Publications 2015

Academic staffÌý

Boyd, A.J. | Chouinard, L.E. | Chu, V.H. ´¥ÌýFrigon, D. | Gaskin, S.J. | Gehr, R. | Ghoshal, S. ´¥ÌýLiu, J. | McClure, G. | Meguid, M.A. | Miranda-Moreno, L.F. | Mitchell, D. | Nguyen, V-T-V. | Nicell, J.A. | Rogers, C.A. | Selvadurai, A.P.S. | Shao, Y. | Shrivastava, S.C.


BOYD, A.J. (Kim, B., Boyd, A.J. Kim, H.S. and Lee, S.H.) (2015) "Steel and synthetic types of fibre reinforced concrete exposed to chemical erosion", Journal of Construction & Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol. 93, pp. 720-728.

(Nunes, M., Ormsby, C., Patel, V., Peng, T. and Boyd, A.J.) (2015) "Paraffin wax as a sealant in sorptivity testing", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 04014218 (1-8).


CHOUINARD, L.E. (Talukder, M.K. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2015) "Probabilistic methods for the estimation of seismic Fa and Fv maps – application to Montreal", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, doi: 10.1007/s10518-015-9832-0, 28 pages.

(Ghofrani, H., Atkinson, G.M., Chouinard, L.E., Rosset, P. and Tiampo, K.F.) (2015) "Scenario shakemaps for Montreal", Canadian Journal Civil Engineering, 42: 463-476,

(Keyan, Y., Chouinard, L.E. and Rosset, P.) (2015) "Seismic vulnerability assessment for Montreal", Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, doi: 10.1080/17499518.2015.1106562.

(Rosset, P., Bour-Belvaux, M. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2015) "Microzonation models for Montreal with respect to VS30", Bull Earthquake Engineering, 13: 2225-2239.

(Kalantarnia, L., Chouinard, L.E. and Foltz, S.) (2015) "An objective procedure for the optimization of inspection and testing strategies for spillways", Journal of Infrastructure Systems, (online July 8, 2015), 10.1031/(ASCE) S.1943-555X.0000259, 12 pages.

(Wolofsky, R., Chouinard, L.E., Conciatori, D., and Bastien, J.) (2015) "Updating of chloride ingress models using core data measurements", International Journal of Reliability and Safety (IJRS), Vol. 9, No. 4, P. 291-310.

(Conciatori, D. Gregoire, E., Samson, E., Marchand, J. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2015) "Sensitivity of chloride ingress modelling concrete to input parameter variability", Materials and Structures, 48: 3023-3036.

(Tamima, U. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2015) "Decision making behavior of earthquake evacuees an application of discrete choice models in numerical methods for reliability and safety assessment multiscale and multiphysics systems", Seifedine, Kadry, Abdelkhalak El Hami Editors, Springer, 12 pages.

(Shahsavari, V., Bastien, J., Chouinard, L.E. and Clément, A.) (2015) "Wavelet-based damage assessment of bridge structures in conjunction with de-noising algorithm of the principal component analysis (PCA) method", 5th International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering (AMN 2015) in conjunction with Cansmart 2015 The International Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, Vancouver, BC, July 15-17, 8 pages.

(Chouinard, L.E. and Rosset, P.) (2015) "Comparison of Vs30 mapping and observed intensity distribution in the Greater Montreal", AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, May 3-7, 8 pages.

(Ghofrani, H., Atkinson, G.M., Chouinard, L.E., Rosset, P. and Tiampo, K.F.) (2015) "Scenario shakemaps for use in earthquake risk studies in Montreal", AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, May 3-7, 8 pages.

(Ghofrani, H., Atkinson, G.M., Chouinard, L.E., Rosset, P. and Tiampo, K.F.) (2015) "Scenario shakemaps for use in earthquake risk studies in Montreal", 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, 8 pages.

(Talukder, M. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2015) "Dynamic response predictions of soil profiles in Montreal", 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, 8 pages.

(Rezaei, S.N., Chouinard, L.E., Légeron, F. and Langlois, S.) (2015) "Analysis of the effect of climate change on the reliability of overhead transmission lines", CCTC 2015, Paper Number 1570063859, Montreal, QC, 8 pages.

(Rezaei, S.N., Chouinard, L.E., Légeron, F. and Langlois, S.) (2015) "Vulnerability analysis of transmission towers subjected to unbalanced climatic loads", ICASP Proceedings 2015, Vancouver, BC, July 12, 8 pages.


