Publications 2006

Academic staff

Boyd, A.J. | Chouinard, L.E. | Chu, V.H. | Frigon, D. | Gaskin, S.J. | Gehr, R. | Ghoshal, S. | McClure, G. | Meguid, M.A. | Mirza, M.S. | Mitchell, D. | Nguyen, V-T-V. | Nicell, J.A. | Rogers, C. | Selvadurai, A.P.S. | Shao, Y. | Shrivastava, S.C.


BOYD, A.J. (Cumming, S.R., Boyd, A.J. and Ferraro, C.C.) (2006) "Tensile strength prediction in concrete using non-destructive testing techniques", Journal of Research in Non-destructive Evaluation, American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 205-222.

(Minchin, R.E., Zayed, T., Boyd, A.J. and Mendoza, M.) (2006) "Best practices of bridge system management – A Synthesis", Journal of Management in Engineering , American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 186-195.

(Hooton, R.D., Mindess, S., Roumain, J.C. Boyd, A.J. and Rear, K.B.) (2006) "Proportioning and testing concrete for durability", Concrete International, American Concrete Institute (ACI), Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 38-41.

(Ferraro, CC., Boyd, A.J. and Hamilton III, H.R.) (2006) "The use of compressed air for quality control in post-tensioned ducts", PTI Journal Post-Tensioning Institute, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 12-18.


CHOUINARD, L.E. (Chouinard, L.E., Larivière, R., Côté, P., and Zhao, W.) (2006) "Analysis of displacements in multiple arch concrete dam using principal component analysis", Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering ICCEBE XI, Montreal, Quebec, 10 pp.

(Chouinard, L.E. and Roy, V.) (2006) "Performance of statistical models for dam monitoring data", Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil Building Engineering ICCEBE XI, Montreal, Quebec, 10 pp.

(Chouinard, L.E. and De la Puente, A.) (2006) "Seismic microzonation of Montreal and seismic scenarios", Third Canadian Risk and Hazard Symposium , Montreal, Quebec, 10 pp.

(Chouinard, L.E., Erfani, R., and Taras, A.) (2006) "Spatial modeling of atmospheric icing hazards for electric distribution and transmission lines", International Forum on Engineering Decision Making , Banff, Alberta, April 26-29, 10 pp.

(Feknous, N. Chouinard, L.E. and Sabourin, G.) (2006) "Rate of ice accumulation during ice storms", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS), Montreal, Quebec, June 12-16, 4 pp.

(Chouinard, L.E., Feknous, N. and Sabourin, G.) (2006) "Design winds as a function of direction for transmission lines", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS), Montreal, Quebec, June 12-16, 4 pp.

(Sabourin, G., Chouinard, L.E., Feknous, N.) (2006) "Spatial variation of directional winds during ice storms in Quebec", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS), Montreal, Quebec, June 12-16, 4 pp.

(Rosset, P., De la Puente, A., Madriz, R., Bouchard, A. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2006) "Mitigation of the seismic hazard and risk in Montreal", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology , Geneva, Switzerland, September 3-9, 5 pp.

(De la Puente, A., Mitchell, D.and Chouinard, L.E.) (2006) "Seismic evaluation and retrofit strategy for an overpass crossing railway lines", Seventh International Conference on Short and Mecdm Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, 11 pp.

"Seismic hazard analysis for Montreal", Third Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, Quebec, October 13-16.


CHU, V.H. (Li, X. and Chu, V.H.) (2006) "Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities by overturning experiment", Proceedings of the Fifteenth Canadian Congress of Asian and Pacific Division (APD) of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), IIT Madras, 2006, Chennai, India, Theme IV, Vol. 2, ISBM 81-8424-070-8, pp. 1077-1082.

(Bouhairie, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2006) "Heat wake by deferred corrected ULTRA", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Grent, Belgium, 6 pp.

(Chu, V.H., Pinilla, C. and Altai, W.) (2006) "Buoyancy effect on turbulence using block", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Grent, Belgium, 6 pp.


