- Administration
- Faculty Members
- Adjunct, Affiliate, Associate Members
- Numata Professor
- Sessional Instructors
- Emeritus/Emerita, Retired Professors
- In Memoriam
Director, School of Religious Studies
Prof. Garth Green
(garth.green [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Administrative Staff
Vedika Dhawan
Student Affairs Coordinator
(studaffairs.relg [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Firoozeh Ebrahimi
Administrative Coordinator, Finance
(admincoord2.relg [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Amna Jabeen
Area Manager, HR and Operations
(adminassistant.relg [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Samieun Khan
Administrative Coordinator, Finance
(admincoord1.relg [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Francesca Maniaci
Area Manager, Finance
(admincofficer.relg [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Faculty Members
Mikael Bauer
Associate Professor of Japanese Religions (Buddhism), School of Religious Studies
Graduate Program Director, School of Religious Studies
Associte Member, Department of East Asian Studies
514-398-8318; (mikael.bauer [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Lara E. Braitstein
Associate Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
B.A. Program Chair
514-398-6027; (lara.braitstein [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Daniel Cere
Associate Professor of Religion, Law, and Public Policy
(daniel.cere [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Andrea Farran
Associate Professor of South Asian Religions (RELG); Associate Member, History and Classical Studies (HIST); Academic Program Director, South Asian Studies Minor Concentration (HIST)
(andrea.farran [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Douglas Farrow
Professor of Theology and Ethics
(douglas.farrow [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Gaelle Fiasse
Associate Professor, a joint appointment with the Department of Philosophy
514-398-4373, 514-398-2974
(gaelle.fiasse [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Garth Green
John W. McConnell Professor of Philosophy of Religion; Director of School of Religious Studies
(garth.green [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Ian Henderson
Associate Professor of New Testament Studies
(ian.henderson [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Hillary Kaell
Associate Professor, Anthropology and Religion, a joint appointment with the Department of Anthropology
(hillary.kaell [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Jim Kanaris
Associate Professor (Professional), Philosophy of Religion
(jim.kanaris [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Torrance Kirby
Professor of Ecclesiastical History; Graduate Program Director
(torrance.kirby [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Patricia Kirkpatrick
Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies
(patricia.kirkpatrick [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Rongdao Lai
Assistant Professor of Chinese Religions (Buddhism), a joint appointment with the Department of East Asian Studies
Chair, B.A. Committee
(rongdao.lai [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Aalekhya Malladi
Assistant Professor of South Asian Religions
(aalekhya.malladi [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Samuel Nelson
Assistant Professor (Professional)
(samuel.nelson [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Gerbern Oegema
Professor of Biblical Studies
(gerbern.oegema [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Professor Ayodeji Ogunnaike
Assistant Professor of African Religions
(ayodeji.ogunnaike [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Armando Salvatore
Barbara and Patrick Keenan Chair in Interfaith Studies; Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies; Associate Member, Institute of Islamic Studies
(armando.salvatore [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Arvind Sharma
Birks Professor in Comparative Religion
(arvind.sharma [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Hamsa Stainton
Associate Professor of South Asian Religions (Hinduism)
(hamsa.stainton [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Heidi Wendt
Associate Professor of Religions, Greco-Roman World, a joint appointment with the Department of History and Classical Studies
(heidi.wendt [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Adjunct Professors
Chukwuemeka A. Atansi
B.A. (Ibadan, Nigeria), B.Phil., B.Th. (Rome), M.A., M.Th., S.T.L., Ph.D., S.T.D. (Leuven)
(chukwuemeka.atansi [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail)))
Brian A. Butcher
B.A. (黑料不打烊), M.A., Ph.D. (Saint Paul/Ottawa)
(brian.butcher [at] utoronto.ca (E-mail)))
Roberto Formisano
B.A. (Bologna), Ph.D. (Bologna/Nice)
Alyson Huntly
Dip. Min. (Centre for Christian Studies, Winnipeg), M.T.S. (St. Andrew, Saskatoon), Ph.D. (Queen's)
Thupten Jinpa Langri
B.A. (King's College), D.D. (Shartse College of Ganden), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
(tjlangri [at] sympatico.ca (E-mail))
(Web page)
Lucille Marr
B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Waterloo)
(lucille.marr [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Jean Maurais
B.Sc. (UQAM), M.A. (Acadia), Ph.D. (黑料不打烊)
(jean.maurais [at] mcgill.ca">E-mail)
Sean Joseph McGrath
