Publications 2000

Academic staff

Chouinard, L.E. | Chu, V.H. | Gaskin, S.J. | Gehr, R. | Ghoshal, S. | McClure, G. | Mirza, M.S. | Mitchell, D. | Nguyen, V-T-V. | Nicell, J.A. | Redwood, R.G. (Emeritus Professor) | Rogers, C. | Selvadurai, A.P.S. | Shao, Y. | Shrivastava, S.C.

CHOUINARD, L.E. (Robichaud, J.G., Chouinard, L.E., Andersen, G. and Torrey, V.) (2000) "Using indexing tools to prioritize work on dams", Hydro Review, Vol. 19, July, pp. 40-47.

(Chouinard, L.E., Taras, A., Iordonescu, M. and Laflamme, J.) (2000) "Combination of wind and ice loads for the reliability analysis of electric distribution and transmission networks", International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS'2000), Chester, England, Vol. 1, June, pp. 10.

(Taras, A., Chouinard, L.E. and Iordanescu, M.) (2000) "Structural reliability model for inspection, maintenance, and replacement strategies of distribution lines", Probability Methods Applied to Power Strategies (PMAPS'2000), July, pp. 9.

(Hover, W.H., Cox, C.W., Clark, R.D., Andersen, G.R. and Chouinard, L.E.) (2000) "Risk indexing - A technique for prioritizing of remedial actions", ASDO Annual Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, August, pp. 10.

(Chouinard, L.E. and Houle, L.) (2000) "Analysis of spatial patterns for icing events in Quebec",听 International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (IWAIS'2000), June, pp. 10.

CHU, V.H. (Altai, W. and Chu, V.H.) (2000) "Large eddy simulation by lagrangian block method", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, July, Lecture notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, 6 pp.

(Chu, V.H. and Altai, W.) (2000) "Lagrangian block method", Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, July, Lecture notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, 2 pp.

(Altai, W. and Chu, V.H.) (2000) "Large eddy simulation by lagrangian block method", Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanical Conference 2000, May 21-24, University of Texas, Austin, TX, compiled by Dilip R. Maniar, edited by John L. Tassoulas, 6 pp. (on CD).

(Altai, W. and Chu, V.H.) (2000) "LES of the turbulent plane jet", Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanical Conference 2000, May 21-24, University of Texas, Austin, TX, compiled by Dilip R. Maniar, edited by John L. Tassoulas, 6 pp. (on CD).

"Laboratory and numerical models of quasi-two-dimensional turbulent flows of extreme length scales", Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanical Conference 2000, May 21-24, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, compiled by Dilip R. Maniar, edited by John L. Tassoulas, 6 pp. (on CD).

(Bouhairie, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2000) "Entrapment process in recirculating flow by video-imaging method", Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanical Conference 2000, May 21-24, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, compiled by Dilip R. Maniar, edited by John L. Tassoulas, 6 pp. (on CD).

(Bouhairie, S. and Chu, V.H.) (2000) "Numerical model of heat transfer through an ultraviolet lamp in a wastewater disinfection reactor", Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanical Conference 2000, May 21-24, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, compiled by Dilip R. Maniar, edited by John L. Tassoulas, 6 pp. (on CD).

GASKIN, S.J. (McKernan, M. and Gaskin, S.J.) (2000) "The effect of ambient turbulence on a plane jet in a shallow co-flow", Advances in Fluid Mechanics III, May, pp. 411-420.

"The structure and periodicity of the advected line thermal", Stratified flows - Fifth International Symposium, v. 1, July, pp. 181-186.

GEHR, R. (Gehr, R., Pinto, D., Santamaria, M. and Brenner, B.G.) (2000) "Fouling of lamps with varying influent quality", Water Environment Federation, Disinfection 2000 Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March, (on CD).

(Bouhairie, S., Chu, V.H. and Gehr, R.) (2000) "Numerical model of heat transfer through an ultraviolet lamp in a wastewater disinfection reactor", Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanical Conference 2000, May 21-24, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (on CD).

GHOSHAL, S. (Sheremata, T.W., Yong, R.N., Ghoshal, S. and Guiot, S.R.) (2000) "Anaerobic biodegradation and desorption of trichloroethylene sorbed by a surrogate soil organic matter", Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 29, July, pp. 1033-1040.

McCLURE, G. (Khedr, M. and McClure, G.) (2000) "A simplified method for seismic analysis of lattice telecommunication towers", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, June, pp. 533-542.

(McClure, G., Lapointe, M. and Khedr, M.) (2000) "Seismic behavior of steel lattice telecommunication towers", Third International Conference STESSA 2000, August, pp. 335-337.

MIRZA, M.S. (Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2000) "Some thoughts on our deteriorating infrastructure", Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Workshop on Infrastructure Management, October, pp. 1-15.

