Publications 2005

Academic staff

Chouinard, L.E. | Chu, V.H. | Gaskin, S.J. | Gehr, R. | Ghoshal, S. | Haider, M. | McClure, G. | Meguid, M.A. | Mirza, M.S. | Mitchell, D. | Nguyen, V-T-V. | Nicell, J.A. | Rogers, C. | Selvadurai, A.P.S. | Shao, Y. | Shrivastava, S.C.

CHOUINARD, L.E. (Feknous, N., Chouinard, L.E. and Sabourin, G.) (2005) "Rate of ice accumulation during ice storms", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, (IWAIS 2006), Montreal, Canada, June 12-16, 4 pp.

(Chouinard, L.E., Feknous, N. and Sabourin, G.) (2005) "Design winds as a function of direction for transmission lines", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, (IWAIS 2006), Montreal, Canada, June 12-16, 4 pp.

(Sabourin,G., Chouinard, L.E. and Feknous, N.) (2005) "Spatial variation of directional winds during ice storms in Quebec", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, (IWAIS 2006), Montreal, Canada, June 12-16, 4 pp.

(Rosset, P., De la Puente, A., Madriz, R., Bouchard, A. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2005) "Mitigation of the seismic hazard and risk in Montreal", First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, September 3-9.

(Rosset, P., De la Puente, A., Chouinard, L.E. and Mitchell, D.) (2005) "Seismic risk mitigation for the Montreal Urban Community, soil amplification development and application, journ茅es luxembourgeoises de g茅odynamique, JLG93", European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology, Brussels, Belgium, 8 pp.

CHU, V.H. (Li, X. and Chu, V.H.) (2005) "Experimental and numerical study of Reyleigh-Taylor Instabilities", Science and Technology Review, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 30-32.

(Bouhairie, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2005) "Surface heat emissions from the back of a circular cylinder in a crossflow", Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (ISBNO-7717-0628-6), Montreal, Quebec, pp. 228-229.

(Pinilla, C. and Chu, V.H.) (2005) "Turbulence by Kevin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilites", Proceedings of the 20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (ISBNO-7717-0628-6), Montreal, Quebec, pp. 201-202.

GASKIN, S.J. (Virjee, K. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "A fuzzy cost-recovery criterion for sustainable rural water supply systems", Energy, 30(8):1329-1341.

(Biron, M.P., Robson, C., Lapointe, M.F. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "Three-dimensional flow dynamics around deflectors", River Research and Applications, 21:961-975.

(Suerich-Gulick, F., Gaskin, S.J., S. Parkinson, E. and Villeneuve, M.) (2005) "Free surface simulation of hydraulic turbine intakes", Proceedings of 23rd CADFEM Users鈥 Meeting 2005, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANS YS CFX and ICEM CFD Conference, Bonn, Germany, November 9-11, pp. 1-8.

(Carrera-Hernandez, J.J., and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "Geographic information systems and relational database management systems in groundwater flow modeling, IAH-Spanish chapter", International Workshop: From Data Gathering and Groundwater Modeling to Integrated Management, Alicante, Spain, October 4-8, pp.1-6.

(Carr茅, D., Biron, P.M. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "Flow dynamics and sediment transport around paired deflectors for fish habitat enhancement", Proceedings of 17th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta,听 August 17-19, pp. 1-10. Prize for best student paper/presentation at conference.

(Hayward, D. and Gaskin S.J.) (2005) "Sustainable waste management systems", Proceedings of 33rd Annual General Conference of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Toronto, Ontario, June 2-4, pp.1-10.

(Lavertu, T., Wahab, A., Mydlarski, L. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "The effect of background turbulence on differential diffusion in a turbulent jet", Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society, Chicago, Illinois, November 20-22. Abstract published in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 50, No. 9, p. 121.

(Biron, P.M, Carr茅, D., and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "Use of large-scale PIV to validate a 3D numerical model around flow deflectors for fish habitat rehabilitation in the Nicolet River, Quebec", Geosalar Conference, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Quebec City, Quebec, November 17-18.

