Patricia G. Kirkpatrick

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies; Chair, Biblical Studies Area

Patricia G. Kirkpatrick
Contact Information

3520 University Street, Room 207
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2A7, Canada

Fax number: 
Email address: 
patricia.kirkpatrick [at]

B.A. (黑料不打烊)
M.Th. (London)
D.Phil. (Oxford)
D.D. (Montreal Diocesan Theological College)


Folklore Studies: Theories of Oral Composition and Transmission of Narrative; Biblical Historiography; Feminist Interpretations of OT Narrative


Montreal Diocesan Theological College, D.D. (H.C.), 2008.
M.I.M., Ordination Training. Ordained, Anglican Diocese of Montr茅al, 1985.
Oxford University, D.Phil., Old Testament Studies. Dissertation: The Oral Composition and Transmission of the Patriarchal Narratives, 1984.
London, England, M.Th. Dissertation (with distinction): The Passover in Early Jewish and Christian Writings (70CE-200CE), 1980.
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Graduate courses, Jewish History, 1977-1978.
黑料不打烊 University, B.A. Hons., Religious Studies, 1977.

Professor Kirkpatrick holds the Chair in Old Testament Studies. She has spent the past 36 years teaching both in the academy and the Anglican Church here in Montreal and abroad. She has contributed to the educational formation of those pursuing academic careers in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and those entering the ordained ministry of the Christian Church. She has pursued her research and teaching interests with an eye on both the academy and the ecclesial communities as she was asked to serve on a number of national and international theological commissions. Her interdisciplinary interests extend to feminist and gender studies where as chair of the Women鈥檚 Studies Program, and Chair of the Board of the M.C.R.T.W. at 黑料不打烊, she was instrumental in creating and maintaining several administrative programs in the area. She has served as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. She has also spent a number of years as a member of the Quebec Provincial Education Ministry Committee on Religious Education in the schools for the province of Quebec.

As a founding member of the Ancient Historiography Seminar of the CSBS her present interests and research in historiography follow immediately as a consequence to her initial research on the influence folklore studies had on reconstructing the history of Ancient Israel.

For more information please see


Literature of Ancient Israel
Women and the Christian Tradition
Ancient Historiography
Archaeology of Ancient Israel

Current research: 

Research interests

Oral Narrative Composition and Transmission; Folklore Studies; Historiography in the Biblical Text; Interfaith Studies (Jewish/Christian); Gender and the Church.

Selected publications: 

R 鈥淚nterfaith Dialogue and the Scriptures of my Partners鈥 Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 2020.

R [In press], "Gregory Baum鈥檚 "Effervescent" Hope in the Church: Some reflections on the inclusivity of Gregory Baum鈥檚 Ecumenism for the Church of the Future." Th茅ologiques revue interdisciplinaire d鈥櫭﹖udes religieuses.

R, [In Press], Christian Theology After Christendom: Engaging thet Thought of Douglas John Hall, eds., Patricia G. Kirkaptrick, Pamela McCarroll. Lexington-Fortrss, 2020.

R [In Press], 鈥淭he Memory of Divine Pathos : Heschel, Hall and the Hebrew Bible鈥 in Theology After Christendom: Engaging the Thought of Douglas John Hall. Eds. P.G. Kirkpatrick & Pamela McCarroll, Lexington Fortress Press 2020.

芦听Quelques r茅ponses anglicanes 脿 Nostra Aetate (1966-2016) 禄 in Juifs et chr茅tiens au Canada 50 ans apr猫s Nostra 脝tate eds., Jean Duhaime and Gilles Routhier. les 脡ditions Fides, 2017.

鈥淏iblical Studies and Orality: New Research in the Folklore Studies Complex鈥 in Festschrift for Jean Duhaime, 2016.

鈥淎nglican Responses to Nostra Aetate 1966 鈥 2016鈥, , 2016.

鈥淐urse God and Die: Job鈥檚 wife and the Struggle for Job鈥檚 Transformation鈥 in Evil and Death eds., B.Ego and U. Mittmann deGruyter, 2015.

Ed., vol. 1, The Function of Ancient Historiography in Biblical And Cognate Studies. The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies: T&T Clark, 2008.

鈥淭he Jacob Narratives: From Form to Function鈥 in The Function of Ancient Historiography in Biblical and Cognate Studies. LHBOTS:T&T Clark, 2008.

Archways, editor and Graphic Designer, 2008.