(Mirza, M.S., Amleh, L., Amleh, M. and Nofal, B.) (2000) "Field test results from the abandoned Dickson Bridge", Proceedings of the Centre d鈥檈xpertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) , Infrastructure International Congress, November, pp. 3-1 to 3-8.

(Mirza, M.S. and Amleh, L.) (2000) "Concrete infrastructure durability in the 21st century", Proceedings of the Centre d鈥檈xpertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU) , Infrastructure International Congress, November, pp. 3-9 to 3-25.

(Mirza, M.S., Lounis, Z. and Amleh, L.) (2000) "Durability considerations in concrete structures", Proceedings of the Centre d鈥檈xpertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU), Infrastructure International Congress, November, pp. 4-1 to 4-14.

MITCHELL, D. (McHarg, P.J., Cook, W.D., Mitchell, D. and Yoon, Y.S.) (2000) "Benefits of using fiber-reinforced concrete in slab-column connections", American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, Vol. 97, March, pp. 225-234.

(McHarg, P.J., Cook, W.D., Mitchell, D. and Yoon, Y.S.) (2000) "Improved transmission of high-strength concrete column loads through normal strength concrete slabs", American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, Vol. 97, January, pp. 157-165.

(Mar, D., Panian, L., Dameron, R.A., Hansen, B.E., Vahdani, S., Mitchell, D. and Paterson, J.) (2000) "Performance-based seismic upgrade of a 14 story suspended slab using state-of-the-art analysis and construction techniques", 69th Annual Structural Engineers Association of California, August, pp. 1-16.

(Cho, S.H., Lee, L.H., Tupper, B. and Mitchell, D.) (2000) "Ductile concrete walls with steel ends", Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, January, pp. 1-8.

NGUYEN, V.T.V. (Rivard, G. and Nguyen, V.T.V.) (2000) "Drainage urbaine avec des techniques alternatives impliuant l'infiltration: revue des concepts et applications", Technologies environnementales du Qu茅bec 2000, March, pp. 16.

(Daud, M.Z., Desa, M.M.N., Nguyen, V.T.V. and Kassim, M.A.H.) (2000) "Statistical analysis of extreme rainfall processes in Malaysia", Fifth International Workshop on Rainfall in Urban Areas, December, pp. 52-57.

(Nguyen, V.T.V., Nguyen, T.D. and Ashkar, F.) (2000) "Regional frequency analysis of extreme rainfalls", Fifth International Workshop on Rainfall in Urban Areas, December, pp. 73-78.

"Recent advances in modelling of extreme rainfalls and floods", International European-Asian Workshop on Ecosystems, June, pp. 52-69.

"Integrated approach to environmentally-sound water resources management", International Conference on Socio-Economic Strategies for Vietnam, April, pp. 217-218.

(Nguyen, V.T.V., Javaheri, H. and Liong, S.Y.) (2000) "On automatic calibration of the SWMM model", Applied Modeling of Urban Water Systems, April pp. 163-174.

NICELL, J.A. (Ikehata, K. and Nicell, J.A.) (2000) "Characterization of tyrosinase for the treatment of aqueous phenol", Bioresource Technology, Vol. 74, March, pp. 191-199.

(Ikehata, K. and Nicell, J.A.) (2000) "Assessment of the products of tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of phenols", Biotechnology Progress, Vol. 16, April, pp. 533-540.

(Kinsley, C. and Nicell, J.A.) (2000) "Treatment of aqueous phenol with soybean peroxidase in the presence of polyethylene glycol", Bioresource Technology, Vol. 73, February, pp. 139-146.

(Ghioureliotis, M. and Nicell, J.A.) (2000) "Toxicity of soluble products from the peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization of substituted phenolic compounds", Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Vol. 75, January, pp. 98-106.

(Zhang, G. and Nicell, J.A.) (2000) "Treatment of aqueous pentachlorophenol by horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide", Water Research, Vol. 34, May, pp. 1629-1637.

(Wagner, M. and Nicell, J.A.) (2000) "Peroxidase-catalyzed removal of phenols from a petroleum refinery wastewater", Proceedings First International Water Association, World Water Congress, Paris, France, Vol. 1, July, pp. 130-138.

REDWOOD, R.G. (2000) "Behaviour and composite castellated beams", Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, Vol. 2, No. 2, June, pp. 164-168.

ROGERS, C.A. (Rogers, C.A. and Hancock, G.J.) (2000) "Failure modes of bolted sheet steel connections loaded in shear", Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 126, March, pp. 288-296.

(Rogers, C.A. and Hancock, G.J.) (2000) "Fracture toughness of G550 sheet steels subjected to tension", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 57, December, pp. 71-89.

(Rogers, C.A. and Tremblay, R.) (2000) "Seismic loading of steel roof diaphragm assemblies", Third International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structure in Seismic Areas, Montreal, Quebec, August, pp. 239-246.