(Lavertu, T., Gaskin, S.J. and Mydlarski, L.) (2005) "Effects of radical position and Reynolds number in differential diffusion in a turbulent jet", Presented at the 20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Quebec, May 30 鈥 June 2. Published in the Proceedings of the 20th. Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, p. 587-588.

(Biron, P.M., Carr茅, D. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2005) "Assessment of a stream deflector restoration project for fish habitat enhancement in the Nicolet River, Quebec", Canadian Association of Geographer (CAG) Annual meeting 2005: Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Meeting, London, Ontario, May 31 鈥 June 4, p. 1.

GEHR, R. (Peng, J., Qiu, Y. and Gehr, R.) (2005) "Characterization of permanent fouling on the surfaces of UV lamps used for wastewater disinfection", Water Environment Research, 77, 4, pp. 309-322.

(Comeau, Y., Gehr, R., Brown, H. and Meunier, C.) (2005) "Contribution des boues d鈥 alun d鈥檜sines de traitement d鈥檈au potable 脿 dephosphatation chimique des eaux r茅siduaires au Qu茅bec", Vecteur Environnement, 38, 2, pp. 53-57.

(Martin, N., and Gehr, R.) (2005) "Photoreactivation following combined peracetic acid-uv disinfection of a physicochemical effluent", Proceedings of Third International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies (IUVA), Whistler, British Columbia, May 24-27.

"Collimated Beam Tests: Their limitations for assessing wastewater disinfectability and proposal for an additional evaluation parameter", Proceedings of Third International Congress on Ultraviolet Technologies (IUVA), Whistler, British Columbia, May 24-27.

(Santoro, D., Gehr, R., Bartrand, T.A., Liberti, L., Notarnicola, M., Dell鈥 Erba, A., Falsanisi, D. and Haas, C.N.) (2005) "Wastewater disinfection by PAA: Relating residual measurements and inactivation", WEF/AWWA/IWA/AWPCA Disinfection Specialty Conference, Mesa, Arizona, February 6-9.

(Chen, D., Dong, S. and Gehr, R.) (2005) "Alternative disinfection mechanisms for wastewaters using combined PAA/UV processes", WEF/AWWA/IWA/AWPCA Disinfection Specialty Conference, Mesa, Arizona, February 6-9.

GHOSHAL, S. (Ghoshal, S. and Haghighi, S.) (2005) "Computed tomography imaging of non-aqueous phase liquids in porous", Media AEESP Research and Education Conference, Potsdam, New York, July 23-27.

(Keane, A., Lau, P.C.K. and Ghoshal, S.) (2005) "Development and use of a bioluminescent biosensor for assessing the bioavailability of organic pollutants in surfactant micelles", Proceedings of the 79th American Chemical Society Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Potsdam, New York, June.

HAIDER, M. (See School of Urban Planning)

MCCLURE, G. (Doudak, G., McClure, G., Smith, I., Hu, L. and Stathopoulos, T.) (2005) "Monitoring structural response of a wooden light-frame industrial shed building to environmental loads", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(5), 794-805.

(Karouf, N., McClure, G., and Smith, I.) (2005) "Post-Elastic behavior of single and double-bolt timber connections", American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(1), 188-196.

(Kalman, T., McClure, G., Farzaneh, M. and Kollar, L.E.) (2005) "Dynamic behavior of iced cables subjected to mechanical shocks", Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Cable Dynamic, AIM Ed., Charleston, South Carolina, pp. 339-346.

(Peabody, A.B. and McClure, G.) (2005) "Modeling the overhead power line post spring-damper using ADINA", Proceedings of the Third Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Elsevier, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 14-17, 10 p.

(Assi, R., McClure, G., and Yao, G.C.) (2005) "Floor acceleration demands for 11 instrumented buildings in Taiwan during the 1999 Chi Chi earthquake", Proceedings of the Structures Congress, ASCE Ed., New York, New York, April 20-24, 11 p.

MEGUID, M.A. (Meguid, M.A. and Rowe, R.K.) (2005) "Stability of D-shaped tunnels in rock under anisotropic stress conditions", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-9.

(Nunes, M. and Meguid, M.A.) (2005) "The near-face displacement of D-shaped tunnels in isotropic and anisotropic media", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 11A. Paper No. 652.

