
Ga毛lle Fiasse

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor. A joint position with the Department of Philosophy

(on sabbatical leave until August 2024; Visiting Scholar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; University of Ottawa)

Ga毛lle Fiasse
Contact Information

Leacock Building, Room 940
855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2T7, Canada

Email address: 
gaelle.fiasse [at] mcgill.ca

B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Philosophy Summa cum laude (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)


Ancient Philosophy (Aristotle), Contemporary European Philosophy, Paul Ricoeur;聽Relationship between Philosophy and Christianity. Specific Themes of Research: Friendship, Forgiveness (FQRSC), Fragility (SSHRC), Imagination, Ethics and Hermeneutics


RELG 373 Christian Ethics of Love 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

RELG 399 Christian Spirituality 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

RELG 470 Theological Ethics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHIL 454 Ancient Moral Theory 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHIL 475 Topics in Contem European Phil 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

RELG 571 Ethics, Medicine and Religion 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHIL 634 Seminar:Ethics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHIL 651 Seminar:Ancient Philosophy 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

RELG 656 Theological Ethics 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

PHIL 675 Sem:Contempory European Phil 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Current research: 


Research areas

Ancient Philosophy (Aristotle)
Contemporary Continental Ethics (Paul Ric艙ur)
Theological Ethics (Christianity)

Interdisciplinary research

Philosophy, Religious Studies, Political Science, Bioethics

Research interests and current research projects

In terms of the history of philosophy and ethics, Professor Fiasse is a specialist in Aristotle and Paul Ric艙ur. She is one of the correspondents in Canada for the Fonds Ric艙ur (the center of research for Ric艙ur鈥檚 studies in Paris).

Her major research, as well as her different publications and collaborations, concentrates on the interpersonal relationship as a core element in the foundation of morality. This particular approach to ethics focuses on the relationship with another person as playing a central role for the will and for the development of meanings and values. The themes that she examines are the question of friendship, otherness, justice, forgiveness, violence and fragility, imagination.

In parallel to her philosophical analysis, Professor Fiasse studies these themes in religious ethics. She explores how philosophers (Paul Ric艙ur, Hannah Arendt, Vladimir Jank茅l茅vitch, Jacques Derrida, and Julia Kristeva) use notions important to the Christian tradition such as love and forgiveness.

In terms of teaching and graduate supervision, she is also particularly interested in how Christian authors relate to Ancient philosophy. She analyses how they understand friendship, the relationship with other people and the notions of desire and will. Among those in the philosophical tradition that she focuses on are Augustine, Aquinas, and Kierkegaard. She is also very interested in the mystical tradition, especially female mystics such as Th茅r猫se d'Avila, Th茅r猫se de Lisieux, and Edith Stein. She also pays particular attention to the invocation of friendship in inter-religious dialogue (for example, by Charles de Foucauld, Christian de Cherg茅 and Pierre Claverie as regards the relationship with Islam).

Professor Fiasse is also the liaison for the program in bioethics. She is especially interested in the pact of care between a physician and a patient, the notion of human dignity, and the respect for the more vulnerable people in society, in particular children and those suffering from a handicap.

Selected publications: 

I have published two books, Amour et Fragilit茅. Regards philosophiques au c艙ur de l'humain (Qu茅bec, Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2015; Paris, Hermann, 2016); L'autre et l'amiti茅 chez Aristote et Paul Ric艙ur. Analyses 茅thiques et ontologiques (Louvain: Peeters, 2006) and one collective book, Paul Ric艙ur. De l'homme faillible 脿 l'homme capable (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2008) , that includes essays from some of the most recognized scholars in Ric艙urian Studies, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics from Europe and North America.

Books and monographs

G. Fiasse, Amour et Fragilit茅, Regards philosophiques au c艙ur de l'humain, Qu茅bec, Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2015; Paris, Hermann, 2016.

G. Fiasse, Paul Ric艙ur. De l'homme faillible 脿 l'homme capable, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (D茅bats philosophiques), 2008.

Translated in Spanish: Paul Ric艙ur. Del hombre falible al hombre capaz, coord. Ga毛lle Fiasse. Buenos Aires: Nueva vision, 2009.

G. Fiasse, L'autre et l'amiti茅 chez Aristote et Paul Ricoeur. Analyses 茅thiques et ontologiques, Louvain: Peeters, 脡ditions de l'Institut sup茅rieur de Philosophie (Biblioth猫que philosophique de Louvain, 69), 2006.

Articles in refereed journals

F. Pageau, G. Fiasse, L.Nordenfelt, E. Mihailov, 鈥淐are of the Older Person and the Value of Human Dignity鈥, in Bioethics, 2023, 1-8.

G. Fiasse, 鈥Analyse philosophique du dialogue existentiel et du respect de la diff茅rence 脿 partir des r茅flexions de Pierre Claverie et Christian de Cherg茅鈥, in Laval th茅ologique et philosophique 71, 1 (f茅vrier 2021): 45-60. (Published May 16, 2022)

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟a conception 茅thique et politique du mal chez Paul Ric艙ur. Cons茅quences pratiques 脿 l'aune du contexte contemporain鈥, Science et Esprit 70/3 (2018), 363-379.