CHU, V.H. (Karimpour Ghannadi, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2015) "High-order interpolation schemes for shear instability simulations", International Journal for Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 25(6), pp. 1340-1360.

(Chu, V.H. and Altai, W.) (2015) "Lagrangian block simulation of buoyancy at turbulence interfaces", Computational Thermal Sciences, Vol. 7(2), doi:10.1615/ ComputThermalScien.2015011933, pp. 181-189.

(Karimpour Ghannadi, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2015) "Shear instability in high-speed shallow flows", Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Montreal, QC, 10 pp in USB drive.

(Karimpour Ghannadi, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2015) "Mixing in shallow waters in high Froude number", Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Montreal, QC, 10 pp in USB drive.


FRIGON, D. (Tajparast, M. and Frigon, D.) (2015) "Genome-scale metabolic model of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 (iMT1154) to study the accumulation of storage compounds during nitrogen limitation", BMC System Biology, 9:43 (1-14), (IF 2.85; 2nd Quartile).

(Navab Daneshmand, T., Beton, R., Hill, R. and Frigon, D.) (2015) "Impact of joule heating and pH on biosolids electro-dewatering", Environmental Science and Technology, 49(9): 5417-5424, (IF 5:48; 1st Quartile).

(Isazadeh, S., Urbana R., Ozcer, P. and Frigon, D.) (2015) "Reduction of waste biosolids by RAS-ozonation: model validation and sensitivity analysis for biosolids reduction and nitrification", Environmental Modelling & Software, 65: 41-49, (IF 4.54; 1st Quartile).

(Navab-Daneshmand, T., Gehr, R. and Frigon, D.) (2015) "Impact of pH and removed filtrate on the regrowth of bacterial pathogens during storage of electro-dewatered biosolids", WEF/IWA Residuals and Biosolids Conference 2015: The Next Generation of Science, Technology and Management, Washington, DC, June 7-10, 11 pages, electronic distribution, [Poster presentation].


GASKIN, S.J. (Jaramillo, F., Baccard, M., Cooper, V. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2015) "Assessing the role of limestone quarry as a sediment source in a developing tropical catchment", Land Degradation & Development, doi: 10.1002/Idr.2347, Published online March 15.

(Garcia-Holguera, M., Clark, G., Sprecher, A. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2015) "Ecosystem biomimetics for resource use optimization in buildings", Building Research and Information, doi: 10.1080/09613218.2015.1052315.

(Garcia-Holguera, M., Clark, G., Sprecher, A. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2015) "Approaching biomimetics: optimization of resource use in building using a system dynamics modeling tool", Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD), April 12-15, Washington, DC, 9 pages.

(Perez-Alvarado, A., Gaskin, S.J. and Mydlarski, L.) (2015) "The effect of a turbulent background on the concentration field of a high-Schmidt-number passive scalar within a turbulent jet", 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, April 29 - May 2, Montreal, QC, 7 pages.

(Blanken, H., Tremblay, B., Gaskin, S.J. and Slavin, A.) (2015) "A numerical risk assessment for spills from oil and gas activity around the Arctic Ocean Basin", 36th IAHR World Congress, June 28 - July 3, The Hague, Netherlands.

(Perez-Alvarado, A., Mydlarski, L.M. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2015) "Passive scalar mixing of a turbulent jet emitted into homogeneous, isotropic turbulence", 15th European Turbulence Conference (ETC15), August 25-28, Delft, The Netherlands.


GEHR, R. (2015) "Comment on UV disinfection induces a Vbnc state in escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa", Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 7501-7501, June 16.


GHOSHAL, S.Ìý(Akbari, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Bioaccessible porosity in soil aggregates and implications for biodegradation of high molecular weight petroleum compounds", Environment Science and Technology, 49: 14368-14375, (NSERC, Imperial Oil), (IF=5.48).

(Li, J., Xie, X. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "A correlation equation for predicting single-collector contact efficiency of colloids in horizontal flow", Langmuir, 31(26), pp. 7210-9219 (NSERC), (IF=4.38).

(Rosshausen, G., Philip, D, Beckles, D., Akbari, A., Ghoshal, S., Hamilton, P., Tyler, C., Scarlett, A., Ramnarine, I., Bentzen, P. and Hendry, A.) (2015) "Do stressful conditions make adaptation difficult? Guppies in the oil-polluted environments", Evolutionary Applications, 8: 854-870, (IF=4.97).

