analysis and simulations will follow. TasksExperimental activity in collaboration with post-doctoral and graduate students. Data analysis and simulations. Ìý |
DeliverablesExperimental and numerical data. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-013: Modelling and optimization of a floating modular cover for direct absorption solar receivers
Professor Melanie Tetreault-Friendmelanie.tetreault-friend [at] |
Research AreaThermofluids/Alternative Energy Technologies |
DescriptionHarnessing the Sun’s energy into a renewable, low-carbon heat source for power generation is the basis of solar thermal energy technologies. Concentrated solar power plants use mirrors to concentrate natural sunlight hundreds to thousands of times, producing excess thermal energy during the day that can be stored at low-cost, and used during night-time operation to dispatch electricity 24/7. Increasing the operating temperatures of the solar receivers used to capture and convert solar energy into thermal energy leads to higher heat engine efficiencies, which in turn reduces the levelized cost of electricity. However, the benefits of operating at higher temperatures are often offset by significant thermal losses. We recently developed a new solar-transparent floating modular cover for molten salt solar receivers. The insulating cover significantly reduces convective and radiative losses, and minimizes the surface area available for evaporation losses. This project will focus on modelling and testing the radiative losses through the insulating cover to further optimize the design. Monte Carlo ray tracing methods will be used to calculate photon transport in the system. Students interested in alternative energy technologies, numerical methods, radiative heat transfer, and optics are encouraged to apply. Tasks(1) Develop a Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing simulation in Matlab to parametrically study losses for different floating geometries. (2) Develop a preliminary lab-scale experiment to verify the results experimentally. Ìý |
DeliverablesPrepare a report describing the code developed and the design and procedure for the lab-scale experiments. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-014: Flight Testing, Hardware Interfacing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Professor Meyer NahonMeyer.Nahon [at] |
Research AreaUnmanned Aerial Vehicles. Dynamics and Control |
DescriptionThe Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory currently houses several unmanned aerial vehicles: both quadrotor platforms and model fixed-wing aircraft. Research is currently ongoing with all these platforms with the overall objective to develop autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles. For example, some of the research ongoing with quadrotors aims to integrate wind sensing into our flight platform, and use this data for close-loop feedback, and for its own sake (e.g. monitoring local wind conditions). The fixed-wing aircraft are used for the development of autonomous acrobatic flight through obstacle fields. A SURE student is sought with strong interest and aptitude for research in the areas of robotics, mechatronics and aerial systems. Depending on the status of the above projects, the student is expected to contribute to experimental testing of components and to flight tests with these platforms. In addition, the student will be involved with interfacing new sensors into the platforms, for the purposes of acquiring data and for closed loop control. Some programming experience would be useful for the development of a real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The student is expected to assist with hardware interfacing, programming, conducting experiments, and processing the data. TasksThe tasks will be varied and could accommodate a mechanical, electrical or software engineering student; but ideally someone with experience in all aspects. Tasks will include some interfacing of sensing hardware with microprocessors; programming; some CAD modeling; some Matlab/Simulink modeling; and finally, experimental testing. Ìý |
DeliverablesAssist in the improvement of autonomous flight performance of our quadrotor and fixed-wing aircraft under closed-loop control. |
Number of positions2 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-015: Development of composites with shape memory alloys
Professor Pascal Hubertpascal.hubert [at] |
Research AreaComposites |
DescriptionSmart composites are an active field of research and development, with many challenges to be overcome prior to widespread commercialization. This SURE project will address one of those challenges, the processing of shape memory alloy wires to be integrated into Smart Composites. The SURE student will work with a graduate student to calibrate and validate a fixture which allows SMA wires to be thermomechanically cycled. TasksThe student will prepare samples using the SMA processing fixture, and then test those samples using DSC, DMA, and resistivity measurements to confirm the fixture functionality. Following that, the student will work to improve the fixture by further automating the process. |
