
Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering 2024

CHEM 001: Mechanical and Biocompatibility Testing of Novel Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Based Drug-Eluting Coating for Metallic Implants; (Coulombe)

Professor Sylvain Coulombe

sylvain.coulombe [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Nanomaterials, Medtec, Non-Thermal Plasma


Ever since their discovery, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have found numerous applications in different fields due to their extraordinary properties. In most recent investigations, a MWCNT-based drug-eluting coating for metallic implants has been developed to improve the biocompatibility of implant surfaces. MWCNTs can be synthesized by chemical vapour deposition and applied on 316L stainless steel plates by electrophoretic deposition. The first part of this SURE project consists in performing mechanical testing using a parallel plate flow chamber (PPFC) to evaluate the adhesion properties of the MWCNT coating to the metallic substrate.

Tasks per student

The student will be in charge of testing different plasma functionalization protocols on MWCNTs, performing material characterization, mechanical and biocompatibility testing, as well as interpreting the generated results. After a thorough literature review, the efforts of the student will mainly take place in laboratory spaces under the supervision of a PhD student.

Deliverables per student

The student will report their progress on a biweekly basis. By the end of the program, the student will share their methods and findings at the SURE poster event and give a presentation to the members of the Catalytic and Plasma Process Engineering lab.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


CHEM 002: Synthesis and characterization of MWCNT coatings; (Coulombe)

Professor Sylvain Coulombe

sylvain.coulombe [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Advanced materials, material synthesis, material characterization


Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have recently gained popularity in many interdisciplinary fields due to their attractive material characteristics. Specifically, MWCNTs are advantageous in biomedical applications as their high surface area allows for greater liquid-cell interactions. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is a conventional method of growing MWCNTs on metallic surfaces such as 316L stainless steel (SS). Characterizing the MWCNT-film on SS mesh is important in determining its range of applicability in the biomedical world. Various surface characterization techniques such as scanning electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, goniometry and raman spectroscopy can be used to analyze the morphology, elemental composition, hydrophobicity, and degree of defect in the MWCNT structure, respectively. The aim of this project is to characterize the surfaces of MWCNT-coated SS meshes (15 micron grid opening size) and analyzing the results. Priority will be given to upper-year students with a keen interest in material characterization, surface modification techniques using plasma and biomedical engineering.

Tasks per student

The student will be responsible for synthesizing MWCNTs, preforming material characterization techniques and analysing the results. The student will work autonomously and collaboratively in the Catalytic & Plasma Process Engineering (CPPE) laboratory under the supervision of a graduate student.

Deliverables per student

The student is expected to prepare biweekly updates on their progress. Towards the end of the SURE program, the student will present their findings to the CPPE team.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


CHEM 003: Structural characterization of proteins in solid-state materials using circular dichroism; (Dorval Courchesne)

Professor No茅mie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

noemie.dorvalcourchesne [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Protein-based materials


Proteins are typically found in hydrated environments, both in nature and in a range of functional devices (such as biosensors, biocatalytic devices, drug delivery systems, etc.). However, proteins can also be incorporated in solid-state materials and devices, including a range of plastic-like materials, solid-state bioelectronic apparatuses, and functional textiles. In particular, self-assembling proteins can modulate the mechanical, electrical, biorecognition and biodegradation properties of these materials, making them additives of choice to fabricate novel environmentally-friend devices. As these biologically-derived material emerge, unknowns remain to fully understand how proteins behave within complex solid composites.
This project consists in characterizing the structure and folding of proteins incorporated in solid-state materials using circular dichroism (CD). CD is typically employed to verify the folding and assembly of proteins in solution, but specialized instruments also allow for making these measurements in solid or semi-solid samples, including powders, thin films and hydrogels. Here, the objective is to make CD measurements on a range of solid protein samples (including natural and genetically engineered proteins) and to compare them with measurements made on proteins in aqueous solutions. The results will allow to draw conclusions about protein interactions with different polymers, nanomaterials and substrates, to determine the effects of materials processing and drying on the structure of proteins, and to correlate protein structure with materials performance.