FRIGON, D. (Frigon, D., Guthrie, M., Backman, T. Royer, J. and Raskin, L.) (2006) "Long-term study of an activated sludge system exhibiting a seasonal biological foaming problem", Water Research, 40(5):990-1008.

(Frigon, D., van Loosdrecht, M.C.M., Muyzer, G. and Raskin, L.) (2006) "rRNA and poly-hydroxybutyrate dynamics in bioreactors subjected to feast and famine cycles", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(4):2322-2330.

(Gilbride, K.A., Frigon, D., Cesnik, A., Gawat, J., and Fulthorpe, R.R.) (2006) "Profile of a pulp and paper mill biotreatment bacterial community", Water Research, 40(4):775-787.


GASKIN, S.J. (Khawam, W., Virjee, K. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2006) "Water demand management in the Caribbean: analysis of water tariffs and metering in Barbados", Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, 31(2):1-24.

(Carrera-Hernandez, J.J., and Gaskin, S.J.) (2006) "The groundwater modelling tool for GRASS (GMTG): Open source groundwater flow modelling", Computers & Geosciences, 32(3):339-351.

(Suerich-Gulick, F., Gaskin, S.J., S. Parkinson, E., Villeneuve, M. and Holder, G.) (2006) "Experimental and numerical analysis of free surface vortices at a hydropower intake", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE), [ISBN: 0977447405],. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 10-13, pp. 1-11.

(Carré, D.M., Biron, P.M. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2006) "A three dimensional model around paired deflectors for fish habitat enhancement", Proceeding of the RiverFlow 2006 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Ferreira, R.M.L., Alves, E.C.T.L., Leal, J.G.A.B. and Cardosa, A.H. (Eds), Taylor and Francis, pp. 1889-1895.

(Carrera-Hernandez, J.J., and Gaskin, S.J.) (2006) "Spatio-temporal distribution of potential aquifer recharge in the Basin of Mexico", Proceedings of MODFLOW 2006: Managing Ground-Water Systems, Golden, Colorado, May 22-24, pp. 1-5.


GEHR, R. (Falsanisi, D., Gehr, R., Santoro, D., Dell’erba, A., Notanicola, M. and Liberti, L.) (2006) "Kinetics of PAA Demand and its implications on wastewater disinfection", Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 398-409.

(Nessim, Y., and Gehr, R.) (2006) "Fouling mechanisms in a laboratory-scale UV Disinfection System", Water Environment Research, Vol. 78, No. 12, pp. 2311-2323.


GHOSHAL, S. (Haghighi, S.K., Goldstein, L. and Ghoshal, S.) (2006) "Characterization of NAPLs in soils using a Medical X-ray CT Scanner", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California,Ìý December 10-14.

(Haghighi, S.K. and Ghoshal, S.) (2006) "3D Imaging of contaminant phases in soils using X-ray CT Scanner", Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, North American Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, November 5-9.

(Chang, W.J., Dyen, M., Whyte, L. and Ghoshal, S.) (2006) "Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils in Arctic and Sub-Arctic conditions", Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, North American Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, November 5-9.

(Haghighi, S.K. and Ghoshal, S.) (2006) "3D Imaging of contaminant phases in soils using X-ray CT Scanner", Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, North American Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, November 5-9.

(Gravel, M.H. and Ghoshal, S.) (2006) "Evaluating bacterial cell immobilization for use in a bioluminescent biosensor", Twenty-Second Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Montreal, Quebec, November 3.

(Haghighi, S.K. and Ghoshal, S.) (2006) "Effect of freeze and thaw cycles on the mobility and morphology of residual non-aqueous phase liquids", Twenty-Second Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Montreal, Quebec, November 3.


MCCLURE, G. (Doudak, G., Smith, I., McClure, G., Mohammad, M. and Lepper, P.) (2006) "Tests and finite element models of wood light-frame shear walls with openings", Progress in Structural Engineering and Material, 8:165-174.

(Lee, P.-S., and McClure, G.) (2006) "A general three-dimensional L-section beam finite element for elastoplastic large deformation analysis", Computers & Structures, 84:215-229.