DeliverablesAt the completion of the project the SURE student will provide a written report and oral presentation detailing and discussing their experimental methods, results, and conclusions to the Structures & Composite Materials Laboratory group. The student will also create a poster in accordance with SURE requirements. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-016: 3D printed cores for the fabrication of composite sandwich structures by liquid moulding processes
Professor Pascal Hubertpascal.hubert [at] |
Research AreaComposites |
DescriptionSandwich structures, which consists of two thin face sheet materials separated by a low-density core, are highly efficient constructions which applications in a broad array of industries (aerospace, marine, wind energy, etc.). They are mainly recognized for their high specific flexural rigidity but also boast excellent energy absorption, thermal and acoustic properties. In a sandwich construction, the exterior face sheets react in-plane loads and bending moments while the core reacts out-of-plane loads and provides shear rigidity. Fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) represent ideal face sheet materials due to their high in-plane stiffness properties and low-density cellular materials such as honeycomb are classically used as core structures. The fabrication of FRP parts by liquid molding processes such as resin transfer molding and vacuum assisted resin infusion offer appealing advantages over hand layup of prepreg material. Lower cycles times and material costs, out-of-autoclave curing, near net-shape parts as well as the possibility to incorporate details prior to molding justify why liquid molding processes are now widely used across the industry. However, due to the low viscosity of the resin, core materials are limited to closed cell foams which present lower performance to weight ratio compared to open cell honeycomb. Additive manufacturing (AM) opens new opportunities to fabricate novel composite sandwich structures. Through AM, the barrier of geometric complexity is broken and highly optimized core structures presenting double-curvature surfaces, improved cell architectures and graded-densities can be considered. The proposed research project focuses on developing 3D printed cores adapted to liquid molding processes. Based on literature research and experimentation, the objectives of the project are to provide information on key design parameters such as wall thicknesses, in-fill patterns and in-fill percentages as well as an evaluation of important mechanical properties of the sandwich construction such as core-to-face sheet bond strength and flexural properties. Tasks• Conduct literature survey on 3D printing of cores for sandwich structures • Define 3D printing parameters to be studied based on the literature research • Produce experimental plan to evaluate mechanical properties of the sandwich construction • Fabricate test specimens: o Design sandwich structures o Fabricate core structures using FDM printer o Fabricate sandwich panels by vacuum resin infusion process o Cut and prepare test specimens from panels • Conduct experiments • Document results Ìý |
Deliverables• Written report documenting the research and results. • Design guidelines for the fabrication of cores by AM. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-017: Development of a viscoelastic vascular graft
Professor Rosaire Mongrainrosaire.mongrain [at] |
Research AreaCardiovascular biomechanics, implant design, soft tissue mechanics, blood flow, numerical simulations, phantom design and experiments |
DescriptionCurrent synthetic vascular implants are fabricated using standard textile manufacturing techniques such as weaving, knitting, braiding and exhibit negligible viscoelastic and bi-directional capabilities. An artery shows a very low stress response at low pressures and exhibits a steep increase as the pressure is increased. On the other hand, a woven Dacron graft exhibits a linear response with low deformation. The viscoelasticity property influences the hemodynamic behavior and assist in attenuating forward pressure pulses. The project aims at investigating new materials to bio-mimic the viscoelastic properties of native tissue. TasksCharacterization and modeling of viscoelastic hydrogels using dedicated bio-mechanical testers (bi-axial DMA, micro-nano indenter, profilometer). Ìý |
DeliverablesThe candidate will contribute for the identification of visco-elastic properties of hydrogels. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-018: Understanding the environmental impact of bioresources in aerospace part design and usage
Professor Yaoyao Fiona Zhaoyaoyao.zhao [at] |
Research AreaSustainable manufacturing Eco-design Additive manufacturing Life cycle assessment |
DescriptionThis project aims to analyze the environmental impact when bioresources such as bio-fuel and bio-renewable material is used in the design and usage of additively manufactured products.ÌýThe case studies in this project will focus on aerospace component design and usage. Tasks1: establish unit process of alternative fuel or renewable material in life cycle assessment 2: conduct life cycle assessment of the alternative fuel or renewable material with products designed and fabricated via additive manufacturing process 3: conduct comparative life cycle assessment of conventionally manufactured product 4: analyze the life cycle assessments results and produce recommendations to AM designers Ìý |