Tasks per student

-Expression and isolation of a selection of self-assembling proteins of interest
-Fabrication of composite materials (films, gels, etc.)
-Characterization of the materials with circular dichroism

Deliverables per student

-听A short presentation during group meeting at the end of the summer
- A final report including all relevant protocols and results
- All data files

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 004: Advanced virucidal coatings based on calcium hydroxide microcapsules; (Girard-Lauriault)

Professor Pierre-Luc Girard-Lauriault

pierre-luc.girard-lauriault [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Surface Science and Engineering


Transmission of pathogens through contaminated surfaces is a significant contributor to the spread of certain microorganisms, as they can survive on surfaces for a relatively long time. There is, therefore, an established need for materials that can inhibit the transmission of infections via surfaces.

Tasks per student

- Preparation of thin coatings.
- Surface analysis and characterization of the coatings
- Literature search.

Deliverables per student

Coated set of samples and their characterization.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 005: Plasma Liquid Synthesis; (Girard-Lauriault)

Professor Pierre-Luc Girard-Lauriault

pierre-luc.girard-lauriault [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Plasma Science and Engineering


Cold reactive plasmas (ionized gases produced by an electrical discharge) have been used in several applications, including lighting and thin film deposition. A currently innovative field of research is plasma interactions with liquids for decomposition, synthesis, or generation of active species. A particularly novel direction is the use of plasmas in interaction with organic liquids to perform the synthesis of useful small organic molecules.

Tasks per student

- Contribution the design and assembly of a plasma liquid treatment system.
- Characterization of the species produced.
- Literature search

Deliverables per student

Set of treatment conditions maximizing the production of different species.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 006: Soft nanocomposites: synthesis and microstructural interrogation by dielectric and electroacoustic spectroscopies; (Hill)

Professor Reghan Hill

reghan.hill [at] mcgill.ca


Research Area

Soft matter


Microstructural heterogeneity (spanning nano- and micro-scales) of soft matter is increasingly recognized as a key factor controlling the function of synthetic and biological and membranes, responsible for the dynamics of small molecules, ions, macromolecules and viruses. Building on recent experimental and theoretical foundations in Hill's Soft Matter laboratory, hydrogel nanocomposites will be subjected to impedance and electroacoustic spectroscopy, so that the spectra may be interpreted on the basis of the size, charge and concentration of micro-gels used to dope the microstructure. This will provide an important experimental test of theory that seeks to unravel the complex coupling of electrical, hydrodynamic and elastic forces across a wide range of length and time scales.

Tasks per student

Synthesize and purify micro-gels, disperse them in a continuous hydrogel, and subject samples to impedance and electroacoustic spectroscopy.

Deliverables per student

A protocol for hydrogel nanocomposite synthesis and analysis by impedance and electroacoustic spectroscopies.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 007: Engineering vascularized living pancreatic tissue for treating diabetes using embedded 3D printing.; (Hoesli)

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca


Research Area

Biomedical engineering


Type 1 diabetes (T1D) results from autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells, causing elevated blood glucose. Islet transplantation, a promising T1D treatment, faces challenges in achieving consistent outcomes, with large cell losses happening early after transplantation because the islets are not rapidly re vascularized. Moreover, cell sourcing from deceased human donors and the need for lifelong immunosuppression to limit graft rejection are major hurdles to broad implementation. Stem cell-derived islets delivered in a pre-fabricated device that promotes vascularization could overcome some of these challenges.

Tasks per student

The trainee will learn what it is like to work in research and in biology. Moreover, they will learn fundamental skills for working in a biology laboratory such as: cell culture, pipetting, using a biosafety cabinet, best practices for documentation, etc. The student will conduct toxicity studies for novel oxygen-sensing strategies using a ruthenium complex, mouse insulinoma cells (MIN6), Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and stem cells.

Deliverables per student

Report and oral presentation on the embedded writing approach of vascularized pancreatic tissue, detailed protocol of the experiment including the preprocessing, processing and post processing, detailed electronic lab notebooks and the results of all the tests.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 008: Investigating the effect of oxygen-releasing materials and stem cell-derived vascular cells on oxygen mass transport in bioartificial pancreas devices; (Hoesli)

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Stem cells and bioengineering


Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is caused by an autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells which are located in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Replacing the beta cell mass, by transplantation of islets is the only long-term treatment for T1D. The major limitations are donor scarcity, the requirement for life-long immune suppression, and poor cell survival post-transplant due to inadequate vascularization. To address donor scarcity, human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived pancreatic cells have been developed, and several clinical trials are testing their efficacy in the clinical trials. Further, the hPSCs have been genetically modified to create immune-evasive pancreatic cells, which have the potential to eliminate immune suppression regimens. However, poor cell vascularization post-transplantation remains a major challenge.