(Rogers, C.A. and Hancock, G.J.) (2000) "Tensile fracture behaviour of thin G550 sheet steels", Seventh International Symposium on Structural Failure and Plasticity, Melbourne, Australia, October, pp. 699-704.

(Rogers, C.A. and Tremblay, R.) (2000) "Evaluation of steel roof diaphragm side-lap connections subjected to seismic loading", Seventh International Symposium on Failure and Plasticity, Melbourne, Australia, October, pp. 673-678.

SELVADURAI, A.P.S. (Hill, J.M. and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2000) "A.J.M. Spencer FRS", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 37, January, pp. 1-9.

"An inclusion at a bi-material elastic interface", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 37, January, pp. 155-170.

"Boussinesq's problem for an elastic halfspace reinforced with a rigid disc inclusion", Mathematics and Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 5, May, pp. 5.

"Fracture evolution during indentation of a brittle elastic solid", Mechanics of Cohesive Frictional Materials, Vol. 5, May, pp. 325-339.

"The penny-shaped crack at a bonded plane with a localized elastic non-homogeneity", European Journal of Mechanics A, Vol. 19, August, pp. 525-534.

"The indentation of a pre-compressed penny-shaped crack", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 38, September, pp. 2095-2111.

"An application of Betti's reciprocal theorem for the analysis of an inclusion problem", Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 24, December, pp. 759-765.

(Hill, J.M and Selvadurai, A.P.S.) (2000) "Contributions to theoretical mechanics: A special issue in honour of Professor A.J.M. Spencer FRS", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 37, February, pp. 1-288.

"The bridged external circular crack", Damage and Fracture Mechanics Computer Aided Assessment and Control, Vol. 6, September, pp. 15-22.

"On the modelling of in-plane interaction of ice and stationary structures", Geoecology and Computers, Vol. 1, March, pp. 43-55.

"The long term thermal strain history in an instrumented airport taxiway slab constructed at the Dorval International Airport", Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Transportation Specialty Conference, Vol. 1, June, pp. 383-388.

(Koskinen, M., Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Hartikainen, J.) (2000) "Stiffness characteristics of piled foundations", Proceedings 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Vol. 2, September, pp. 953-960.

"Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in geomechanics: A perspective of modelling, computations and experiments", Developments in Arid Regions Research, Vol. 1, November, pp. 3-12.

"On the reinforcing action of an inextensible membrane embedded in an isotropic elastic halfspace", Developments in Theoretical Geomechanics, Vol. 1, November, pp. 23-31.

"Partial differential equations in mechanics, Vol. 1, Fundamentals, Laplace's Equation, Diffusion Equation, Wave Equation", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, September, pp. 1-595.

"Partial differential equations in mechanics, Vol. 2, The Biharmonic Equation, Poisson's Equation", Springer-Verlag, October, pp. 1-698.

(Selvadurai, A.P.S. and Brebbia, C.A., eds.) (2000) "Damage and fracture mechanics VI: Computer-Aided Assessment and Control", WIT Press, Boston, Massachusetts, Vol. 6, July, pp. 1-610.

SHAO, Y. (Shao, Y., Lefort, T., Moras, S. and Rodriguez, Z.) (2000) "Studies on concrete containing ground waste glass", Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 30, January, pp. 91-100.

(Shao, Y., Moras, S., Nulkem, N. and Kubes, G.) (2000) "Wood fiber reinforced cement composites by extrusion", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, March, pp. 543-552.

(Shao, Y., Massam, L., Ryder, A. and Mirza, J.) (2000) "Experience with sewage ash in concrete", The Third Structural Specialty Conference of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, June, pp. 371-377.

(Shao, Y., Nemes, J., Yeats, M., and Loblick, G.) (2000) "GFRP-concrete flooring deck", Third International Conference on Advanced Composites Materials, Vol. 3, August, pp. 161-168.

(Shao, Y., and Giroux, C.) (2000) "Moire interferometry for composite and smart materials", Third CanSmart Workshop on Smart Materials, Vol. 3, September, pp. 1-10.

(Moras, S. and Shao, Y.) (2000) "Extruded cement-wood fiberboard with expanded polystyrene beads", Seventh International Conference on Inorganic-Bonded Wood Composites, Vol. 7, September, pp. 89-103.

(Shao, Y., Scrinivasan, R. and Shah, S.P.) (2000) "Parameters affecting high performance response in fiber reinforced concrete", American Concrete Institute Special Publication, Vol. 185, May, pp. 17-34.

(Shao, Y., Scrinivasan, R. and Shah, S.P.) (2000) "Effect of material constituents on performance of fiber-reinforced cementitious thin sheets", American Concrete Institute Special Publication, Vol. 190, July, pp. 41-53.

SHRIVASTAVA, S.C. (2000) "Plastic buckling of circular sandwich plates", Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Structural Failure and Plasticity, Melbourne, Australia, October, pp. 533-538.

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