Deliverables1: develop unit process model for selected bio-fuel and renewable material 2: incorporate the process model with established AM design methodology 3: produce comparative life cycle assessment results |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-019: Development of Numerical Methods for the Design of Natural Laminar Flow Aircraft Wings
Professor Siva Nadarajahsivakumaran.nadarajah [at] |
Research AreaFluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aircraft Design, Computational Aerodynamics |
Ìý |
Number of positions2 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-020: Aerodynamic Design for Advanced Winglet Concepts
Professor Siva Nadarajahsivakumaran.nadarajah [at] |
Research AreaFluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Numerical Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aircraft Design, Computational Aerodynamics |
Ìý |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 2 |
MECH-021: Aerodynamics of cylinders with an outer layer of porous media, with applications to the spread of forest fires by the spotting mechanism
Professor Bantwal R. (Rabi) Baligabantwal.baliga [at] |
Research AreaAerodynamics |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-022: Fatigue Mechanics of Soft Biomaterials
Professor Jianyu [at] |
Research AreaFracture mechanics, biomaterials |
DescriptionRecent progress highlights novel biomaterials with unprecedented mechanical performance that open up many opportunities in engineering and medicine. However, little is know about the fatigue fracture behavior of soft biomaterials like hydrogels. This project is to develop and apply new methods in experimental mechanics to characterize the fatigue fracture properties of hydrogels and to correlate the findings with biomedical applications such as tissue repair and tissue adhesives. TasksThe student needs to learn knowledge and experimental techniques related to fatigue mechanics and soft biomaterials, and conduct material synthesis and mechanical characterization independently, in addition to the literature review. |
DeliverablesLiterature review, material synthesis, fatigue and fracture characterization. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-023: Rotor-Stator Flow Interaction In Rotating Liquid Cavities for Magnetized Target Fusion
Professor Andrew Higginsandrew.higgins [at] |
Research AreaThemofluids/Energy |
DescriptionIn a concept called Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF), a plasma is compressed to fusion conditions using a collapsing liquid cavity. The liquid must be rotating to form a spherical-like cavity but is initially injected from a stationary liquid injector, resulting in a complex flow. The liquid will be injected via a stationary mesh into a rotating mesh that assists in shaping the cavity, but the flow through this rotor-stator can also result in instabilities that may cause the inner surface of the liquid cavity to become unstable, limiting the degree of compression achieved. This project will examine the development of instability on the liquid surface and how the instability may be suppressed. TasksStudent will develop diagnostic techniques (laser Doppler velocimetry, particle imaging velocimetry) to measure the magnitude of velocity perturbations in the fluid. Software for the reduction and analysis of the data will be developed. The results will be compared to modelling predictions. |
DeliverablesDetailed drawings of design, report describing operation, and analysis of all experiments performed will be delivered. The modelling code (Matlab, etc.) will be fully documented and delivered. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelNo preference |
MECH-024: Testing of Lightsails for Laser-Driven Interstellar Flight
Professor Andrew Higginsandrew.higgins [at] |
Research AreaAerospace |
DescriptionThe use of lasers to propel sails via direct photon pressure has the potential to achieve very high velocity spaceflight, greatly exceeding traditional chemical and electric propulsion sources, and enables the serious consideration of interstellar flight. However, the dynamics and stability of thin sails (lightsails) under intense laser illumination is an outstanding problem. The impact of the interstellar medium and dust grains are also a concern, particularly during laser drive. This project will examine the dynamics of very thin membranes both theoretically and experimentally. The response of a lightsail to perturbation will be analyzed both analytically and via computer simulation. Use of gasdynamic loading techniques (shock tube) and impact loading (gas gun) will enable the same conditions encountered in spaceflight to be applied in the laboratory, but without the use of gigawatt-class lasers. Experimental diagnostic techniques (photonic doppler velocimetry, 3-D digital image correlation) will be developed to study the lightsail dynamics that will eventually be applied to a laser-driven sail proof-of-concept facility. TasksStudent 1: Will examine the dynamics of sails under dynamic loading both experimentally and via finite element modelling. The experiments will use gasdynamic techniques to simulate the loading of the laser. Student 2: Will examine the impact of interstellar medium (protons, alpha particles) via molecular dynamics modelling. Concepts for shielding against charged fundamental particles will be explored. Student 3: Will examine impact of dust grains on thin films. Experimental tests will be conducted with a small gas gun. Concepts for shielding against dust grains will also be explored. |