The aim of this project is to develop a bioartificial pancreas that accommodates therapeutic islet doses in a single tissue patch 芒鈧 a concept coined as 芒鈧搈acroencapsulation芒鈧. The Hoesli laboratory is developing oxygen-releasing materials to provide short-term support of the tissues. The Aghazadeh lab has developed hPSC-derived endothelial and perivascular cells present in the human islets which can form a vascular network. The project will combine these techniques within a microencapsulation device to improve islet survival. Fundamental principles of transport phenomena will be applied to understand how to maximize cell survival while minimizing device size. This project has the potential to develop a vascularized encapsulation device, at a human scale for islet transplantation to treat T1D.

Please submit your application (cover letter, CV, transcript, 3 samples of publications/school projects) following the instructions on .

Tasks per student

The trainee will work on-site both at Hoesli lab (黑料不打烊 University, Wong building) and Aghazadeh lab (IRCM, 10 min walking distance). They will learn what it is like to work in research and in biology and acquire fundamental skills in laboratory skills such as pipetting, using a biosafety cabinet, best practices for documentation, etc. The student will learn to work with encapsulation devices and novel oxygen-sensing strategies at the Hoesli lab, and cell seeding at the Aghazadeh lab.

Deliverables per student

Report and oral presentation on the effect of seeding macroencpsulation devices with vascular cells in oxygen levels within the device.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 009: Developing a novel multi-material pancreatic islet encapsulation device to treat diabetes; (Hoesli)

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Bioengineering & materials engineering


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder where the insulin-producing beta cells are targeted and destroyed. Islet transplantation, despite being the only long-term treatment that can replace regular insulin injections, is currently limited by donor islet supply and the need for lifelong immunosuppression.
To overcome these limitations, stem cell-derived islets could be transplanted in immunoprotective encapsulation devices. However, encapsulating the cells hinders efficient mass transfer to the cells leading to graft cell loss. To overcome this, we have developed a perfusable islet encapsulation device with embedded vascular channels to enable the flow of nutrient-rich media (in vitro) or blood (in vivo) through the device for more efficient mass transport via advection while retaining the immunoprotective properties. The novel encapsulation device showed promising results in terms of cell viability in vitro although de novo vascularization within the device are yet to be explored which could further increase the device functionality.

The specific aims of this project are to (1) fabricate rodent scale devices housing encapsulated beta cells and immobilized vascular cells, (2) characterize encapsulation material properties (e.g. mechanical, mass transport) and (3) study the survival and function of the beta cells in vitro. If successful, the resulting vascularized encapsulation device would serve as an effective model for encapsulating stem cell derived beta cells to effectively treat type 1 diabetes.

Note: please submit your application in a single pdf document following the instructions on

Tasks per student

The trainee will be involved in experiment design, data acquisition, and data analysis. Wet lab techniques would materials selection and characterization (e.g. mechanical tests, permeability/diffusion studies), mammalian cell culture, device fabrication and biological studies.

Deliverables per student

Report and oral presentation on materials selection and optimization for islet encapsulation device engineering.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 010: Biomaterials for passive radiative cooling; (Huberman)

Professor Samuel Huberman

samuel.huberman [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Radiative properties of biomaterials


In a warming world, the ability to stay cool without requiring an input energy source is undoubtedly advantageous. One such promising approach is radiative cooling, where an object on earth that is directly exposed to the sun (~6000K) can cool to a temperature below ambient (~300K) by radiating to the cold of space (~3K) without any input energy source. To unlock this effect requires a careful design of the object's radiative properties. The earth's atmosphere is transparent to radiation of wavelengths ranging from 8-13 um (the atmospheric window, which serendipitously overlaps with the blackbody emission spectrum of objects at ambient temperature. On the other hand, the object is exposed to, and potentially absorbs, radiation from the sun which occurs in the visible and near infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Thus, an engineering challenge to keep materials cool is to design them with emissitivities near unity in the atmospheric window and near zero outside of this window. While there are materials that fit this criterion, many are harmful to the environment or toxic to humans.
The objective of this project is to design and fabricate environmentally-friendly biomaterials with radiative cooling properties that can be integrated into human needs, such as clothing, while minimizing environmental impact. To accomplish this, we will use silica nanoparticles as a template, which can be embedded in selected biomaterials that will act as scaffolds. We will try various surface functionalization method to optimize for radiative cooling, which will be confirmed experimentally via roof-top testing.

