ENVR 451 - Research in Panama: 2014

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Student Reports:

Report: Biodiversity Impacts Across Time and Space - The Case of the Introduced Piscivore Cichla monoculus in Panama.pdf
Students: Meagan Deviaene, Karling Roberts

Report: Evolving Landscape of Col贸n - Land Use Change and the Politics of Development.pdf
Students: Chlo茅 Debyser, Frederic Hoffman

Report: Forest Vocational Lands of Eastern Panama.pdf
Student: Kaitlin Flahive

Report: Historical Logging in Eastern Panama - Genesis of a Social Ecological Landscape.pdf
Student: Will Miller

Report: Human-Jaguar Competition and Conflict - A Case Study in the Col贸n Biological Corridor.pdf
Students: Joel Moyer, Elizabeth Shebell

Report: In the Shadow of Burning Hill - An Analysis of the Hydrological and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Cerro Quema Open Pit Mine.pdf
Students: Amanda Degray, Connor Miles

Report: Long-Term Forest Plot Monitoring in Parque Natural Metropolitano.pdf
Students: David Hageraats, Philippe Heine

Report: Long-Term Monitoring Impact Assessment of Mining Activity in Panama.pdf
Students: Courtney Quinn, Jeanne Pouliot

Report: Responses of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Structure to Anthropogenic Environmental Alterations.pdf
Students: Angela Schneider, Beth Turner, Marisol Valverde

Report: Tourism Development as a Supplemental Livelihood Strategy.pdf
Students: Sabrina Dabby, Emily Murdoch

Report: Dimensiones de Exclusi贸n Social - La Vivienda Informal en la Cidudad de Panam谩.pdf
Student: Camille Zopola

Report: Evaluaci贸n de la Gesti贸n de Recursos H铆dricos al Nivel de Juntas Administradoras de Acueductos Rurales.pdf
Student: Mathis Messager

Report: A Participatory Approach to Teaching English as a Second Language through an Artistic and Environmental Lens.pdf
Students: Kai Kafrissen, Jehane Yazami

Report: Forest Gardens as an Approach to Reforestation in Azuero, Panama.pdf
Students: Anna Zisa, Pauline Sillinger

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