DeliverablesStudent 1: Detailed drawings of design, report describing operation, and analysis of all shock tube experiments performed will be delivered. The modelling code (Matlab, etc.) will be fully documented and delivered. Student 2: A simulation code for modeling interaction with interstellar medium will be developed and validated against test cases in literature and available codes. A design of a sail with shielding elements will be presented and documented. Student 3:Detailed drawings of design, report describing operation, and analysis of all gas gun experiments performed will be delivered. The modelling code (Matlab, etc.) will be fully documented and delivered. |
Number of positions3 Academic LevelNo preference |
MECH-025: Rapid Transit within the Solar System via Laser Thermal Propulsion
Professor Andrew Higginsandrew.higgins [at] |
Research AreaAerospace |
DescriptionDirected energy in the form of a ground or space-based laser providing power to a spacecraft is a disruptive technology that could enable a number of rapid-transit missions in the solar system and interstellar precursor missions. This project will compare two different approaches for a spacecraft to utilize beamed laser power: (1) laser thermal propulsion, wherein a laser is focused into a chamber to heat propellant that is expanded through a nozzle and (2) laser electric propulsion, wherein a laser directed onto a photovoltaic array generates electricity to power electric propulsion (ion engine, etc.). These two concepts will be compared for a number of missions of interest, as defined by NASA: (1) Earth orbit to Mars orbit in no more than 45 days and (2) Traversing a distance of 125 AU in no more than ten years. TasksStudent will develop mission design for Rapid Transit within the Solar System using laser-driven thermal propulsion in comparison to laser-powered electric propulsion. A mission-design calculator will be developed to compare these two missions. |
DeliverablesDesign documents (spreadsheets, MATLAB code) for mission designs will be provided with documentation. A validated and tested online calculator for mission design calculations will be delivered. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-026: Robot Navigation Strategies in Unknown Environments
Professor James Forbesjames.richard.forbes [at] |
Research AreaRobotics, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Marine Engineering |
DescriptionVehicles that are able to autonomously move in the air, on the ground, or underwater must fuse various forms of sensor data together in order to ascertain the vehicles precise location relative to objects. Typical sensor data includes inertial measurement unit (IMU) data and some sort of range data from an optical camera, radar, or LIDAR. This SURE project will focus on sensor fusion with application to the air and/or underwater robotics domains using both traditional tools, such as the Kalman filter, and untraditional tools, such as Gaussian process regression. Students best fit for this position are those interested in using mathematical tools, such as linear algebra, probability theory, and numerical optimization, to solve problems found in robotics. Experience with matlab and/or C programming is desired. Depending on the students interest and/or experience, the students may work more with data, or more with theory. TasksLiterature review. Formulation of problem. Implementation of various filters. |
DeliverablesReport written in latex. Code written in matlab or C++. |
Number of positions2 Academic LevelYear 3 |
MECH-027: Design and assembly of a robotic spine V3
Professor Mark Driscollmark.driscoll [at] |
Research AreaBiomechanics |
DescriptionIf you are lucky, you have spinal stability and are free of discomfort. Unfortunately, for many, a form of collapse or mechanical failure is present. Spinal disorders and associated back pain will be experienced by 4 of 5 adults, per Statistics Canada, and hence currently represent an epidemic hindering productivity and creating a massive economic burden to developed nations such as Canada and, more locally, in the province of Quebec. The presentation of a spinal disorder, mechanically, represents a flawed stability mechanism. To better study spinal disorders and plausible solutions to correct such disorders, an analogue or robotic spine was designed. This spine uses synthetic bones (sawbones), elastics, and pneumatic muscles (McKibens). The spine has been assembled in a manner that muscle activity may be controlled by way of inflating the pneumatic muscles while the corresponding movement is documented and compared to in vivo or regular human movement. The role of this year’s SURE project will be to automate the spine robot’s behavior through control of air compressor, electric valves (currently they are manual), a positional tracking system, and to link all to a computer control system. Once complete, the robot spine should be able to move in a controlled physiological like manner while being submitted to a compressional weight. TasksCompare different loading and response scenarios |
DeliverablesReport on behaviour of spine in regards to loading. |
Number of positions1 Academic LevelYear 3 |