(Peabody, A.B. and McClure, G.) (2006) "The effect on broken wire loads of adding dampers to rotating crossarms", Proceedings of the 2006 Electrical Transmission Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) October 15-19, Birmingham, Alabama, 9 p.

"Recent advances in modeling the dynamic response of overhead transmission lines, Chapter 18, Innovation in computational Structures Technology, Saxe-Coburg – (Invited presentation)", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, September 12-15, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, pp. 371-392.

(Charbonneau, M., Banville, D., Guibault, P., Lemieux, S., Vincent, P., McClure, G., Zhang, X. and Holmas, T.) (2006) "Overhead transmission lines evaluation of the post-elastic behaviour of line components", Forty-First General Session of Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques (°ä±õ³Ò¸éÉ), Paris, France, August 27 – September 1, Paper no. B2-303, 8 p.

(Doudak, G., McClure, G. and Smith, I.) (2006) "Modeling the structural response of wood light-frame structures", World Timber Engineering Conference WCTE2006, Portland, Oregon, August 6-10, Paper no. 2.19.4 (on CD-ROM), 8 p.

(Doudak, G., Stathopoulos, T., McClure, G. and Smith, I.) (2006) "Field measurements of wind forces on wood building", World Timber Engineering Conference WCTE2006, Portland, Oregon, August 6-10, Paper no. 2.23.2 on (CD-ROM), 8 p.

(Assi, R. and McClure, G.) (2006) "Seismic amplification factors for telecommunication towers mounted on building rooftops", Eighth US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California, April 17-21, Paper no. 722 (on CD-ROM).

(Yao, G.C., Chen, J.Y. and McClure, G.) (2006) "Vibration behavior of rooftop telecommunication towers", Eighth US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California, April 17-21, Paper no. 170 (on CD-ROM).

(Assi, R., McClure, G., Yao, G.C.) (2006) "On predicting the seismic response of telecommunication towers mounted on building rooftops", Proceedings of the CEIS 2006 Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems, Beirut, Lebanon, June 12-14, Paper no. S128, p. 12. (The Conference was cancelled but the proceedings have been published).


MEGUID, M.A. (Meguid, M.A. and Rowe, R.K.) (2006) "Stability of D-shaped tunnels in rock under anisotropic stress conditions", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-9.

(Nunes, M. and Meguid, M.A.) (2006) "The near-face displacement of D-shaped tunnels in isotropic & anisotropic media", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 11A. Paper No. 652.

(Nunes, M. and Meguid, M.A.) (2006) "The analysis of D-shaped tunnels under anisotropic stress conditions", Fifty-Ninth Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October, (on CD-ROM), 7 pp.

(Meguid, M.A., Mattar, J., Nunes, M. and Saxe, S.) (2006) "On the physical modeling of tunnels in soft ground", Fifty-Ninth Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October, (on CD-ROM), 5 pp.

(Meguid, M.A., and Dang, K.) (2006) "On the numerical modeling of tunnels in structured clay", Fifty-Ninth Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October, (on CD-ROM), 8 pp.


MIRZA, M.S. (2006) "Some Consideration in Design of Bridges for Durability and Sustainability - Part I", Seventh International Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, August 23-25.

"Some Considerations in Design of Bridges for Durability and Sustainability - Part I", Seventh International Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, August 23-25.

"Durability and Sustainability of Infrastructure - A State-of-the-Art Report", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33 Number 6, June, pp. 639-649.

"Durability Design of Infrastructure and Some Related Issues", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33 Number 6, June, pp. 650-672.

(E. Leyne, M. Saifuzzaman, M.S. Mirza, P. Jeffs, N. Kadoum and R. Grieve.) (2006) "Performance of Patch Repairs in Chloride-Contaminated Concrete", Infra 2006-Quebec Under Construction: Optimizing Infrastructure Resources, Quebec City, Quebec, November 20-22.

"Revised Estimate of the Municipal Infrastructure Deficit – 2007", A report submitted to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Montreal, Quebec, May 2, 2007.


MITCHELL, D. (Tremblay, R. and Mitchell, D.) (2006) "Collapse during construction of a precast girder bridge", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 19, No. 2, May, pp. 1-13.