Tasks per student

This project is to be performed in collaboration with Prof. Noemie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne (Chemical Engineering). Tasks include:
-Fabricating and functionalizing silica nanoparticles
-Embedding nanoparticles into selected biomaterials
-Characterizing the enhanced biomaterials with various techniques (i.e., FTIR and UV-Vis)
-Performing rooftop measurements to detect the radiative cooling effect

Deliverables per student

1 report and 1 poster

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


CHEM 011: Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Engineering Education; (Huberman)

Professor Samuel Huberman

samuel.huberman [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Machine learning and Numerical Methods


With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) techniques that are increasingly available to students, the impact of such tools on education remains unclear. The objective of this project is to develop a nuanced understanding of the capabilities of large language models (LLM) as in-silico students. To this end, we will devise a series of assignments, based on the curriculum of two courses in CHEE (291 and 401) for the machines for the machines to complete and subsequently assess as is conventionally done. The outcome of this project will help guide the inclusion (or exclusion) of AI tools in engineering classrooms.

Tasks per student

-Convert the assignments to machine readable formats
-Input the assignments into an LLM (i.e., ChatGPT)
-Organize and assess the output from the LLM
-Analyze the results and summarize in report

Deliverables per student

A final report summarizing the project and presentation of a poster.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project

hybrid remote/in-person - a) students must have a Canadian bank account and b) all students must participate in in-person poster session.

CHEM 012:听Water and ice adhesion on bird feathers (Kietzig)

Professor Anne Kietzig

anne.kietzig [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Surface engineering.


In recent years we have shown that penguin feathers have interesting anti-wetting and anti-icing behaviour which can serve as inspiration for sustainable industrial applications in need for alike surface properties. In particular alike biomimicry is relevant to aerospace and utility infrastructure in northern climates. In this project, we want to explore how feathers from birds living in different habitats differ in their wetting and ice adhesion behaviour to better understand the relevant parameters for the technical implementation of alike biomimetic surfaces.

Tasks per student

This project will involve
- microscopic structural analysis of feathers
- reconstruction of "feather mats" to imitate bird plumage
- dynamic water contact angle measurements
- possibly drop impact experimentation
- ice adhesion measurements

Deliverables per student

relevant safety trainings, experimental plans to carry out research tasks, weekly research reports, presentation of research results at group meetings

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


CHEM 013: McISCE / Catalyst development for (1) CO2 capture and conversion to RNG; (Kopyscinski)

Professor Jan听Kopyscinski

jan.kopyscinski [at] mcgill.ca


Research Area

Catalysis and reaction engineering.


Catalytic and Plasma Process Engineering (CPPE) laboratory is engaged in the development and understanding of catalyzed processes and reactor engineering concepts dedicated to sustainable energy conversion technologies. Within this project, the student in collaboration with a PhD student will focus on the synthesis of novel catalysts for (1) CO2 capture and subsequent hydrogenation to renewable natural gas - CH4. The UG student will work closely together with PhD student and develop, synthesize, characterize new catalysts as well as to test them in our catalytic reactors.

Tasks per student

1. Literature review
2. Catalyst preparation (impregnation, solvotherm method, ...)
3. Catalyst characterization (BET, chemisorption, TPR, TPD,...)
4. Catalyst activity measurements (Fixed bed reactor, TGA)
5. Data analysis

Deliverables per student

Biweekly progress updates during group meetings. Final report and presentation.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


CHEM 014: Development Of A Synthetic Thrombosis For Medical Device Testing; (Leask)

Professor Richard Leask

richard.leask [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Biomedical Engineering


The goal of this project is to create a synthetic thrombosis model for testing and designing medical devices. Thrombosis plays a crucial role in adverse clinical outcomes related to various medical interventions and vascular device performance. The project involves screening the gel formation kinetics of potential surrogates and evaluating their rheological and biomechanical properties for benchmarking. An strong background in material science, fluid mechanics, and a keen interest in biomedical research are prerequisites for this project.