(Li, J., Bjattacjarjee, S. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "The effects of viscosity of carboxymethyl cellulose on aggregation and transport nanoscale zerovalent iron", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 481: 451-459, (NSERC, FRQ-NT) (IF=2.35).

(Akbari, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Effects of diurnal temperature variation on microvial community and petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation in contaminated soils from a sub-Arctic Site", Environmental Microbiology, 17, 4916-4928, (NSERC, FRQ-NT) (IF=6.24).

(Rajajayavel, S.C.R. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Enhanced reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene by sulfidated nanoscale zero valent iron", Water Research, 78: 144-153, (IF=5.32).

(Basnet, M., Di Tommaso, C., Ghoshal, S. and Tufenkji, N.) (2015) "Reduced transport potential of a palladium-doped zero valent iron nanoparticle in a water saturated loamu sand", Water Research, 68: 354-363, (NSERC, FRQ-NT), IF=5.32).

(Kashef-Haghighi, S., Shao, Y. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Mathematical modelilng of accelerated CO2 curing of concrete in a flow-through reactor", Cement and Concrete Research, 67: 1-10, (NSERC, NCE Caron Management Canada), (IF=3.6).

(Ghoshal, S., Akbari, A. and Sharmin, S.) (2015) "New insights into factors controlling bacterial adhesion to oil-water interfaces", 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 16-20.

(Azodi, M., Piccapietra, F., Tufenkji, N. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Detection and quantification of engineered metal nanoparticles in municipal wastewaters and biosolids", 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 16-20.

(Bhattacharjee, S., Basnet, M., Tufenkji, N. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Effects of rhamnolipid and carboxiymethylcellulose coatings on reactivity of palladium-doped nanoscale zerovalent iron particles to trichloroethylene", 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 16-20.

(Akbari, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Characterization of intra-aggregate bioaccessible porosity", 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, Quebec City, QC, June 29 - July 3.

(Asadishad, B., Ghoshal, S. and Tufenkji, N.) (2015) "Metallic nanoparticles in wastewater biosolids: effects on soil enzyme activities", Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Nanotechnology, Mount Snow, VT, June 21-26.

(Azodi, M. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Dissolution behavior of ag nanoparticles inmunicipal wastewater", Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Nanotechnology, Mount Snow, VT, June 21-26.

(Bhattacharjee, S., Ghoshal, S., Basnet, M. and Tufenkji, N.) (2015) "Effects of rhamnolipid and carboxymethylcellulose coatings on reactivity of palladium-doped nanoscale zerovalent iron particles to trichloroethylene", Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Nanotechnology, Mount Snow, VT, June 21-26.

(Piccapietra, F., Azodi, M., Tufenkji, N. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Detection and quantification of engineered metal nanoparticles in municipal wastewaters and biosolids", Gordon Research Conference, Environmental Nanotechnology, Mount Snow, VT, June 21-26.

(Alizadeh, S., Vallerand, D., Comeau, Y. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Elucidating the inhibitory impact of engineered nano particles (ENPs) on aerobic biodegration and anaerobic stabilization of wastewater biomass", 98th Canadian chemistry conference and exhibition, Ottawa, ON, June 13-17.

(Basnet, M. Rajajayavel, S., Gershanov, A., Tufenkji, N. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Effect of sulfidation on the stability and mobility of nanoscale zerovalent iron particles in saturated porous media", Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors (AEESP) Research and Education Conference, New Haven, CT, June 13-16.

(Bhattacharjee, S., Rajajayavel, S., Ghoshal, S., Natesan, R.S. and Bandyopadhyaya, R.) (2015) "Enhanced trichloroethylene degradation by nanoparticles of zero valent iron emplaced in granular activated carbon", 14th Global Joint Seminar on Geo-Environmental Engineering, Montreal, QC, May 21-22.

(David, C., Akbari, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons under saline conditions", 14th Global Joint Seminar on Geo-Environmental Engineering, Montreal, QC, May 21-22.

(Akbari, A., Chang, W. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Diurnal and seasonal temperature changes affect biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in sub-arctic soils by altering microbial community", Third International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Miami, FL., May 22-25.

(Akbari, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Characterization of bioaccessible porosity in soil aggregates by micro-CT scanning", 2015 AGU, CGU, GAC and MAC Joint Assembly, Montreal, QC, May 3-7.

(Akbari, A. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Detection of engineered metal nanoparticles in municipal wastewaters", Americana Poster Contest, Montreal, QC, March 17-18.