Oecumenisme, De la m茅moire des morts 脿 l鈥檈ngagement pour la vie, 2006.

(Co-authored) 脡duquer 脿 la religion 脿 l'茅cole : enjeux actuels et piste d'avenir. Comit茅 des Affaires R茅ligieuses, Gouvernement du Quebec. (CAR), 2004.

(Co-authored) Rites et Symboles religieux a l鈥櫭ヽole D茅fis 茅ducatifs de la diversit茅. CAR, 2003.

(Co-authored) La Formation des maitres dans le domaine du d茅veloppement personal: une crise symptomatique November 2003. (CAR), 2003.

(Co-authored) The Virginia Report. (Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission ACC, London, England). The Lambeth Conference, 1997.

鈥淟egend鈥 and 鈥淪aga鈥 in Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, eds. R. Coggins & L. Houlden (SCM Press), 1990.

The Old Testament and Folklore Studies (Sheffield Academic Press) (Nominated as Book of the Year, Folklore Society of Great Britain), 1988.

Graduate supervision: 

Thesis and pojects supervised:

Mathew Birgen, Ph.D. candidate, 2020.

Prudence Neba, Ph.D. candidate, 2019.

Shane Dussault, M.A. candidate, 2019.

James Newman, 鈥淎 Tale of two kingships: Royal ideology in Pre-exilic Judah鈥, M.A., 2020.

Prudence Neba, 鈥淓cumenism and interfaith Studies鈥, S.T.M., 2018-2019.

Robathan, Lucie, "Re-imagining strangeness and welcoming difference: Julia Kristeva, the "stranger", and the UK detention estate", M.A., 2017.

Rachel Ko, 鈥淭he Architectural Phenomenon of 鈥楥asemate Wall with Abutting Structures at Khirbet Qeiyafa: The archaeology of Architecture and its Implications for Khirbet Qeiyafa鈥檚 Identity鈥, M.A., 2017.

Andrew Brockman, Ph.D. candidate, 2016.

Andrew Brockman, The Paranomastic Infinitive in the Creation Story: Translating 讜旨转诪止讜转 转旨指诪in the Yahwist, M.A., 2016.

Pauline Yee, 鈥淭he Motherhood of YHWH in Deutero-Isaiah 42:14 and 49:15鈥, M.A., 2016.

Laurel Andrews 鈥淐ontextualizing The Women's Bible: Elizabeth Cady Stanton's approach to "Individualism" and its applications for a contemporary feminist agenda鈥, M.A. 2016.

Amanda听Rosini, Ph.D. candidate 2016.

Eliza Rosenberg, Ph.D. Dissertation: 鈥淲hen Mr. Lamb Took Ms. Jerusalem To Be His 鈥淟oftily Wedded Wife: Marriage, Slave-Trading, and Violent Justice in Revelation 17-22鈥. Supervisors: 鈥燚ean Ellen Bradshaw Aitken; Professor Patricia G. Kirkpatrick.

Youngho Jang, Ph.D. candidate 2014.

Luke Sommers, 鈥淎 world in which things are not as they should be: How the Deuteronomistic ideology is reinforced in the book of Judges by the portrayal of women and domestic space鈥, 2011.

Danielle Duperreault, 鈥淭he prophetic wedlock texts, the poetics of origins, and the axiom of natural order, 2010.

David Lemarquand, 鈥淭he Function of King David in the Deuteronomistic history鈥, 2010.

Nicole Marie Hildebrand, 鈥淭he Language of Creation and the Construction of a New Concept of Theodicy : Job 38-42鈥, 2009.

Amanda Rossini, 鈥淐hild Sacrifice as metaphor in the Old Testament, M.A., 2009.

Rowshan Nemazee, The Politics of Heaven: A Feminist Eschatological Reading of Augustine鈥檚 City of God, co-supervisor Ph.D., 2008.

Simon听Leblanc, Le Deut茅ronome, la famille et la transmission de la loi en Isra毛l ancien Creator, 2003.

G. Minott, 鈥淟iberation concerns in the Latin American church : Jose Severino Croatto's interpretation and application of Exodus 1-15鈥, 2000.

Rowshan Nemazee, "Ave Crux, spes unica" : the theology of the cross in the life and works of Edith Stein鈥, M.A., 2000.

Areas of interest: 

Old Testament Studies and Language / Hebrew Bible, Biblical Historiography, Feminist Biblical Studies, Old Testament Theology.

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