Ecological Determinants of Health - Cellular Stream (63 credits)

This program is open only to students in the B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) Major Environment.

See also Information for StudentsÌýfor details concerning:

  • Majors and Concentrations
  • Suggested First Year courses
  • Taking courses Outside your FacultyÌýor on the "Other" campus (Science students, in particular, need to be aware of the Restricted Courses list)
  • ENVR course sections - beware!
  • Statistics course(s) overlap
  • Your Faculty's Student Affairs Office

Program RequirementsÌý

NOTE: You are required to take a maximum of 33 credits at the 200 level and a minimum of 12 credits at the 400 level or higher in this program. This includes Core and Required courses.

Organic Chemistry (CHEM 212 or FDSC 230)Ìýis a co- and/or pre-requisite for the courses in the Molecular Biology and Cellular Biology categories in this program.Ìý

In this Concentration, BIOL 112 or AEBI 122 is required as a pre-requisite for NUTR 207, a complementary course in the Nutrition category.Ìý As well, Organic Chemistry (CHEM 212 or FDSC 230) is a co-requisite for NUTR 207.

Core: Required Courses (18 cr)

ENVR 200 - The Global Environment
ENVR 201 - Society,Environ&Sustainability
ENVR 202 - The Evolving Earth
ENVR 203 - Knowledge, Ethics&Environment
ENVR 301 - Environmental Research Design
ENVR 400 - Environmental Thought

Core: Complementary Course — Senior Research Project (3 cr*)

AEBI 427 - Barbados Interdisc Project (M)(in Barbados)
ENVR 401 - Environmental Research
ENVR 451 - Research in Panama (in Panama)
FSCI 444 - Barbados Research Project (in Barbados)
* Only 3 credits will be applied to the program; extra credits will count as electives.

Concentration: Required courses (6 cr)

PARA 410 - Environment and Infection (M)
GEOG 403 - Global Health & Envir. Change (not offered; contact Program AdvisorÌýfor options)

Concentration: Complementary courses - Fundamentals (18 cr)

(3 credits from each category)

Health, Society and Environment
GEOG 221 - Environment and Health (not offered)
GEOG 303 - Health Geography
GEOG 503 - Advanced Topics in Health Geog
NRSC 221 - Environment and Health (M) (not offered)
PPHS 529 - Global Env Hlth&Burden/Disease (must be in U3)
SOCI 234 - Population & Society (not offered 2024-2025)
SOCI 309 - Health and Illness
SOCI 331 - Population and Environment (not offered 2024-2025)
Cellular Biology
Note: You will not receive credit for either LSCI 211 or LSCI 202 if you have already received credit for both BIOL 200 and BIOL 201; you will not receive credit for either BIOL 200 or BIOL 201 if you have already received credit for both LSCI 202 and LSCI 211.
ANSC 234 - Biochemistry 2 (M)
BIOL 201 - Cell Biology & Metabolism
LSCI 202 - Molecular Cell Biology (M)
BIOL 202 - Basic Genetics
LSCI 204 - Genetics (M)
Molecular Biology
Note: You will not receive credit for either LSCI 211 or LSCI 202 if you have already received credit for both BIOL 200 and BIOL 201; you will not receive credit for either BIOL 200 or BIOL 201 if you have already received credit for both LSCI 202 and LSCI 211.
BIOL 200 - Molecular Biology
LSCI 211 - Biochemistry 1 (M)
AEMA 310 - Statistical Methods 1 (M)
MATH 203 - Principles of Statistics 1
or equivalent
ANSC 433 - Animal Nutrition & Metabolism (M)
NUTR 207 - Nutrition and Health (M)
NUTR 307 - Metabolism and Human Nutrition (M)

Concentration: Complementary courses - Human Health (12 cr)

(Maximum 3 credits from any one category)

Immunology and Pathogenicity
MICR 341 - Mechanisms of Pathogenicity (M) (offered in alternate Fall semesters)
MIMM 214 - Intro Immun: Elem of Immunity
MIMM 314 - Intermediate Immunology
PARA 438 - Immunology (M)
PATH 300 - Human Disease
Infectious Disease
Note: You can take MIMM 413 or PARAÌý424, but not both.
ANSC 400 - Eukaryotic Cells and Viruses (M)
MIMM 324 - Fundamental Virology
MIMM 413 - Parasitology
PARA 424 - Fundamental Parasitology (M)
PPHS 501 - Population Health&Epidemiology
ANSC 312 - Animal Health and Disease (M)
ENVB 500 - Advanced Topics Ecotoxicology (M) (offered fall 2024 and alternate years)
NUTR 512 - Herbs, Foods&Phytochemicals (M)
PHAR 300 - Drug Action
PHAR 303 - Principles of Toxicology
Note: You will not receive credit for ANSC 424 if you have already received credit for both PHGY 209 and PHGY 210; you will not receive credit for PHGY 210 if you have already received credit for both ANSC 323 and ANSC 424.
ANSC 424 - Metabolic Endocrinology (M)
PHGY 210 - Mammalian Physiology 2
PSYC 342 - Hormones & Behaviour
Note: You will not receive credit for ANSC 323 if you have already received credit for both PHGY 209 and PHGY 210; you will not receive credit for PHGY 209 if you have already received credit for both ANSC 323 and ANSC 424.
ANSC 323 - Mammalian Physiology (M)
PHGY 209 - Mammalian Physiology 1

Concentration: Complementary courses - Natural Environment (6 cr)

(Maximum 3 credits from any one category)

Hydrology and Climate
Note: You may take BREE 217 or GEOG 322, but not both.
BREE 217 - Hydrology and Water Resources (M)
GEOG 321 - Climatic Environments
GEOG 322 - Environmental Hydrology
Techniques and Management
AEBI 423 - Sustainable Land Use (M)
ENVB 437 - Assessing Environmental Impact (M)
ENVR 422 - Mtl Urban Sustainability Anal (offered in Summer 2025 and alternate years, in May term)
GEOG 302 - Environmental Management 1 Ìý
NUTR 450 - Research Meth: Human Nutrition (M)
Or, advanced quantitative methods course (with approval of Program Advisor)
Pest Management
Note: You may take BIOL 350 or ENTO 350, but not both.
BIOL 350 - Insect Biology and Control (not offered))
or ENTO 350 - Insect Biology and Control (M) (not offered)
ENTO 352 - Biocontrol of Pest Insects (M) (not offered)
Pollution Control and Management
BREE 322 - Organic Waste Management (M)
BREE 518 - Ecological Engineering (M)
NRSC 333 - Pollution and Bioremediation (M)
PARA 515 - Water, Health and Sanitation (M)Ìý
Note: You may take ENVR 540 or BIOL 540, but not both; you may take BIOL 451 or NRSC 451, but not both.
AEBI 421 - Trop. Horticultural Ecology (M)
BIOL 432 - Limnology
BIOL 451 - Res in Ecol&Develop in Africa (in Africa)
BIOL 465 - Conservation Biology
BIOL 540 - Ecology of Species Invasions
BIOL 553 - Neotropical Environments (in Panama)
ENVB 410 - Ecosystem Ecology (M)
ENVR 540 - Ecology of Species Invasions
MICR 331 - Microbial Ecology (M)
NRSC 451 - Res in Ecol&Develop in Africa (in Africa)
PLNT 304 - Biology of Fungi (M) (not offered)
PLNT 460 - Plant Ecology (M)
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