Bachelor of Arts and Science

Interfaculty Program

  1. The Interfaculty Program in Environment;听

For information on the B.A.&Sc. degree requirements, see the University's 'Programs, Courses, and University Regulations聽e-Calendar. In addition, the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA) website provides Arts & Science students with general academic information and advice about issues such as faculty and degree requirements, registration issues, interfaculty transfers, study away, academic standing, and graduation.

See also Information for Students聽for details concerning:

  • Suggested First Year courses
  • Taking courses Outside your Faculty/Degree Program, or on the "Other" campus (Science students, in particular, need to be aware of the Restricted Courses list)
  • ENVR course sections - beware!
  • Statistics course(s) overlap
  • Your Faculty's Student Affairs Office
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