(Azodi, M., Piccapietra, F., Tufenkji, N. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Detection and quantification of engineered metal nanoparticles in municipal wastewaters and biosolids", Canadian Water Network Conference, Ottawa, ON, March 10-12.

(Alizadeh, S., Comeau, Y., Piccapietra, F. and Ghoshal, S.) (2015) "Elucidating the impact engineered nanoparticles(ENPs) on biological activity of attached growth biological treatment process using lab scale Moving Bed Bioreactor (MBBR)", Canadian Water Network Conference, Ottawa, ON, March 10-12.


LIU, J. (Mejia Avendano, S. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Production of PFOS from aerobic soil biotransformation of two perfluoroalkyl sulfonamide derivatives", Chemosphere, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.059.

(Zhi, Y. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Surface modification of activated carbon for enhanced adsorption of perfluoroalkyl acids from aqueous solutions", Chemosphere, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.09.097.

(Munoz, G., VoDuy,S., Budzinski, H., Labadie, P., Liu, J. and Sauvé, S.) (2015) "Quantitative analysis of poly-and perfluoroalkyl compounds in water matrices using high resolution mass spectrometry: Optimization for a laser diode thermal desorption method", Analytica Chimica Acta, 881: 98-106.

(Zhong, G., Liu, J. and Liu, X.) (2015) "A fast colourimetric assay for lead detection using label-free gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)", Micromachines, 6(4): 462-472.

(Zhi, Y. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Adsorption of perfluoroalkly acids onto carbonaceous adsorbents: Effect of carbon surface chemistry", Environmental Pollution, 202: 168-175.

(Mejia Avendaño,S., Zhong, G. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Comment on Biodegradation of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) as an emerging contaminant", Chemosphere, 138: 1037-1038.

(Mejia Avendaño,S. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Production of PFOS from aerobic soil biotransformation of two perfluoroalkyl sulfonamide derivatives", Chemosphere, 119: 1084-1090.

(Mejia Avendaño,S. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Aerobic soil biotransformation of quaternary ammonium fluorinated surfactants generates perfluoroalkyl acids", SETAC 36th North America Annual Meeting, November 1-5, Salt Lake City, UT, (on CD).

(Liu, C. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Re-investigation of aerobic biodegradation of 6:2 and 8:2 polyfluroalkyl phosphate diesters (6.2 and 8.2 diPAPs) in soil", 11th Annual Workshop on LC/MS/MS Applications in Environmental Analysis and Food Safety, September 21-22, Burlington, ON.

(Yue, Z., Bakr, A., Rahaman, S. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Electrochemical carbon nanotube filters for removal of perfluoroalkyl acids in the presence of natural organic matter", American Chemical Society 250th Annual Meeting, August 16-20, Boston, MA.

(Mejia Avendaño,S. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Biodegradation potential of two quaternary ammonium polyfluoroalkyl surfactants", FLUOROS: An International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, July 12-14, Golden, CO.

(Zhong, G., Paquin, J. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Removal of polyfluoroalkyl substances from impacted water following the Lac Mégantic catastrophe", FLUOROS: An International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, July 12-14, Golden, CO.

(Liu, C. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Re-investigation of aerobic biodegradation of 6:2 and 8:2 polyfluroalkyl phosphate diesters (6.2 diPAP and 8.2 diPAP) in soil", FLUOROS: An International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, July 12-14, Golden, CO.

(Yue, Z. and Liu, J.) (2015) "Surface modification of activated carbon for enhanced adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonic (PFOS) and carboxylic (PFOA) acids", FLUOROS: An International Symposium on Fluorinated Organics in the Environment, July 12-14, Golden, CO.


McCLURE, G. (Ji, K., Rui, X., Li, L., Zhou, C., Liu, C. and McClure, G.) (2015) "The time-varying characteristics of overhead electric transmission lines considering the induce ice-shedding effect", Shock and Vibration, doi: 10.1155-2015-635230, 8 p.

(Ji, K., Rui, X., Li, L. and McClure, G.) (2015) "Dynamic respomse of overhead transmission lines with eccentric ice deposits following shock loads", IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2501029.

(Ji, K., Rui, X., Li, L. and McClure, G.) (2015) "A novel ice shedding model for overhead power line conductors with the consideration of adhesive/cohesive forces", Computers and Structures, 157(2015): 153-164, doi: 10.1016-j.compstruc.2015.05.014.

