ENVR 451 - Research in Panama: 2012

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Student Reports:

Report: an Exploration of the Ipeti Embera Community's vision for a Possible REDD+ Project.pdf
Students: Kiley Remiszewski, Mya Sherman and Marie Verrot

Report: Conservation and Urban Development: Exploring the Impacts of Road Development on Parque Natural Metropolitano.pdf
Students: Alexander Aippersbach, Andrea Morden and Daniel Wilkenfeld

Report: From the Source to the Tap: Investigation of Water Supply Issues and Potential Solutions in the Urban Areas of Colon District.pdf
Students: Timoth茅e Pasqualini, Evelyne St-Louis and Ateeya Vawda

Report: Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Ecomorphs of Freshwater Fish of Eastern Panama: Bryconamericus_emperador_and_Astyanax_aeneus.pdf
Students: Marika Hirtle-Lewis and Naomi Robert

Report: Ojos para hojas: Environmental Education through Experience at Parque Summit.pdf
Student: Elizabeth Hamm

Report: Puppeteers for Change: An Artistic and Participatory Approach to Environmental Education in Panama.pdf
Students: Vivian Kaloxilos and Katherine Mac Donald

Report: Shade Coffee in Achiote: Investigating Links Between Biodiversity, Agriculture and Tourism.pdf
Guide: Guia del Sendero.pdf
Students: Caroline Morrow and Natalie Richards

Report: The Ecological and Social Impacts of Hydroelectric Dams on the Rio Chico and Chiriqui Viejo Watersheds.pdf
Students: Hope Bidga-Peyton, Saskia Nowicki and Heather Wodehouse

Report: The Effects of Hunting on the Jaguar Prey Populations in Parque Nacional Alto Chagres.pdf
Students: Hobin Jupe and Megan Lydon

Report: The Role and the Motivation for Learning English in the Lives of the People from El Valle San Isidro.pdf
Students: Virginia K. Kenyon and Elizabeth C. Scott

Reports : From Social Inventory to Management Plan: Local Perspectives on the Pablo Arturo Barrios Wildlife Refuge-part_1.pdf

From Social Inventory to Management Plan: Local Perspectives on the Pablo Arturo Barrios Wildlife Refuge-part_2.pdf
Students: Flaam Hardy, Isobel Phoebus and Tanya Taggart-Hodge

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