Tasks per student

Synthesize model thrombosis polymer gels
Quantify the gelation kinetics
Benchmark final material properties

Deliverables per student

Suitable synthetic thrombosis for new and mature thrombosis
Standard operating procedures for synthesis and validation
Report and presentation

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

Location of project


CHEM 015: Evaluation of poly(itaconyl ester methacrylate) plasticizers and rubber modifiers; (Maric)

Professor Milan Maric

milan.maric [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Itaconic acid (IA), considered a top 10 chemical for future biorefineries, has been converted to various esters and polymerized via conventional and reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP), the latter providing greater control of the molecular weight distribution and the ability to access controlled microstructures. However, the molecular weights attained have been limited and we have functionalized the IA with a single methacrylic group, which should make polymerization easier, allowing higher molecular weights to be attainable and improved mechanical properties for many applications. Our group has successfully designed a diheptylitaconyl methacrylate (DHIAMA) through multi-step esterification and borylation chemistries and demonstrated its RDRP, yielding a completely new, low glass transition temperature (Tg) polymer (poly(DHIAMA)). To further examine the possibilities with this new monomer, the undergraduate student will further expand the design space by blending or by copolymerization with more rigid monomers that are largely bio-based, such as poly(isobornyl methacrylate) (poly(IBOMA)), which is a high Tg polymer. The student will learn how to apply polymer blending of the poly(DHIAMA) with other bio-based or biodegradable polymers or to copolymerize DHIAMA with other monomers to evaluate its utility in bio-based copolymer compositions.

Tasks per student

The undergraduate student will be contributing towards developing a novel bio-based methacrylic functional monomer derived from itaconic acid (IA), cited as one of the top 12 platform chemicals for future biorefineries. This monomer, termed DHIAMA, will be polymerized to form materials suitable as plasticizers or rubber modifiers for stiff bio-based matrix polymers like poly(isobornyl methacrylate) (PIBOMA). Miscibility studies by blending the two polymers to provide toughened alloys will be conducted and compatibilization schemes will be developed to permit stability and improved mechanical properties. The student will initially learn and apply group contribution theory to estimate miscibility a priori. Further, simple binary copolymerization of IBOMA with DHIAMA to yield statistical copolymers will also be performed by the student and copolymerization models will be tested to determine reactivity ratios and predict final copolymer microstructure and recommend compositions for targeted mechanical properties. Tensile and impact strength will be also performed near the conclusion of the project. The student will learn synthetic techniques, apply characterization tools and report the mechanical properties of various compositions.

Deliverables per student

The student will have a graduate student daily to ask for routine advice, but I will be directly supervising the student, with daily visits to the lab and weekly round-table discussions with the sub-group. The lab safety officer and I will provide all safety training and ensure that the student is first properly trained on safety matters before embarking on the individual tasks comprising the project. At the conclusion of the term, the student will present their findings orally to the research group and provide a written report detailing results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


CHEM 016: Microengineered smart platforms for tissue engineering; (Moraes)

Professor Christopher Moraes

christopher.moraes [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Biomedical Engineering


Biological cells are extremely responsive to their surroundings, and understanding these cell-environment interactions is critical in (1) designing replacement tissues (pancreas), (2) building new drug-screening platforms (cardiac), or (3) creating bioinspired sustainable materials for environmental challenges (fungal mycelium biocomposites). In these projects, we will investigate microfluidic and microscale materials development strategies to guide biological cells towards these specialized functions.

Projects can involve a variety of specialized fabrication techniques, including biomaterial synthesis, cleanroom-based microfabrication, microfluidic device development, and laser machining. In addition, the student will develop cell culture, microscopy, and image analysis skills. Ultimately, the goal of experimenting with these "smart" dynamic and responsive platforms is to help us understand the design rules that govern biological materials, and then leverage that understanding for societal benefit.