(Assi, R. and McClure, G.) (2015) "Evolution of the NBCC seismic provisions for operational and functional components in buildings", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(12): 993-999, doi: 10.1139/cjce-2014-0219.

(Asgarian, A., Mirshafiei, F. and McClure, G.) (2015) "Experimental floor response spectra for seismic evaluation of OFCs using ambient vibration tests", Proceedings 11th Canadian Conférence on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC, July 21-24, Paper no. 95210, 10 p.

(Mirshafiei, F. and McClure, G.) (2015) "Application of a three-dimensional seismic assessment method (3D-SAM) based on ambient vibration tests to few buildings in Montreal", Proceedings 11th Canadian Conférence on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC, July 21-24, Paper no. 95226, 10 p.

(Hafeez, G., Doudak, G. and McClure, G.) (2015) "Predicting the fundamental period of ligth-frame wood buildings", Proceedings 11th Canadian Conférence on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC, July 21-24, Paper no. 98944, 10 p.

"Post-earthquake functionality of operational and functional components in buildings", Proceedings 11th Canadian Conférence on Earthquake Engineering (CCEE), Victoria, BC, July 21-24, 2015, Paper no. 99065, 2 p.


MEGUID, M.A. (Saghaee, G., Mousa, A. and Meguid, M.A.) (2015) "Experimental evaluation of the performance of earth levees deteriorated by wildlife activities", Acta Geotechnica, 11(1): 83-93.

(Ahmed, M., Tran, V. and Meguid, M.A.) (2015) "On the role of geogrid reinforcement in reducing earth pressures on buried pipes", Soils and Foundations, 5(33): 588-599.

(Hussein, M.G., Meguid, M.A. and Whalen, J.) (2015) "On the numerical modeling of buried structures with compressible inclusion", GeoQuebec, September, Quebec City, QC, 8 pages.

(Hussein, M.G., and Meguid, M.A.) (2015) "Numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction with applications to geosynthetics", International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Ain Shams University, December, Cairo, Egypt, 12 pages.

(Meguid, M.A., Kamili, M. and Youssef, T.A.) (2015) "An experimental study on the creep behavior of expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam under sustained load", International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Ain Shams University, December, Cairo, Egypt, 9 pages.


MIRANDA-MORENO, L.F. (Zangenehpour,S. , Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Saunier, N.) (2015) "Automated classification based on video data at intersections with heavy pedestrian and bicycle traffic: methodology and application", Transportation Research, Part C, Vol. 56, pp. 161-176.

(Zahabi, A., Miranda-Moreno, L.F. Patterson, Z. and Barla, P.) (2015) "Spatio-temporal analysis of car distance, greenhouse gases and the effect of built environment: a latent class regression analysis", Transportation Research, Part A, Vol. 77, pp. 1-13.

(St-Aubin, P., Saunier, N. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Large-scale automated proactive road safety analysis using video data, Transportation Research, Part C, Vol. 58, pp. 363-379.

(Zahabi, A., Miranda-Moreno, L.F., Patterson, Z. and Barla, P.) (2015) "Impacts of built environment and emerging green technologies on daily transportation greenhouse gas emissions in Quebec Cities", Transportation, pp. 1-22.

(Strauss, J., Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Morency, P.) (2015) "Mapping cyclist activity and injury risk in a network combining smartphone GPS data and bicycle counts", Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 84, pp. 132-142.

(Anowar, S., Yasmin, S., Eluru, N. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Analysis of vehicle ownership evolution in Montreal, Canada using Pseudo Panel Analysis", Transportation, pp. 1-18.

(Anowar, S., Eluru, N. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "A joint econometric analysis of temporal and spatial flexibility of activities, Vehicle type choice and primary diver selection", Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2495, pp. 32-41.

(Stipancic, J., Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Saunier, N.) (2015) "A comprehensive approach to surrogate road safety in urban environments", Transportation Association of Canada Conference 2015, to be presented at the Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

(Anowar, S., Eluru, N. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Addressing population heterogeneity in discrete choice models: application to vehicle ownership in Montreal", 14th International Conference on Travel Bhaviour Research, Windsor, ON, July 19-23.

(Sahabi, A. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Comparison study on the urban transportation fuel consumption and GHG emission using real-world vs. model estimations for gasoline and hybrid electric vehicles", Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Charlottetown, PE, September.

(Stipancic, J., Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Saunier, N.) (2015) "Traffic parameter methods for surrogate safety: comparative study of three non-instrusive sensor technologies", Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) Conference, Ottawa, ON, May.