"On the face stability of tunnels in weak rocks", Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, June, CD, 9pp.

MIRZA, M.S. (Ali, H. and Mirza, M.S.) (2005) "Corrosion in prestressed concrete", International Congress on Challenges of Concrete Construction, Thomas Telford Ltd., July.

(Garcia, T. and Mirza, M.S.) (2005) "Effect of reinforcement of AAR expansion in Concrete", International Congress on Challenges of Concrete Construction, Thomas Telford Ltd., July.

(Gaudreau, K., Morrison, T., Munro, E. and Mirza, M.S.) (2005) "Climate change and Canada鈥檚 Infrastructure", Canadian Civil Engineer, July.

(Sipos, C. and Mirza, M.S.) (2005) "Digitized GIS-Based inventory of water supply and sewage disposal systems and their condition assessment and diagnosis", Centre d鈥檈xpertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU INFRA 2005), November.

(Jefremczuk, S. and Mirza, M.S.) (2005) "Chloride ingress and transport in cracked concrete", Centre d鈥檈xpertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU INFRA 2005), November.

MITCHELL, D. (Mitchell, D., Cook, W.D. and Dilger, W.) (2005) "Effects of size, geometry and material properties on punching shear resistance", Special Publication 232 on Punching Shear in Reinforced Concrete Slabs, American Concrete Institute, November pp. 39-56.

(Dilger, W., Birkle, G. and Mitchell, D.) (2005) "Effect of flexural reinforcement on punching shear resistance", Special Publication 232 on Punching Shear in Reinforced Concrete Slabs, American Concrete Institute, November pp. 57-74.

(Mitchell, D., Cook, W.D., Alameer, M. and Fu, Z.) (2005) "Strategic use of fibres for improved structural performance", CONMAT鈥05 and Mindess Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 22-24, CD-ROM Paper 3, Session 2.

(Yoon, Y.S., Lee, J.H. and Mitchell, D.) (2005) "Enhanced transmission of ultra-high-strength concrete column loads in slab-column connections using steel fibres", CONMAT鈥05 and Mindess Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 22-24, CD-ROM Paper 1, Session 68.

NGUYEN V.T.V. (Peyron, N., Nguyen, V-T-V. and Rivard, G.) (2005) "Un mod猫le optimal de pluie de projet pour la conception des r茅seaux de drainage urbain", Annales du b芒timent et des travaux publics, No. 3, pp. 35-42.

"Section 5.7: Frequency analysis of rainfall, Guide to Hydrological Practices", World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 22 pp.

(Nguyen, V-T-V. and Nguyen, T.D.) (2005) "On estimation of extreme rainfall events", International Symposium on Ecohydrology, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, November 21-26, UNESCO IHP-IV Technical Documents in Hydrology, No. 4, pp. 93-97.

NICELL J.A. (Kurniawati, S., and Nicell, J.A.) (2005) "Kinetic model of laccase-catalyzed oxidation of aqueous phenol", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 91(1).

(McAlpine, L., Gandell, T., Winer, L., J. Gruzleski, Mydlarski, L., Nicell, J.A., and Harris, R.) (2005) "A collective approach towards enhancing undergraduate engineering education", European Journal of Engineering Education, 30(3):377-384.

(Wagner, M. and Nicell, J.A.) (2005) "Evaluation of horseradish peroxidase for the treatment of estrogenic alkylphenols", Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 40(2):145-154.

"New approaches to odour impact assessment", Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association Conference 鈥淓nvironmental Nuisances: Noise, Odour and Fugitive Dust鈥, May 9-11, Toronto, Ontario, (available online at ).

(Gong, G.C., Han, B., Nicell, J.A., Chen, K. and Li, K.Q.) (2005) "Influence of indoor thermal stratification and indoor air stability on indoor pollution transport property", Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005: 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, September 4-9, Beijing, China, pp. 2561-2565.

ROGERS C.A. (Tremblay, R., and Rogers, C.A.) (2005) "Impact of capacity design provisions and period limits on the seismic design of low-rise steel buildings", International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 1-22.

