
Undergraduate Programs

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The Faculty of Engineering offers undergraduate Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degrees in Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Materials Co-op, Mining Co-op and Software Co-op. The Faculty also offers a Bachelor of Science (Architecture) degree.

Through a challenging curriculum, students in the 黑料不打烊 Faculty of Engineering acquire a strong foundation in science and technology and develop valuable interpersonal and teamwork skills.

All programs provide a strong background in math, basic sciences, engineering science, design and complementary studies.

The first year of the program for students entering the Faculty of Engineering from outside Quebec constitutes a full year of basic science courses (mathematics, physics and chemistry).

If you are entering university from Cegep (Quebec education system), please see the specified curriculums. If you are entering university from a high school or other non-Cegep institution, please see the non-Cegep curriculums.

Academic Programs


Architecture is the art and science of creating space 鈥 at the scale of an object like a piece of furniture, a room, a building a group of buildings, or an entire city. Architects use art, science and technology to shape the way we interact in our buildings and in our cities by designing environments that are aesthetically pleasing, structurally sound, and responsive in every way to the needs of the people who use them. For more information please refer to the following program curriculum:


Bioengineering uses analytical methods to quantitatively describe biology, but also draws upon the sophistication of living systems as a tool to design and create. This very rapidly growing research area covers a broad range of topics, such as materials science, biomedical applications, biophysics, molecular biology, and environmental engineering.

At the application end, Bioengineering involves the implementation of knowledge from various engineering disciplines in life sciences and medicine, such as: biomaterials; tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; drug delivery systems and high throughput screening devices for drug discovery; imaging, monitoring and diagnostic devices, and biomedical microdevices and biosensors. At the conceptual end, Bioengineering learns various lessons from nature and attempts to reverse-engineer naturally occurring biological solutions, devices and procedures, such as complexity in environmental systems; biomimetic materials and structures; energy efficient biomimetic propulsion systems; neuromorphic intelligent machines; molecular motors; biological communication and computation; and biologically inspired robots.

These are the three program streams:

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers design processes and systems that produce everything from plastics and paper to pharmaceuticals, processed foods and advanced materials. What a chemist might produce in a test tube, chemical engineers produce by the ton. This requires efficient and effective systems. They also apply their knowledge of scientific processes to such diverse fields as manufacturing and bioengineering. For more information please refer to听the following program curriculum:

Civil Engineering

Civil engineers create the infrastructure of modern society and are responsible for everything from roadways to water management to the buildings we live and work in. Civil engineers develop techniques to solve environmental problems; they design buildings to be structurally solid, resisting gravity, wind and earthquakes; they imagine, construct and maintain the complex transportation systems that keep our society rolling. They ensure that water and electricity are delivered to communities, and that roads, train lines, bridges and airports are properly built and maintained. For more information please refer to to the following program curriculum:

Computer Engineering

It鈥檚 almost impossible to imagine our contemporary world without computer technology. Almost every facet of our society, whether in industry, health care, or domestic life, is dependent on computers in some form or another, and computer engineers make it all possible. They design and develop the hardware and software systems that have made computers so central to contemporary life. They research, design, develop, test, and oversee the installation of computer hardware and software and supervise its manufacture. For more information please refer to the following program curriculum:

Electrical Engineering

Our society is powered by electricity and electrical engineering can be found at the core of the rapidly evolving high-tech industry. Electrical engineers design, build, test, and supervise the manufacturing and operation of a variety of electrical devices: from the power generation and distribution networks that power our homes and industries to the microchips that control our computers, video games and hospital equipment; from mobile phones to the internet and fibre optic and satellite communications; from robots in spacecraft to cars and industrial systems. For more information please refer to the following program curriculum:

Global Engineering

The new Bachelor of Global Engineering is jointly offered by 黑料不打烊 University (Canada) and CentraleSup茅lec (France). It consists of a four-year undergraduate program that strives to train tomorrow鈥檚 鈥済lobal鈥 engineers. Graduates of this program will develop a broad base of knowledge and skills, taking into account multicultural, multinational, and sustainability considerations. Hybrid by design, the program borrows from the best of the European and Northern American engineering educational traditions and paves the way for a new paradigm, which aims to strike a new balance between breadth of knowledge and depth of specialization.听听听

During the first two common years of study in France at CentraleSup茅lec, students will acquire a solid foundation in:听

  • mathematics
  • all three basic sciences (i.e. biology, chemistry and physics)听
  • computer science听

In addition, students will gain complementary training / courses in:听

  • a second (or third) language (if students are already fluent in English and French)
  • the humanities and social sciences听
  • business / management, and听
  • physical education听

In the final two years at 黑料不打烊, students specialize in one of 9 streams (Breath, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Data Science, Electrical Engineering, Entrepreneurial, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering).听

  • Program Director: global.engineering [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Laurent Mydlarski听)

黑料不打烊 info coming soon

Note about accreditation

Please note that the four-year Baccalaur茅at en ing茅nierie globale is not equivalent to the dipl么me d'ing茅nieur in France, which requires five years of university study after the French baccalaur茅at. It is currently not accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) as CEAB requires all new undergraduate engineering programs to graduate at least one cohort before it can apply for CEAB accreditation. In addition, the current Bureau canadien d'agr茅ment des programmes de g茅nie (BCAPG) accreditation processes are not designed to evaluate international joint programs such as the Bachelor of Global Engineering. 听