(Lesani, A., Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Fu. T.) (2015) "Development and testing of an ultra-based pedestrian counting system", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Stipancic, J. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Traffic parameter methods for surrogate safety: a comparative study of three mobile sensor technologies", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Stipancic, J., Zangenehpour, S. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Segmented ordered logit analysis of gender and bicycle-vehicle conflict occurrence at urban intersections", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Heydari, S., Fu, L. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Speeding on weekends and weekdays: note on policy implications", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Stipancic, J. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Fusion of disaggregate event records from uncoordinated traffic detectors: a case study in detector performance verification", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Strauss, J., Miranda-Moreno, L.F., Morncy, P.) (2015) "Mapping cyclist activity and injury risk in a network combining smartphone GPS data and bicycle counts", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Zangenehpour, S., Romancyshyn, T. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Video-based automatic counting for short-term bicycle data collection in a variety of environments", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Zangenehpour, S., Strauss, J. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Are intersections with cycle tracks safer?Ìý A control-case study based on automated surrogate safety analysis using video data", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Nosal, T., Miranda-Moreno, L.F., Krstulic, Z., and Götschi,T.) (2015) "Accounting for weather conditions when comparing multiple years of bicycle demand data", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(St-Aubin, P., Saunier, N. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Large-scale microscopic traffic behavior and safety analysis of Québec roundabout design", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Rondier, P., Cloutier, M.S., Saunier, N., Soto-Rodriguez, J. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Exploring road safety analysis and stakeholder engagement for small and medium sized communities", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Ghomi, H., Bagheri, M., Fu, L. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "A data mining approach for identifying key factors affecting the severity of highway-railway grade crossing collisions involving vulnerable road users", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Miranda-Moreno, L.F., Chung, C. and Amyot, D.) (2015) "A system for collecting and mapping traffic congestion in a network using GPS smartphones from regular drivers", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(St-Aubin, P., Saunier, N. and Miranda-Moreno, L.F.) (2015) "Comparison of various time-to-collision prediction and aggregation methods for surrogate safety analysis", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Chang, A., Zahai, S. Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Patterson, Z.) (2015) "Exploring evolution effects of neighborhood typologies of cycling", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.

(Anderson-Trocmé, P., Stipancic, J., Miranda-Moreno, L.F. and Saunier, N.) (2015) "Performance evaluation and error segregation of video-collected traffic speed data", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 10-14.


MITCHELL, D. (Aoude, H., Hosinieh, M.M., Cook, W.D and Mitchell, D.) (2015) "Behavior of rectangular columns constructed with SCC and steel fibers", ASCE, Structural Journal, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001165, 04014191.

(Shin, H., Yoon, Y., Cook, W. and Mitchell, D.) (2015) "Effect of confinement on the axial load response of ultrahigh-strength concrete columns", Journal Structural Engineering, ASCE, (141)6: 04014151.

(Shin, H., Yoon, Y., Lee, S., Cook, W. and Mitchell, D.) (2015) "Effect of steel fivers on the performance of ultrahigh-strength concrete columns", Journal Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(4): 04014142.

(Dutrisac, H. and Mitchell, D.) (2015) "Impact of changes in the 2015 NBCC and 2014 CSA A23.3 on seismic design forces for concrete structures", Proceedings of the 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Canadian Academy of Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, BC, July 20, 10p.

(Mitchell, D., Adebar, P., Paultre, P. and Saatcioglu, M.) (2015) "Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete structures", Proceedings of the 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Canadian Academy of Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, BC, July 20, 10p.

(Adebar, P., Mutrie, J.G., DeVall,R. and Mitchell, D.) (2015) "Seismic design of concrete shear wall buildings: new requirements of CSA Standard A23.3.-2014", Proceedings of the 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Canadian Academy of Earthquake Engineering, Victoria, BC, July 20, 10p.

(Shin, H., Lee, W., Cook, W. and Mitchell, D.) (2015) "Confinement of ultra-high-strength concrete (200 MPa) columns", 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat’15), Whistler, BC, August, 10p.


NGUYEN, V-T-V. (Gado, T.A. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "An at-site flood estimation method in the context of nonstationarity – I. A. simulation study", Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016-j.jhydrol.2015.12.063, 12 pages.

(Gado, T.A. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "An at-site flood estimation method in the context of nonstationarity – II. Statistical analysis of floods in Quebec", Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016-j.jhydrol.2015.12.064, 15 pages.