(De la Puente, A., Mitchell, D. and Chouinard, L.) (2006) "Seismic evaluation and retrofit strategy for an overpass crossing railway lines", Seventh International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, August, Paper RR-018, p. 11.


NGUYEN, V-T-V. (Nguyen, V-T-V. and Hans, S-Y.) (2006) "Stochastic modeling of rainfall process: A comparative study using data from different climatic conditions", Journal of Hydrologic Environment, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 15-33.

(Nguyen, V-T-V., Nguyen, T.D. and Gachon, P.) (2006) "On the linkage of large scale climate variability with local characteristics of daily precipitation and temperature extremes: An evaluation of statistical downscaling methods", Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 4: Hydrological Sciences, World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 1-9.

(Nguyen, V-T-V. and Hussain, A.) (2006) "On stochastic modeling of daily rainfall process", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Nice, France, September 4-8, Vol. 2, pp. 1519-1526.

(Nguyen, V-T-V., Nguyen, T.D., and Cung, A.) (2006) "A statistical downscaling approach to development of intensity-duration-frequency relations in consideration for climate variability and change", Seventh International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, St-Moritz, Switzerland, December 6-10, pp. 151-157.

(Li, Q. and Nguyen, V-T-V.) (2006) "Statistical downscaling of daily temperature extremes by regression methods", APHW Conference on Wise Water Resources Management Toward Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction, October 16-18, 9 pp.

"Downscaling methods for evaluating the impact of climate change and variability on hydrological regime at basin scale", Workshop on Study of Ecological Life Cycles in Cities and Middle Grade Mountain Areas, Nihon University, Koriyama, Japan, August 2, pp. 99-106 (Keynote Paper).

"Some recent advances in statistical modeling of extreme rainfall processes for urban drainage system design", Fifteenth International Seminar on Urban Flood Disaster Management Technology, Seoul, Korea, December 12, pp. 93-107 (Invited Paper).

"Downscaling methods for evaluating the impact of climate change and variability on hydrological regime at basin scale", Workshop on Study of Ecological Life Cycles in Cities and Middle Grade Mountain Areas, Nihon University, Koriyama, Japan, August 2, pp. 99-106 (Keynote Paper).

(Gachon, P., Dibike, Y. and Nguyen, V-T-V.) (2006) "Climate change and extremes in northern Canada: Statistical downscaling results using two driving coupled GCMs", Third Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Asia,Ìý July 10-14, p. 209 (Invited Paper).

"Impacts of climate variability and change on hydrology and water resources", Third Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Asia, July 10-14, p. viii (Distinguished Lecture).

(Pharasi, S. and Nguyen, V-T-V.) (2006) "Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation process by regression methods", Third Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Asia, July 10-14, p. 269 (Invited Paper).

"On regional estimation of floods for ungaged sites", Third Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Asia, July 10-14, p. 254 (Invited Paper).

(Nagabayashi, H. and Nguyen, V-T-V.) (2006) "Climate change and its impact on the hydraulic conditions of Lake Inawashiro Basin in Japan", Third Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Asia, July 10-14, p. 214 (Invited Paper).

(Nguyen, T-D, Nguyen, V-T-V., Gachon, P. and Mailhot, A.) (2006) "A spatial-temporal approach for constructing intensity-duration-frequency curves using climate change scenarios simulated by Global circulation model for Quebec region Canada", Third Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore, Asia, July 10-14, pp. 206-207.


NICELL, J.A. (Henshaw, P., Nicell, J.A. and Sikdar A.) (2006) "Odour impact parameters for an industrial facility", Atmospheric Environment, 40, 1016-1029.

(Kim, Y.-J. and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Laccase-catalyzed oxidation of aqueous triclosan", Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 81, 1344-1352.

(Kim, Y.-J. and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Laccasse-catalyzed oxidation of bisphenol A with the aid of polymer additives", Process Biochemistry, 41:5, 1029-1037.

(Kim, Y.-J. and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Impact of reaction conditions on laccase-catalyzed oxidation of bisphenol A", Bioresource Technology, 97:12, 1431-1442.