Tasks per student

The student will gain experience in advanced biofabrication, materials characterization, cell culture, and microscopy techniques. More broadly, this project will require students to work across disciplines and collaborate closely with materials scientists, engineers, and biologists. Solving these broad problems requires highly-motivated, independent and driven individuals, who are unafraid to learn new fields and try new techniques

Deliverables per student

Regular meetings and updates throughout the summer with prof. and grad student mentors; Short data presentations for the research group; one formal presentation at the end of the summer; lab notebook; project report or journal publication depending on progress made.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

Location of project


CHEM 017: Determining Crystal Properties using Density functional Theory; (Servio)

Professor Phillip Servio

phillip.servio [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Humanity's increasing energy requirements, and instability in countries where most of our global oil resides, forces us to explore new/alternative methods to sustain our current quality of life. An ice-like material called gas hydrates are a possible solution to this crisis. Gas hydrates are non-stoichiometric crystalline compounds that belong to the inclusion group known as clathrates. When water molecules form a network through hydrogen bonding, they leave cavities that can be occupied by a single gas or volatile liquid. The presence of a gas or volatile liquid inside the water network thermodynamically stabilizes the structure through physical bonding via weak van der Waals forces.
At present, hydrate research is recognized as an important field due to the hazards and possibilities that gas hydrates pose. Naturally occurring hydrates, containing mostly methane, exist in vast quantities within and below the permafrost zone and in sub-sea sediments. At present the amount of organic carbon entrapped in hydrate exceeds all other reserves (fossil fuels, soil, peat, and living organisms). In 2008, a panel of experts was assembled to assess the potential of gas hydrates as a future energy source in Canada. They concluded that Canada has some of the world's most favourable conditions for the occurrence of gas hydrate, and is well positioned to be a global leader in exploration, research and development and ultimately, the exploitation of gas hydrates. Moreover, the demand for natural gas has been continuously increasing due to its relatively low emission of CO2 during combustion as well as its use as a feedstock for catalytic processes such as steam-methane reforming for the production of hydrogen.
The proposed research program will employ density functional theory modeling methods on clathrates to predict crystal properties and behavior. This is essential in order to design safe, economical, and environmentally acceptable processes and facilities to exploit in-situ methane hydrate as a future energy resource. The work will focus on 3 main hydrate crystal structures (SI, SII & SH) and will also investigate the effect of several inclusion compounds (methane, carbon dioxide, propane, hydrogen, etc.) as well as their mixtures.

Tasks per student

The student should have a strong background in multi-phase thermodynamics and crystallization processes. He/she should be fluent in programming and will learn how to use SIESTA and VASP. He/she will work closely with a graduate student on this project but must also be able to work independently and diligently.

Deliverables per student

Collection and analysis of computational data for submission to his or her supervisor. The student may contribute to the writing of portions of a manuscript that may result in a publication.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 018: Advances in energy harvesting and flow assurance through extreme high-pressure rheology; (Servio)

Professor Phillip Servio

phillip.servio [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Water is one of the most significant compounds in nature that is not only responsible for life but also plays a significant role in many processes related to energy and safety. Water can undergo two significant phase changes when it is exposed to the proper thermodynamic conditions and components: Ice and Gas Hydrate. Ice accretion on modern infrastructure such as aircrafts, ships, offshore oil platforms, wind turbines, telecommunications and power transmission lines jeopardize their integrity and pose a significant safety hazard to operators and civilians alike. Gas hydrates on the other hand, are viewed as a new/alternative method to sustain our increasing energy demands and hence, our quality of life. Naturally occurring gas hydrates have enormous amounts of stored energy that exceeds conventional carbon reserves and mostly contain natural gas. Rheometry experiments will provide a unique insight into the flow of water, in a liquid state, but also as a slurry with soft-solids (ice and hydrate). This information is essential for the design of safe, economical, and environmentally responsible processes and facilities to deal with ice and hydrate-forming systems, as well as for the exploitation of in-situ methane hydrate as a future energy resource. A novel approach will be undertaken in this work, exploring the effects of nanomaterial surfaces and polymeric additives on both ice and gas hydrate forming systems. The goal is to elucidate the behaviour of the flow of water in the presence of these surfaces and additives as it transitions to either ice or hydrate. The outcome of such work has the potential to place Canada at the forefront of technologies related to de-icing techniques that preclude ice accretion and natural gas recovery, storage and transportation.

Tasks per student

The student should have a strong background in multi-phase thermodynamics and crystallization processes. He/she will design and carry out experiments related to ice and gas hydrate nucleation, both at atmospheric and high pressures and measure rheological properties. The student will investigate the effect of various factors, such as degree of sub-cooling and inhibitor addition, that influence the rheology of the phase change. He/she will work closely with a graduate student on this project but must also be able to work independently and diligently.