(Gado, T.A. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "Comparison of homogeneous region delineation approaches for regional flood frequency analysis at ungauged sites", ASCE, Journal of Hydrology Engineering, doi:10.1061-(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001312, 10 pages.

(Herath, S.M., Sarukkalige, P.R. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "A spatial-temporal downscaling approach to development of IDF relations for Perth airport region in the context of climate change", Hydrology Sciences Journal, doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1083103, 16 pages.

(Yeo, M.H. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "An integrated extreme rainfall modeling tool for climate change impacts and adaptation in urban areas", Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, April 29 - May 2, Montreal, QC, 10 pages.

(Zareie, A., Rahman, M. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "Comparison of multisite and single-site temperature downscaling effects on streamflow and runoff simulation", Proceedings of the 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, April 29 - May 2, Montreal, QC, 10 pages.

(Nguyen, V.T.V. and Yeo, M.H.) (2015) "Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation process at an ungagged location in the context of climate change", Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, May 17-21, Austin, TX, pp. 1145-1154.

(Nguyen, V.T.V. and Khalili, M.) (2015) "Statistical modeling of multisite precipitation processes in the context of climate change", Proceedings of the 36th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress, June 28 - July 3, The Hague, The Netherlands, 4 pages.

(Zareie, A. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "Estimation of the point-to-[area rainfall correction factors in the context of climate change", Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, doi: 10.3929/ethz-a-010549004, 6 pages.

(Herath, H.M.S.M., Sarukkalige, P.R. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2015) "Downscaling approach to develop future sub-daily IDF relations for Canberra Airport Region", Australia, Open Access Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, doi: 10.5194/piahs-369-147-2015, pp.147-155.

"Single-site and multi-site downscaling of daily temperature extremes for climate change impact assessment studies", 12th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, August 2-7, Singapore.


NICELL, J.A. (Erythropel, H.C., Brown, T., Maric, M., Nicell, J.A., Cooper, D. and Leask, R.) (2015) "Designing greener plasticizers: effects of alkyl chain length and branching on the biodegradation of maleate based plasticizers", Chemosphere, 134: 106-112.

(Khan, U. and Nicell, J.A.) (2015) "Human health relevance of pharmaceutically active compounds in drinking water", AAPS Journal (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists), 17(3): 558-585.

(Rangelov, S. and Nicell, J.A.) (2015) "A model of the transient kinetics of laccase-catalyzed oxidation of phenol at micromolar concentrations", Biochemical Engineering Journal, 00: 1-15 (submitted November 24, 2014, accepted February 26, 2015).

(Erythropel, H.C., Maric, M., Nicell, J.A., Leask, R. and Yargeau, V.) (2015) "Leaching of the plasticizer di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from plastic containers and the question of human exposure", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98: 9967-9981, (Note: while formally listed as published in December 2014, this paper was not published until early 2015 and, hence was not reported on the 2014 activity report).


ROGERS, C.A. (Mirzaei, A. Sangree, R.H., Velchev, K.,Comeau, G., Balh, N., Rogers, C.A. and Schafer, B.W.) (2015) "Seismic capacity-based design of narrow strap braced cold-formed steel walls", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 115: 81-91.

(Shamim, I. and Rogers, C.A.) (2015) "Numerical evaluation: AISI S400 steel-sheathed CFS framed shear wall seismic design method", Thin-Walled Structures, 95: 48-59.

(Hertz, J., Lignos, D. and Rogers, C.A.) (2015) "Full-scale experimental testing of extended beam-to-column and beam-to-girder shear tab connections subjected to shear", STESSA 2015 – 8th International Conference on the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Shanghai, China, Paper No. 118.

(Accorti, M., Balassino, N., Zandonini, R., Scavazza, F. and Rogers, C.A.) (2015) "Cycle response of CFS framed shear walls", 8th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, Paper No. 118.

(Motallebi, M., Goldstein Apt, N., Lignos, D. and Rogers, C.A.) (2015) "Flexural buckling of extended shear tab connections under gravity induced shear force", Structural Stability Research Council 2015 Annual Stability Conference, Nashville, TN.


SELVADURAI, A.P.S. (2015) "Indentation of a spherical cavity in an elastic body by a rigid spherical inclusion: influence of non-classical interface conditions", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00161-015-0481-y.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shi, L.) (2015) "Biot’s problem for a Biot Material", International Journal of Engineering Science, 97: 133-147.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S., Suvorov, A.P. and Selvadurai, P.A.) (2015) "Thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in fractured rock formations during glacial advance", Geoscientific Model Development, 8: 2167-2185.