(Kurniawati, S. and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "A pseudo steady-state model of the kinetics of laccase-catalyzed oxidation of aqueous phenol", Journal of Chemical Technology Biotechnology, 81, 1198-1208.

(Lin, X.J., Barrington, S., Nicell, J.A., Choinière and Vézina) (2006) "Influence of windbreaks on livestock odor dispersion plume in the field", Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 116 263-272.

(Nalli, S., D.G. Cooper and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Interaction of metabolites with R. rhodochrous during the biodgradation of di-ester plasticizers", Chemosphere, 65, 1510-1517.

(Nalli, S., D.G. Cooper and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Metabolites from the biodegration of di-ester plasticizers", The Science of the Total Environment, 366, 286-294.

(Grochowalski, A.R., Horn, O.J., Nalli, S., Cooper, D.G. and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Origin of 2-ethylhexanol as a VOC", Environmental Pollution, 140, 181-185.

(Kurniawati, S. and Nicell, J.A.) (2006) "Comprehensive kinetic model of laccase-catalyzed oxidation of phenol", Proceedings of the Division of Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society, September 10-14, San Francisco, California. (on CD-ROM).

(Lin, X.J., Barrington, S., Nicell, J.A., Choinière, D.) (2006) "Simulation of odour dispersion by natural windbreaks", Proceedings of the Twelfth RAMIRAN International Conference, Technology for Recycling of Manure and Organic Residues in a Whole-Farm Perspective, September 11-13, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 195-198.

(Nicell, J.A. and Henshaw, P.) (2006) "Odor impact assessments based on dose-response relationships and spatial analyses of population response", Proceedings of Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) Odors and Air Emissions, Hartford, Connecticut, April 10-12, (on CD-ROM).


ROGERS, C.A. (Branston, A.E., Boudreault, F.A., Chen, C.Y. and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Light-gauge steel-frame-wood structural panel shear wall design method", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 872-889.

(Branston, A.E., Chen, C.Y., Boudreault, F.A., and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Testing of light-gauge steel-frame – wood structural panel shear walls", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33 No. 5, 561-572.

(Chen, C.Y., Boudreault, F.A., Branston, A.E. and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Behaviour of light-gauge steel-frame – wood structural panel shear walls", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33 No. 5, 573-587.

(Mastrogiuseppe, S., Rogers, C.A., Tremblay, R. and Nedisan, C.D.) (2006) "Influence of non-structureal components on roof diaphragm stiffness of single-storey steel buildings", Eighteenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Orlando, Florida, 507-531.

(Blais, C. and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Testing and design of light gauge steel frame/9mm OSB panel shear walls", Eighteenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Orlando, Florida, 637-662.

(Chen, C.Y., Okasha, A.F. and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Analytical predictions of strength and stiffness of light gauge steel frame/wood panel shear walls", International Conference on Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics and Construction, University of Waterloo, 381-391.

(Boudreault, F.A., Blais, C. and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Seismic force modification for light gauge steel frame/wood panel shear walls", Eighth US National Conference on Earthquake on Engineering, San Francisco, California, Paper No. 1305.

(Al-Kharat, M. and Rogers, C.A.) (2006) "Capacity based performance of light gauge steel strap braced walls", Eighth US National Conference on Earthquake on Engineering, San Francisco, California, Paper No. 1306.


SELVADURAI, A.P.S. (Selvadurai, A.P.S., and Yu, Q.) (2006) "Constitutive modeling of a polymeric material subjected to chemical exposure", International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 22, pp. 1089-1122.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dong, W.) (2006) "Modeling of advection-dominated transport in a porous column with a time-decaying flow field", Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 63, pp. 261-288.

"Deflections of a rubber membrane", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54, pp. 1093-1119.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dong, W.) (2006) "Numerical modeling of advective transport in the presence of fluid pressure gradients", International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 30, pp. 615-634, doi.10.1002/nag 494.