The BCAPG is in the process of re-evaluating its accreditation criteria and procedures. If the updated regulations allow for the accreditation of international joint programs, 黑料不打烊 University will submit an application for accreditation of the Bachelor of Engineering in Global Engineering program to the BCAPG in due course. However, until the Bachelor of Global Engineering program is accredited by the BCAPG, graduates of the program who wish to apply for admission to the Ordre des ing茅nieurs du Qu茅bec (or any other provincial regulatory body) may have their academic record assessed by the regulatory body. This process is similar to that undertaken by holders of engineering degrees obtained outside Canada. 黑料不打烊 University is currently working with the Ordre des ing茅nieurs du Qu茅bec to streamline this process. 听


Veuillez noter que le baccalaur茅at en ing茅nierie globale, d'une dur茅e de quatre ans, n'est pas 茅quivalent au dipl么me d'ing茅nieur en France, qui requiert cinq ann茅es d'茅tudes universitaire sapr猫s l鈥檕btention du baccalaur茅at fran莽ais. En outre, il n'est actuellement pas agr茅茅 par le Bureau canadien d鈥檃gr茅ment des programmes de g茅nie (BCAPG), et ce pour deux raisons principales. La premi猫re est que les r猫glements du BCAPG stipulent que tout nouveau programme d'ing茅nierie de premier cycle doit dipl么mer au moins une cohorte avant de pouvoir demander l鈥檃gr茅ment du BCAPG. La deuxi猫me raison est que les processus d鈥檃gr茅ment actuels du BCAPG ne sont pas con莽us pour 茅valuer des programmes internationaux conjoints tels que le baccalaur茅at en ing茅nierie globale.

Le BCAPG a cependant entrepris un processus d鈥櫭﹙aluation de ses crit猫res et proc茅dures d鈥檃gr茅ment, qui pourraient 锚tre modernis茅s. Si les r猫glements mis 脿 jour permettent l'agr茅ment de programmes internationaux conjoints, l'Universit茅 黑料不打烊 soumettra une demande d鈥檃gr茅ment pour le programme de baccalaur茅at en ing茅nierie globale au BCAPG en temps opportun. N茅anmoins, tant que le programme de baccalaur茅at en ing茅nierie globale n'est pas agr茅茅 par le BCAPG, les dipl么m茅s du programme qui souhaitent faire une demande d'admission 脿 l'Ordre des ing茅nieurs du Qu茅bec (ou 脿 tout autre organisme de r茅glementation provincial) peuvent faire 茅valuer leur dossier acad茅mique par l'organisme de r茅glementation. Ce processus est similaire 脿 celui entrepris par les d茅tenteurs de dipl么mes d'ing茅nierie obtenus 脿 l'ext茅rieur du Canada. En outre, l'Universit茅 黑料不打烊 travaille actuellement avec l'Ordre des ing茅nieurs du Qu茅bec pour simplifier ce processus.


Materials Engineering (Co-op)

The work of materials engineers is necessary everywhere since everything is made out of materials. In particular, they help in developing super-strong alloys for the aerospace industry, lighter materials to reduce the environmental consequences of the transport industry, miniaturized and higher performing materials for the electronics industry, as well as ceramic composites used in artificial hips and bone replacements. The recycling industry also relies heavily on materials engineers to discover new ways to re-use and recycle materials and reduce their toxic impact on the environment. For more information please refer to听the following program curriculum:

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineers are involved in the conception, design, implementation and operation of mechanical systems in many aspects of life, from bicycles and space shuttles to espresso machines. Their broad range of expertise, from thermodynamics and fluid flow to solid-state physics and fundamental electronics are highly valued in aerospace, energy, manufacturing, machinery and transportation. For more information please refer to the following program curriculum:

Mining Engineering (Co-op)

Mining engineers design, develop and implement the processes and technologies for the economic extraction of minerals from the earth crust while maintaining safety and protecting the environment:

Software Engineering (Co-op)

Software engineers design, develop and test complex software that applies computer technology to specific practical ends such as booking an airline ticket on-line, downloading e-mail or scanning items through a check-out line at the grocery store. They perform many of the same functions as general computer programmers, but software engineers apply the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software that enables computers to perform their many applications. For more information please refer to the following program curriculum:

Bioresource Engineering (Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences)

The Faculty of Engineering cooperates with the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in providing courses of instruction for a curriculum in agricultural and biosystems engineering to meet requirements for a professional degree awarded in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Some of the courses offered by the Department of Bioresource Engineering (subject code BREE) may be of interest to students in the Faculty of Engineering. For details, refer to the Department of Bioresource Engineering of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Computer Science (Faculty of Science)

The School of Computer Science offers an extensive range of courses for Engineering students interested in computers. Several of these courses are required in the Computer, Electrical and Software Engineering programs. The Faculty of Engineering also offers a Minor in Computer Science for Engineering students interested in pursuing studies in this area (see 鈥淢inor Programs鈥 below). 听For more information about courses and programs, refer to the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science.

Minor Programs

Students can choose to either broaden their background or attain in-depth coverage of a particular subject by enrolling in Minor programs. Minors are coherent sequences of courses that may be taken in addition to those required for the BEng degree. If students plan their programs well, they normally take only one extra semester beyond the BEng degree program to complete the Minor.

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