Deliverables per student

Collection and analysis of experimental data for submission to his or her supervisor. The student may contribute to the writing of portions of a manuscript that may result in a publication.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 019: Fate of Plastics in Agricultural Soil and Runoffs; (Tufenkji)

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji

nathalie.tufenkji [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Environmental engineering, sustainability


The use of plastics in modern agriculture has skyrocketed in recent decades. While there are numerous sources of plastics in crop agriculture, the widespread use of plastic mulch films is a major contributor. Plastic mulch films are beneficial to reduce evaporation, control weeds, and increase soil temperature. However, they typically degrade due to exposure to climatic conditions resulting in the release of microplastics and nanoplastics directly into the farmland soil. This is highly concerning because microplastic and nanoplastics from soils can be leached into groundwater, transported to surface water through agricultural runoff, uptaken by food crops, and even inhaled by farmers as airborne dust. Our current understanding of the fate of agricultural plastic mulches is limited. The primary objective of this project is to investigate the breakdown of biodegradable and non-biodegradable mulch films under different environmental conditions relevant to agricultural soil.

Tasks per student

The student will be involved in monitoring the progression of the weathering behavior of the mulch films and comparing the properties of pristine and weathered plastics under the supervision of a postdoctoral fellow. The student will be trained in a variety of advanced microscopy and material characterization techniques, for example, scanning electron microscopy for surface visualization, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for polymer characterization, and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) for released nanoplastics characterization.

Deliverables per student

A written report containing all relevant methods and results, as well as a brief literature review, will be submitted. Additionally, the student will give a brief presentation to the lab group summarizing their work at the end of the project.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 020: Investigating the fate and transport of nanoplastics in groundwater; (Tufenkji)

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji

nathalie.tufenkji [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Plastic pollution, sustainability


The growing presence of nanoplastics in the environment has garnered significant attention from the media and the scientific community due to concerns over their potential environmental and health impacts. Unfortunately, nanoplastics have been detected in many environmental compartments, including groundwater which is the water present between soil pores. Groundwater is an important drinking water source and approximately one third of Canadians rely on it. Therefore, it is important to understand the fate and transport of nanoplastics in groundwater aquifers. Much of the research on nanoplastics has been performed with pristine polystyrene nanoplastics; however, few studies have been done with environmentally relevant nanoplastics. It remains unclear how weathering processes will impact the nanoplastic properties as well as their fate and transport. The primary objectives of this project are to investigate the stability of environmentally relevant nanoplastics in aqueous systems and their transport in porous media.

Tasks per student

The student will be trained in a range of nanotechnology and analytical/laboratory techniques that will include, for example: nanoplastic dispersion and stabilization, determination of aggregate size via dynamic light scattering (DLS), characterization of nanoplastic surface charge via electrophoretic mobility, and assessment of nanoplastic mobility via laboratory column tests. After the training completed (first month), the student will conduct research under the supervision of a postdoctoral fellow. The student will be introduced to a range of new areas including colloidal chemistry, aggregation theory, and environmental nanotechnology.

Deliverables per student

A written report containing all relevant methods and results and a brief literature review will be submitted. Additionally, the student will give a brief presentation to the lab group summarizing their work at the end of the project.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


CHEM 021: Detection of paint-based microplastics and nanoplastics in natural waters; (Tufenkji)

Professor Nathalie Tufenkji

nathalie.tufenkji [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

plastic pollution, sustainability


The escalating issue of paint pollution in our environment has attracted considerable attention from both the media and the scientific community, stemming from concerns regarding its potential adverse effects on the environment and human health. Similar to plastics, paint releases micro/nanoparticles upon degradation, posing challenges in detection and visualization due to their small size. Nevertheless, technological advancements offer a promising avenue to enhance our capacity to image and identify these paint pollutants. The principal aim of this project is to develop methodologies for visualizing and characterizing various types of paint particles, as well as examining their impacts in small aquatic organisms.

Tasks per student

The student will be trained in a range of nanotechnology and laboratory techniques that will include, for example: particle size determination by dynamic light scattering, fluorescence spectroscopy, advanced microscopy techniques as well as ecotoxicology studies. After receiving the required training in the lab (first month), the student will start working more independently. The student will be introduced to a range of new areas including microscopy, spectroscopy, ecotoxicology and environmental nanotechnology.

Deliverables per student

A written report containing all relevant methods and results, as well as a brief literature review will be submitted. Additionally, the student will give a brief presentation to the lab group summarizing their work at the conclusion of the project.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

Location of project


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