ENVR 451 - Research in Panama: 2024

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Student Reports:

PDF icon The Impact of Land Use Types on Soil Invertebrate Communities in the Azuero Peninsula of Panama
Sarah Taciani, Beatriz Aguirre, Kristy Sanchez Vega

PDF icon Documenting the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on artisanal fishing and its key actors in the community of Palo Seco, Veraguas, Panama
Rhianna Spencer-Moore, Johana Arauz, Jamie Depolla

PDF icon Sounding the Political Landscape of Food Security and Sovereignty in the Comarca Ngabe-Bugl茅: Lessons Learned From Bababotda
Holly Beato, Shani Laskin, Am茅lie Pasco

PDF icon Development of Community-Based Ecotourism in the Burica Peninsula, Panama: La Ecoruta de los Primates
Amaal Dawood, Lauren O'Farrell, Hector Santos

PDF icon Water and Citizenship: Experiences of Water Access in Nueva Luz N2, Arraijan - Towards a Future of Reliable Access to Water For All
Elsie Yang, Emma Fanuele, Nadine Ramirez Zapata

PDF icon Informe sobre el Area Economica Especial y la Terminal Portuaria Multiproposito en Aguadulce, Cocl茅, Panama, y reflexiones sobre sus impactos ambientales y sociales
Bianca Romero Gallegos, Carlos Ariel Gomez

PDF icon Assessment of Local Perceptions Regarding Pinus Caribaea Plantations in the Community of Chumico, District of Nurum
Linden MacKenzie, Maya Tatebe Berman

PDF icon Suggested areas to implement meliponarios based on simulations of defensive behaviours of Tetragonisca angustula towards various threats in Achiote, Panama - An Ethological Study
Sofia Morataya Guevara, Jovana Shrestha

PDF icon Preliminary Integration of Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) in the Campesino Community of Piura, Panama
Laura Symes-Langara, Katie Thomas

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