B.A. (Ottawa), M.A. (Toronto), M.A. (University of Saint Michael's College), Ph.D. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Christian Theological Academy)
sean.j.mcgrath [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Jesse Zink
B.A. (Acadia), M.A. (Chicago), M.Div. (Yale), Ph.D. (Cambridge)
Affiliate Members
Roland De Vries
B.A. (Guelph), M.Div. (The Presbyterian College), S.T.M. (黑料不打烊), Ph.D. (黑料不打烊)
George Di Giovanni, (Post-Retinrement)
Ph.D. (Toronto)
(Web page)
Karen Petersen
(karen.finch [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Anne S. Leahy
M.A. (Toronto), Hon. Ph.D. (St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia), Hon. Ph.D. (St. Thomas, New Brunswick)
(anne.leahy [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Heather McCance
(heather.mccance [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Kieko Obuse
B.A. (Kyoto), M.A. (London), M.St., DPhil. (Oxford)
(kieko.obuse [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
John Simons
B.A. (Bishops's), S.T.B. (Trinity College, Toronto), Ph.D. (Georgetown)
Associate Members
Victor M. Mu?iz-Fraticelli
B.A. (Cornell), Juris Doctor cum laude (Puerto Rico), M.A., Ph.D. (Chicago)
(Web page)
Robert Wisnovsky
B.A. (Yale), M.Phil. (Oxford), M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton)
(Web page)
Numata Visiting Professor
In recognition of the strong Buddhist Studies program in 黑料不打烊's School?of Religious Studies, the Numata Foundation has given a 20-year grant to the School?of Religious Studies to bring a visiting scholar in Buddhist Studies annually to 黑料不打烊. The Visiting Professor teaches one course at the 500-level, gives a public lecture and is available to students for conferences and consultation. The first Numata Professor in 1999-2000 was Dr. Mahinda Deegalle. Subsequent visitors include Dr. John Pettit, Dr. Robert Morrison, Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Dr. Kate Crosby, the Ven Yifa, Dr. Robert Kritzer, Dr. Andrew Skilton, Dr. Joel Tatelman, Dr. Miriam Levering, Dr. Hiroko Kawanami, Dr. Dorji Wangchuk, Dr. Martin Adam, Dr. Jin Park, Dr. Roger Jackson, Dr. Burkhard Scherer, Dr. André van der Braak, Dr. Rinpoche Sherpa, Dr. Gregory Samuel, Dr. Martin Seeger, Dr. Robert Rhodes, Dr. Lawrence Y.K. Lau (劉宇光), Martina Draszczky and Pamela Winfield.
Numata Visiting Scholar for Fall 2025 to be announced.
Sessional Lecturers
Matheus De Carvalho
Ph.D. Candidate (黑料不打烊)
(matheus.decarvalho [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Ana de Souza
Ph.D. Candidate (黑料不打烊)
(ana.desouza [at] mail.mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Daniel Fishley
B.A., M.A. (Calgary), Ph.D. Candidate (黑料不打烊)
(daniel.fishley [at] mail.mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Amanda Rosini
B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Candidate (黑料不打烊)
(amanda.rosini [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Adam Smith
Ph.D. Candidate (黑料不打烊)
(adam.smith4 [at] mail.mcgill.ca (E-mail))
Honorary Emeritus/Emerita Professors
Douglas J. Hall
B.A. (Western Ontario), M.Div., S.T.M., Th.D. (Union Theological Seminary, New York), D.D. (Queen's), L.L.D. (Waterloo), D.D. (Presbyterian College)
Donna Runnalls
B.A. (British Columbia), B.D. (黑料不打烊), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Frederik Wisse
Ing. (Utrecht), B.A., B.D. (Calvin, Michigan), Ph.D. (Claremont)
Katherine K. Young B.A.
(Vermont), M.A. (Chicago), Ph.D. (黑料不打烊)
G. Victor Sogen Hori
B.A., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Stanford)
In Memoriam
Ellen Bradshaw Aitken (1964–2014)
Th.D. Harvard University, New Testament and Early Christianity, B.A. Harvard University, Folkore and Mythology (Ancient Greek)
Professor Ellen Aitken was Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies from 2007–2014. She had been a member of the Faculty of Religious Studies at 黑料不打烊 since 2004, teaching in the area of Early Christian History and Literature. Prior to coming to 黑料不打烊, she was on the faculty of The Divinity School, Harvard University. She held degrees from Harvard University and the University of the South, with training in Folklore and Mythology, the Classics, and Religious Studies. Her last research, funded by SSHRC, investigated the relationship between Greco-Roman hero cult and ancient Christianity.
At 黑料不打烊, Professor Aitken had served on numerous committees, including chairing the B.Th. Committee in the Faculty of Religious Studies and as a member of search committees for the Classics Program. She was a member of 黑料不打烊's Centre for Research on Religion (CREOR) and an honorary faculty member of the Montreal Diocesan Theological College. She was ordained in the Episcopal (Anglican) Church in 1986 and had been recognized widely as a leader in both scholarly and ecclesial communities. She had also received two awards for teaching excellence.
:?Space, Rituals, Texts, and Daily Life.
to Professor Aitken.
Articles in refereed journals
“The Ordering of Community: New Testament Perspectives.” Anglican Theological Review 85.1 (Winter 2003): 19–34.
“ta dr?mena kai ta legomena [Greek]: The Eucharistic Memory of Jesus’ Words in First Corinthians,” Harvard Theological Review 90:4 (1997): 259–70.
Books and monographs
Loosening the Roots of Compassion: Meditations for Holy Week and Eastertide. Cambridge, Mass.: Cowley Publications, in press (forthcoming winter 2006).