(Branston, A.E., Boudreault, F.A., and Rogers, C.A.) (2005) "Method for the design of light gauge steel frame/wood panel shear walls", Fourth International Conference of Advances in Steel Structures, Shanghai, China, pp. 1347-1352.

(Tremblay, R. and Rogers, C.A.) (2005) "Influence of seismic design requirements and building period on the design of low-rise steel buildings", Fourth International Conference of Advances in Steel Structures, Shanghai, China, pp. 1359-1364.

(Tremblay, R., Velev, N., Merzouq, S., Blais, C., Leclerc, M., L茅ger, P., Massicotte, B. and Rogers, C.A.) "Multi-purpose earthquake simulation testing set-up for seismic force resisting systems of multi-storey buildings", First International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 533-540.

SELVADURAI A.P.S. (Selvadurai, A.P.S., Boulon, M.J. and Nguyen, T.S.) (2005) "The permeability of an intact granite", Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 162, pp. 373-407.

"Plane cracks with frictionally constrained surfaces", Computers and Structures: An International Journal, Vol. 83, pp. 727-739.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Yu, Q.) (2005) "Mechanics of a discontinuity in a geomaterial", Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 32, pp. 92-106.

(Hill, J.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2005) "Mathematics and mechanics of granular materials", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 52, pp. 1-9.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S., Willner, K. and Gaul, L.) (2005) "On frictionally constrained wing-cracks", Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 32, pp. 133-151.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Shirazi, A.) (2005) "An Elliptical disc anchor in a damage-susceptible poroelastic medium", International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 16, pp. 2017-2039.

(Nguyen, T.S., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Armand, G.) (2005) "Modeling of the FEBEX THM experiment using a state surface approach", International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 42, pp. 639-651.

(Alonso, E.E. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2005) "The FEBEX benchmark test: case definition and comparison of modeling approaches", International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 42, pp. 611-638.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S., and Yu. Q.) (2005) "Indentation of a chemically-treated polymeric membrane", Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, Vol. 9, pp. 85-110.

(Yu. Q. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2005) "Mechanical behaviour of a plasticized PVC subjected to thanol exposure", Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 89, pp. 109-124.

(Shirazi, A. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2005) "Lateral loading of a rock socket embedded in a damage-susceptible poroelastic solid", International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 5, pp. 276-295.

SHAO Y. (Shao, Y. and Monkman, S.) (2005) "Sequestering exhaust CO2 in concrete through early age curing", Proceedings of International Symposium on sustainable development of cement and concrete, October 5-7, Toronto, Ontario.

(Shao, Y., Zhou, X. and Wu, X.) (2005) "Carbonated concrete products for carbon uptake and strength gain", Invited Paper, Third International Conference on Construction Materials, Vancouver, British Columbia, August, CD-ROM.

(Shao, Y. and Wu, Z.) (2005) "Pultrusions for Construction", Fifth Canadian International Composites Conference, CANCOM, Vancouver, British Columbia, August, CD-ROM.

(Shao, Y. and Peterson, A.) (2005) "FRP composite sheet pile walls for shoreline protection", Annual Conference of Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, Toronto, Ontario, May, CD-ROM.

(Shao, Y., Wu, Z. and Bian, J.) (2005) "Wet-bonding between FRP laminates and cast-in-place concrete", Proceedings of International Symposium on bond Behavior of FRP in Structures, Hong Kong, China, December.

(Shao, Y. and Wu, Z.) (2005) "Applications of pultruded composites in worldwide infrastructures", Japan-SAMPE, Tokyo, Japan, December, CD-ROM.

(Shao, Y., Wu, Z. and Zhu, H.) (2005) "FRP-concrete composite beams using wet-bond technology", Annual Conference of Canadian Society for Civil Engineers, Japan-SAMPE, Tokyo, Japan, December, CD-ROM.

SHRIVASTAVA S.C. (Shrivastava, S.C. and Wu, J.) (2005) "Tension field finite element analyses and experiments related to wrinkling of membranes", Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, December, 38 pp. manuscript submitted.

(D. Dubus, Shrivastava, S.C. and Marcouiller, L.) (2005) "Frequencies in air and in water of a turbine runner model: F.E. analyses and experiments", Journal of Fluids and Structures, December, 24 pp. manuscript submitted.

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