(Kim,J. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2015) "Ground heave due to line injection sources", Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2: 1-14.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Kim, J.) (2015) "Ground subsidence due to fluid extraction over a circular region within an aquifer", Advances in Water Resources, 78: 50-59.

"Bridged defects in continuously and discretely reinforced solids", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, doi: 10.1007/s10665-014-9779-1.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Najari, M.) (2015) "Laboratory-scale hydraulic pulse testing: Influence of air fraction in the fluid-filled cavity in the estimation of permeability", ³Òé´Ç³Ù±ð³¦³ó²Ô¾±±ç³Ü±ð, 65: 124-134.

(Katebi, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2015) "A frictionless contact problem for a flexible circular plate and an incompressible non-homogeneous elastic halfspace", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 90: 239-245.

"Normal stress-induced permeability hysteresis of a fracture in a granite cylinder", Geofluids, Special Issue on crustal Permeability, 15: 37-47.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Katebi, A.) (2015) "An adhesive contact problem for an incompressible non-homogeneous elastic halfspace", Acta Mechanica, 226: 249-265.

"Contact problems for a finitely deformed incompressible elastic halfspace", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 27: 287-304.

"Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of poroelastic media", Handbook of Porous Media, (K. Vafai, Ed.) Taylor and Francis, U.K. Chapter 20, pp. 663-711.

"Thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of sedimentary rocks (Phase II) research conducted at the Environmental Geomechanics Laboratories at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University", Nuclear Waste Management Organization, pp. 385.


SHAO, Y. (Mofidi, A., Chaallal, O. Cheng, L. and Shao, Y.) (2015) "Investigation of near-surface mounted method for shear rehabilitation of reinforced concrete T-beams using CFRP Rods", ASCE Journal of Composited for Construction, 04015048.

(Ghouleh, Z., Guthrie, R. and Shao, Y.) (2015) "High-strength KOBM steel slag binder activated by carbonation", Construction and Building Materials, 99:175-183.

(Mahoutian, M. and Shao, Y.) (2015) "Low temperature synthesis of cement from ladle slag and fly ash", Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, doi: 10.1080/21650373.2015.1047913, Citation:RIS Bib Tex (Online).

(El-Hassan, H. and Shao, Y.) (2015) "Carbonation curing of concrete with Portland limestone cement", Cement and Concrete Composites, 62:168-177.

(Shao, Y., Zhou, A. and Mahoutian, M.) (2015) "Psuedo-dynamic carbonation for concrete curing and carbon storage", International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, 9(1): 21-38.

(Mahoutian, M., Shao, Y. Mucci, A. and Fournier, B.) (2015) "Carbonation and hydration behavior of EAF and BOF steel slag binders", Materials and Structures, 48(9): 3075-3085.

(Shao, Y., El-Baghdadi, A., He, Z., Mucci, A. and Forney, B.) (2015) "Carbon dioxide activated steel slag for slag-bonded wallboard application", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27, 040141191-1-04014119-9.

(Morshed, A., Azar, A. and Shao, Y.) (2015) "Characterizing cement carbonation curing using non-contact electrical resistivity measurement", Advances in Cement Research, 27(4): 214-224.

(Shao, Y. and Morshed, A.Z.) (2015) "Early carbonation for hollow-core concrete slab curing and carbon dioxide recycling", Materials and Structures, 48(1-2): 307-319.

(Shao, Y., Ghouleh, Z. and Guthrie, R.) (2015) "High strength carbon-activated steel slag binder", 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Beijing, China, October.

(Shao, Y., Jiang, L. and He, Z.) (2015) "Durability performance of strain hardening fiber reinforced concrete", 7th International Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Stuttgart, Germany, June.

(Shao, Y., El-Hassan, H. and Rostami, V.) (2015) "Environment-friendly concrete by early carbonation", 5th International Conference on Construction Materials, Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Vancouver, BC, August.

(Shao, Y., Mahoutian, M., Ghouleh, Z. and El-Baghdadi, A.) (2015) "Carbonation-activated steel slag binder for cement replacement and carbon utilization", 5th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering (ACEME 2015), New York, NY, June.

(Shao, Y. and Morshed, A.Z.) (2015) "Carbon dioxide utilization in hollow-core concrete slab curing", American Concrete Institute (ACI) Fall Convention, Denver, CO, November.

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