"Gravity-driven advective transport during deep geological disposal of contaminants", Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L08408, doi:10.1029/2006GL025944.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Dong, W.) (2006) "A time-adaptive scheme for the accurate solution of the advection equation with a transient flow velocity", Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, Vol. 12, pp. 41-53.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Willner, K.) (2006) "Surface-stiffened elastic halfspace under the action of a horizontally directed Mindlin force", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 48, pp. 1072-1079.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q.) (2006) "On the indentation of a polymeric membrane", Proceedings of the Royal Society Mathematical and Physical Sciences Series A, 462, pp. 189-209.

(Dong, W. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2006) "An image processing technique for determining the concentration of a chemical in a fluid-saturated porous medium", Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 25, pp. 385-391.

"Non-linear mechanics of cracks subjected to indentation", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33, pp. 766-775.

"On recent analytical results for advective transport in fluid-saturated porous media", In Modern Trends in Geomechanics-Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 106 (W. Wu and H.S. Yu, Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modern Developments in Geomechanics, Vienna, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 361-374.

"On polymeric membranes subjected to chemical exposure", Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Pennsylvania State University, pp. 132.

"Betti’s reciprocal theorem and compact results for inclusion and contact problems", Angewandte und Experimentelle Mechanik: Ein Querschnitt (K. Willner und M. Hanss, Hrsg.), Der Andere Verlag, Tönning, Germany, pp. 233-248.


SHAO, Y. (Monkman, S. and Shao, Y.) (2006) "Assessing carbonation behavior of cementitious materials", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 18(6), pp. 768-776.

(Shao, Y., Mirza, M.S. and Wu, X.) (2006) "CO2 Sequestration using calcium-silicate concrete", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33, pp. 776-784.

(Shao, Y. and Shanmugam, J.) (2006) "Moment capacity and deflection limit of pultruded FRP sheet piles", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) , Journal of Composites for Construction, 10(6), pp. 520-528.

"Characterization of pultruded composites for waterfront retaining structures", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 18(5), pp. 626-633.

(Monkman, S. and Shao, Y.) (2006) "Beneficial use of carbonation for concrete", Recent Advances in Concrete Technology, American Concrete Institute (ACI) Special Publication, Vol. 235, pp. 147-162.

(Shao, Y. and Darchis, F.) (2006) "Load carrying capacities of pultruded FRP sheet piling", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on FRP composites in Civil Engineering, Canada International Conference on Education (CICE), Miami, Florida, December, pp. 171-174.

(Shao, Y. and Shi, S.) (2006) "Carbonation curing for making concrete products – an old concept and a renewed interest", Proceedings of American Concrete Institute (ACI) International Symposium on Concrete Technology for Sustainable Development, Xian, China, September 19-22, pp. 823-828.

(Shao, Y. and Monkman, S.) (2006) "Carbonation cementitious materials and their role in CO2 sequestration", International Symposium on Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties, Ed. M. Konsta-Gdoutos, Springer, pp. 353-359.

(Shao, Y., Monkman, S. and Zhou, A.) (2006) "A New CO2 sequestration process via concrete production", Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) 2006 Climate Change Conference, May 11-12, Ottawa, Ontario. (on CD-ROM).

(Shao, Y. Chang, J., and Wang, S.) (2006) "CO2 mineralization in calcium silicate building products", Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, May 8-11, Alexandria, Virginia, (on CD-ROM).


SHRIVASTAVA, S.C. (2006) "Analyses and experiments related to wrinkling of membranes", Paper No. IMECE-15231, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (ASME) International Conference, November 5-10, Chicago, Illinois.

"Plastic Bifurcation buckling of spherical sandwich shells", International Symposium on Trends in Application of Mathematics to Mechanics (STAMM), Austria, Vienna, July 10-14, p. 1274.

(Shrivastava, S.C. and Reimbold, M.A.) (2006) "Buckling analysis related to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis", Paper No. 7106, Abstracts of the Fifth World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July 29-August 4, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39, Supplement 1, p. S102.

(Shrivastava, S.C. and Conner, P.) (2006) "Nonlinear tension field finite element analysis of expanded skin flaps", Paper No. 7568, Abstracts of the Fifth World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July 29-August 4, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 39, Supplement 1, p. S393.

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