Renewable Resource Management Concentration (63 credits)

This program is open only to students in the B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) Major Environment.

How can we manage our renewable resources sustainably?

Renewable resource management is an emerging field that focuses on the ecosystem structures and processes required to sustain the delivery, to humanity, of ecosystem goods and services such as food, clean water and air, essential nutrients, and the provision of beauty and inspiration. Renewable resource management recognizes humans as integral components of ecosystems and is used to develop goals that are consistent with sustainability and ecosystem maintenance.

The Renewable Resource Management Concentration provides students with an understanding of: 1) the interactions between physical and biological factors that determine the nature and dynamics of populations and entities in the natural environment; 2) the ways in which ecosystems can be managed to meet specific goals for the provision of goods and services; 3) the economic and social factors that determine how ecosystems are managed; 4) the ways in which management of natural resources can affect the capability of natural ecosystems to continue to supply human needs in perpetuity; and 5) the approaches and technologies required to monitor and analyze the dynamics of natural and managed ecosystems.

See alsoÌýInformation for StudentsÌýfor details concerning:

  • Suggested First Year Courses
  • Taking courses onÌýboth campuses
  • ENVR course sections - beware!

Pre-requisite or Co-Requisite Courses for this Concentration (7 cr)

LSCI 211 - Biochemistry 1 (M)
or BIOL 112 - Cell and Molecular Biology
or CEGEP equivalent (objective OOXU)



FDSC 230 - Organic Chemistry (M)
or CHEM 212 - Intro Organic Chemistry 1
or CEGEP equivalent (objective OOXV)

Program Requirements

NOTE: Students are required to take a maximum of 30 credits at the 200 level and a minimum of 12 credits at the 400 level or higher in this program. This includes Core and Required courses.

Core: Required Courses (18 credits)

ENVR 200 - The Global Environment
ENVR 201 - Society,Environ&Sustainability
ENVR 202 - The Evolving Earth
ENVR 203 - Knowledge, Ethics&Environment
ENVR 301 - Environmental Research Design
ENVR 400 - Environmental Thought

Core: Complementary Course — Senior Research Project
(3 credits*)

ENVR 401 - Environmental Research (3 cr)
ENVR 451 - Research in Panama (6 cr) (in Panama)
FSCI 444 - Barbados Research Project (in Barbados)
* Only 3 credits will be applied to the program; extra credits will count as electives.

Concentration Complementary Courses (42 credits)

9 credits in basic principles of ecosystem processes and diversity
AEBI 210 - Organisms 1 (M)
or AEBI 211 - Organisms 2 (M)
or BIOL 305 - Animal Diversity

ENVB 305 - Population & Community Ecology (M)
or BIOL 308 - Ecological Dynamics

GEOG 305 - Soils and Environment (not offered 2024-2025)
or ENVB 210 - The Biophysical Environment (M)
6 credits statistics and GIS methods courses
AEMA 310 - Statistical Methods 1 (M)
or BIOL 373 - Biometry (not offered; replace with MATH 203 or equivalent)

ENVB 529 - GIS for Natural Resource Mgmt (M)
or GEOG 201 - Intro Geo-Information Science
6 credits advanced courses on ecosystem components
BIOL 553 - Neotropical Environments (in Panama)
GEOG 372 - Running Water Environments (not offered)
PLNT 358 - Flowering Plant Diversity (M)
WILD 307 - Natural History of Vertebrates (M)
6 credits advanced courses on ecological processes
BIOL 343 - Biodiversity in the Caribbean (in Barbados)
BIOL 432 - Limnology
BIOL 465 - Conservation Biology

BREE 217 - Hydrology and Water Resources (M)
or GEOG 322 - Environmental Hydrology

ENVB 410 - Ecosystem Ecology (M)
ENVB 500 - Advanced Topics Ecotoxicology (M) (offered fall 2024 and alternate years)
MICR 331 - Microbial Ecology (M)
NRSC 333 - Pollution and Bioremediation (M)
PLNT 460 - Plant Ecology (M)
6 credits in social processes
AGEC 333 - Resource Economics (M)
or ECON 405 - Natural Resource Economics

ANTH 339 - Ecological Anthropology
ENVR 421 - Mtl:Envr Hist & Sustainability (offered alternate years, in May term)
GEOG 340 - Sustain. in the Caribbean (in Barbados)
GEOG 498 - Humans in Tropical Envirnmnts (offered alternate years; in Panama)
RELG 270 - Religious Ethics & the Environ
9 credits ecosystem components or management of ecosystems
AGRI 550 - Sustained Tropical Agriculture (M) (offered alternate years; in Panama)
ENVR 422 - Mtl Urban Sustainability Anal (offered alternate years, in May term)
GEOG 302 - Environmental Management 1 Ìý
GEOG 404 - Environmental Management 2 (in Africa)
ENVB 437 - Assessing Environmental Impact (M)
PLNT 300 - Cropping Systems (M)
WILD 401 - Fisheries&Wildlife Management (M)
WOOD 441 - Integrated Forest Management (M)
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