Jesus’ Death in Early Christian Memory: The Poetics of the Passion. Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus/ Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testament 53. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht and Fribourg: Academic Press, 2004.
Flavius Philostratus: On Heroes (student edition). Translated by Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean and Ellen Bradshaw Aitken. Writings from the Greco-Roman World 3. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature and Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2003.
Flavius Philostratus: Heroikos, with glossary, notes, and introduction. Translated by Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean and Ellen Bradshaw Aitken. Writings from the Greco-Roman World 1. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature. 2001.
Articles/chapters in books and monographs
“Tradition in the Mouth of the Hero: Jesus as an Interpreter of Scripture.” Pages 97–103 in Richard A. Horsley, Jonathan A. Draper, and John Miles Foley, eds., Performing the Gospel: Orality, Memory, and Mark. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006.
“Wily, Wise, and Worldly: Instruction and the Formation of Character in the Epistle to the Hebrews.” Pages 294–305 in Ian Henderson and Gerbern S. Oegema, eds., The Changing Face of Judaism, Christianity and Other Greco-Roman Religions in Antiquity. Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-r?mischer Zeit, Studien 2; Studies in Christianity and Judaism 10. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2006
“Wily, Wise, and Worldly: Instruction and the Formation of Character in the Epistle to the Hebrews.” Pages 294–305 in Ian Henderson and Gerbern S. Oegema, eds., The Changing Face of Judaism, Christianity and Other Greco-Roman Religions in Antiquity. Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-r?mischer Zeit, Studien 2; Studies in Christianity and Judaism 10. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus and Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2005.
“‘The Basileia of Jesus is on the Wood’: The Epistle of Barnabas and the Ideology of Rule.” Pages 197–214 in Lawrence Wills and Benjamin Wright, eds., Conflicted Boundaries in Wisdom and Apocalypticism. Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005.
“Why a Phoenician? A Proposal for the Historical Occasion for the Heroikos. Pages 267–84 in Philostratus’s Heroikos: Religion, and Cultural Identity in the Third Century C.E. Edited by Ellen Bradshaw Aitken and Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean. Writings from the Greco-Roman World 6. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature and Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004.
“The Hero in the Epistle to the Hebrews: Jesus as an Ascetic Model.” Pages 179–88 in Early Christian Voices: In Texts, Traditions, and Symbols: Essays in Honor of Fran?ois Bovon. Edited by David Warren, Ann Graham Brock, and David Pao. Leiden and Boston: E. J. Brill, 2003.
“The Landscape of Promise in the Apocalypse of Paul.” Pages 153–65 in Walk in the Ways of Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza. Edited by Shelly Matthews, Cynthia Kittredge, and Melanie Johnson Debaufre. Harrisburg, Penn.: Trinity Press International, 2003.
“Portraying the Temple in Stone and Text: The Arch of Titus and the Epistle to the Hebrews.” Pages 73–88 in Religious Texts and Material Contexts. Buffalo: State University of New York Press. 2001. Reprinted in Sewanee Theological Review 45 (2002): 135–51; and as pages 131–48 in Gabriella Gelardini, ed. Hebrews: Contemporary Methods—New Insights. Biblical Interpretation Series 75; Leiden and Boston: E. J. Brill, 2005.
“The Cult of Achilleus in Philostratus’s Heroikos: A Study in the Relation of Canon and Ritual.” Pages 127–35 in Between Magic and Religion: Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and Society. Edited by Sulochana Asirvatham, Corinne Pache, and John Watrous. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001.
“At the Well of Living Water: Jacob Traditions in John 4,” Pages 342–352 in Craig A. Evans, ed., The Interpretation of Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity. Studies in Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity 7. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000.
“The Cologne Mani Codex” [translation and notes]. Pages 161–76 in Richard Valantasis, ed., Religions in Late Antiquity in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Edited volumes
Biblical Imagination: Scripture and the Life of Faith—Essays in Honor of Christopher Bryan, a special issue of Sewanee Theological Review 50:1 (2006).
Philostratus's Heroikos, Religion, and Cultural Identity in the Third Century C.E. . Edited by Ellen Bradshaw Aitken and Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean. Writings from the Greco-Roman World 6. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature and Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004.
Questions of Mission: On Being the Church—Sewanee Theological Review 40:4 (1997).
Maurice Boutin (1938–2019)
McConnell Professor of Philosophical Theology and Philosophy of Religion
B.A., B.A.,B.A. (Montreal), D.Th. (Munich)
Hermeneutics; Language and Theories of Religion; Philosophy and Theology of History; Contemporary Religious Movements
Gregory Baum (1923–2017)
B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Ohio State), D.Th. (Fribourg)
Social Ethics and Sociology of Religion
Article by Fr. John Walsh
Robert C. Culley (1932–2013)
B.A. (Toronto), B.D. (Knox, Toronto), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), D.D. (Montreal Diocesan Theological College)
Hebrew Narrative; Psalms
Jospeh C. McLelland (1925–2016)
B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (Toronto), B.D. (Knox, Toronto), Ph.D. (Edinburgh), D.D. (Montreal Diocesan Theological College; Knox, Toronto)
Philosophy and Religion