Affleck, W., Fiasse, G., Macdonald M.E., 鈥淣arrative, Trauma, and Self-Interpretation鈥, Narrative Inquiry, 2016 (26/1), 108-129.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淩ic艙ur's Hermeneutics of the Self. On the In-Between of the Involuntary and the Voluntary, and Narrative Identity,鈥 Philosophy Today, 58/1 (2014), 39-51.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淩evisiting Jank茅l茅vitch's Dichotomy: Between Excusing the Ignorant and Forgiving the Wicked,鈥 Philosophy Today, 56/1 (2012), 3-15.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淔orgiveness and the Refusal of Injustice,鈥 Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 82 (2008), 39-48.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淧aul Ric艙ur et le pardon comme au-del脿 de l鈥檃ction,鈥 Laval th茅ologique et philosophique 63/2 (2007): 363-376.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟es fondements de la philanthropie dans le sto茂cisme imp茅rial, deux cas concrets: l鈥檈sclavage et la gladiature,鈥 Les 脡tudes Philosophiques 4/2002: 527鈥547.

G. Fiasse, "Aristotle's phronesis: A True Grasp of Ends as Well as Means?," The Review of Metaphysics 55 (2001): 323-337.

G. Fiasse, "La probl茅matique de l'amour-茅ros dans le sto茂cisme: confrontation de fragments, paradoxes et interpr茅tations," Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 97 (1999): 459-482.

Articles/chapters in books and monographs

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟'incognito du pardon 脿 soi-m锚me chez Ric艙ur鈥, in Le pardon dans tous ses 茅tats, directed by Lorraine Angeneau, Guilhem Causse, Paris, 脡ditions Facult茅s j茅suites de Paris, 2024, 121-132.

G. Fiasse,鈥淧assions, Imagination, and Ethical Consideration of the Other鈥, in Paul Ric艙ur and the Lived Body, ed. by Roger. W.H. Savage, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020, 17-41.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淎ristote : la d茅couverte de l'ami, du bien et de l'alt茅rit茅鈥, in La naissance d'autrui. De l'Antiquit茅 脿 la Renaissance, dir. by J茅r么me Lagouan猫re, Paris: Garnier (Classiques Garnier), 2019, 63-96.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淔orgiveness in Ric艙ur鈥, in Phenomenology and Forgiveness, ed. by Marguerite La Caze, London: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2018, 85-101.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟'acte d'aimer: tensions entre la capacit茅, la passivit茅 et l'activit茅鈥, in Vuln茅rabilit茅 et Empathie. Approches ph茅nom茅nologiques de la relation, dir. by E. Boublil, Paris: Hermann, 2018, 117-139.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淗. Jonas. L'impact du dix-septi猫me si猫cle: la signification de la r茅volution scientifique et technologique,鈥 in H. Jonas, Essais philosophiques. Du credo ancien 脿 l'homme technologique, 茅d. par D. Bazin et O. Depr茅, Paris: Vrin, 2013, 75-117.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟'amiti茅 et la fragilit茅 chez Aristote et Thomas d'Aquin,鈥 in J茅rusalem, Ath猫nes et Rome. Liber amicorum X. Dijon, ed. by J. Fierens, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2012, 109-129.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淩ic艙ur's Medical Ethics: the Encounter between the Physician and the Patient,鈥 in Reconceiving Medical Ethics, ed. by C. Cowley, New York: Continuum Press, 2012, 30-42.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淭he Golden Rule and Forgiveness.鈥 In A Passion for the Possible. Thinking with Paul Ric艙ur, ed. Brian Treanor and Henry Venema, Series: Perspectives in Continental Philosophy, New York: Fordham University Press, 2010, 77-89.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟a phron猫sis dans l'茅thique de Paul Ric艙ur.鈥 In Le jugement pratique: Autour de la notion de phron猫sis, eds. D. Lories et L. Rizzerio, Paris: J. Vrin (Biblioth猫que d'histoire de la philosophie), 349-360, 2008.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淎ristote. Physique,鈥 in Philosophie de la substance. Ousia dans la philosophie grecque des origines 脿 Aristote. Travaux du Centre d'茅tudes aristot茅liciennes de l'Universit茅 de Li猫ge, ed. A. Motte et P. Somville, avec la collaboration de M.-A. Gavray, A. Lefka et D. Seron, Louvain: Peeters (Aristote. Traductions et 茅tudes), 2008, 209-228.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淎sym茅trie, gratuit茅 et r茅ciprocit茅.鈥 In Paul Ric艙ur. De l'homme faillible 脿 l'homme capable, ed. G. Fiasse, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (D茅bats philosophiques), 119-156, 2008.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淒roit naturel, finalit茅, nature et esclavage chez Aristote.鈥 In Droit naturel. Relancer l'histoire?, sous la dir. de L-L Christians, F. Coppens, X. Dijon, P. Favraux, G. Fiasse, J.-M. Longneaux et M. Ruol, Brussels: Bruylant, 133-154, 2008.

G. Fiasse, 鈥淟e tragique de l'action. Ricoeur et Antigone,鈥 in: Le projet d'Antigone. Parcours vers la mort d'une fille d'Oedipe, ed. Louise Grenier, Montr茅al: Liber, 2005, 139-153.

G. Fiasse, "Aristote. Ethiques," in Philosophie de la forme. Eidos, Idea, Morph猫 dans la philosophie grecque, des origines 脿 Aristote, ed. Andr茅 Motte, Louvain: Peeters (Aristote. Traductions et 茅tudes), 2004, 508-537.

G. Fiasse, "Paul Ricoeur, lecteur d'Aristote," in 脡thique 脿 Nicomaque VIII-IX, ed. Guy Samama, Paris: Ellipses, 2001, 185-189.


G. Fiasse, An encounter with 鈥淐harles L. Griswold, Forgiveness. A philosophical exploration. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007, 268 pages, in PhaenEx. Journal of existential and phenomenological theory and culture 3/2: 2008, 195-208.
Related Links:Phaenex

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