Interfaculty Program in Environment

Interfaculty Program in Environment (54 credits)

This program is open only to students in the BA&Sc Interfaculty Program Environment.

The growth of technology, globalization of economies, and rapid increases in population and per capita consumption have all had dramatic environmental impacts. The Interfaculty Program in Environment for the Bachelor of Arts and Science is designed to provide students with a broad "Liberal Arts/Science" training. In combination with careful mentoring, this program offers a great degree of flexibility, allowing students to develop the skills and knowledge base required to face the myriad of environmental problems that currently need to be addressed.

To complete the BA&Sc Interfaculty Program Environment, students must:

  1. complete all BA&Sc degree requirements as provided in the e-Calendar.
  2. pass all courses counted towards the Interfaculty Program with a grade of C or higher.
  3. confirm that their course selection satisfies the course components of the Bieler School of Environment听Core, and the complementary course program requirements of the Interfaculty Program.
  4. take a maximum of 21 credits at the 200-level and a minimum of 12 credits at the 400-level or higher in this program. This includes Interfaculty Program courses, but does not include electives or the courses in your Minor.
  5. complete at least听21 credits in the Faculty of Arts and at least听21 in the Faculty of Science as part of their Interfaculty program and their Minor (or Minor Concentration) combined. ENVR courses are considered courses in both Arts and Science; the credits for these are split between the two faculties for the purpose of this regulation.

See also Information for Students for information concerning:

  • Suggested First Year courses
  • Taking courses Outside your Faculty/Degree Program, or on the "Other" campus (Science students, in particular, need to be aware of the Restricted Courses list)
  • ENVR course sections - beware!
  • Statistics course(s) overlap
  • Your Faculty's Student Affairs Office

Interfaculty Program Requirements (54 cr)

Core Courses (21 credits)

The Core courses expose students to different interdisciplinary perspectives, approaches, and world views -- to help them understand the complexity and conflicts that underlie most environmental problems. Students will be challenged by the Core program to look beyond the confines of their individual views of environment.

Core - Required Courses (18 cr)

ENVR 200 - The Global Environment
ENVR 201 - Society,Environ&Sustainability
ENVR 202 - The Evolving Earth
ENVR 203 - Knowledge, Ethics&Environment
ENVR 301 - Environmental Research Design
ENVR 400 - Environmental Thought

Core - Complementary Course: Senior Research Project (3 cr)

AEBI 427 - Barbados Interdisc Project (in Barbados)
ENVR 401 - Environmental Research
ENVR 451 - Research in Panama (in Panama)
FSCI 444 - Barbados Research Project (in Barbados)
GEOG 451 - Res in Society & Dev in Africa (in Africa)
* Only 3 credits will be applied to the program; extra credits will count as electives.

Complementary Courses (33 credits)

Statistics (3 credits)

AEMA 310 - Statistical Methods 1 (M)
GEOG 202 - Statistics & Spatial Analysis
MATH 203 - Principles of Statistics 1
PSYC 204 - Intro to Psychological Stats

Special Areas (30 credits)

Students must take courses from at least three areas. Areas and courses should be chosen to build a coherent, upper-level body of knowledge relevant to some aspects of environment. At least 6 credits must be at the 400-level or higher, selected either from these lists or in consultation with the program advisor.

Area 1: Population, Community and Ecosystem Ecology
BIOL 308 - Ecological Dynamics
BIOL 342 - Glob Chng Biol of Aquat Ecosys
BIOL 432 - Limnology
BIOL 441 - Biological Oceanography
ENVB 305 - Population & Community Ecology (M)
ENVB 410 - Ecosystem Ecology (M)
ENVB 500 - Advanced Topics Ecotoxicology (M)(offered fall 2024 and alternate years)
ENVR 540 - Ecology of Species Invasions
or BIOL 540 - Ecology of Species Invasions
PLNT 460 - Plant Ecology (M)
Area 2: Biodiversity and Conservation
BIOL 305 - Animal Diversity
BIOL 310 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems
BIOL 343 - Biodiversity in the Caribbean (in Barbados)
BIOL 427 - Herpetology
BIOL 465 - Conservation Biology
MICR 331 - Microbial Ecology (M)
PLNT 358 - Flowering Plant Diversity (M)
WILD 307 - Natural History of Vertebrates (M)
WILD 350 - Mammalogy (M)
WILD 420 - Ornithology (M)
Area 3: Field studies in ecology and conservation
BIOL 240 - Monteregian Flora (at Mont St. Hilaire)
BIOL 331 - Ecology/Behaviour Field Course (at Mont St. Hilaire)
BIOL 334D1 - Applied Tropical Ecology and BIOL 334D2 - Applied Tropical Ecology (in Barbados)
BIOL 335 - Marine Mammals (in New Brunswick)
BIOL 553 - Neotropical Environments (in Panama)
GEOG 495 - Field Studies-Physical Geog (in southern Quebec)
WILD 475 - Desert Ecology (M) (in Arizona) (offered alternate years, summer term)
Area 4: Hydrology and water resources
GEOG 322 - Environmental Hydrology
or BREE 217 - Hydrology and Water Resources (M)
or CIVE 323 - Hydrology and Water Resources
EPSC 522 - Adv Environmental Hydrology
or GEOG 522 - Adv Environmental Hydrology
EPSC 549 - Hydrogeology
GEOG 470 - Wetlands
GEOG 530 - Global Land & Water Resources (not offered 2024-2025)
Area 5: Human Health
NUTR 307 - Metabolism and Human Nutrition (M)
PARA 410 - Environment and Infection (M)
PATH 300 - Human Disease
PHAR 303 - Principles of Toxicology
Area 6: Earth and soil sciences
ATOC 215 - Oceans, Weather and Climate
ATOC 341 - Caribbean Climate and Weather (in Barbados)
EPSC 201 - Understanding Planet Earth
GEOG 272 - Earth's Changing Surface
GEOG 305 - Soils and Environment (not offered 2024-2025)
GEOG 321 - Climatic Environments
Area 7: Economics
AGEC 333 - Resource Economics (M)
ECON 208 - Microeconomic Analysis&Applic
or AGEC 200 - Principles of Microeconomics (M)
ECON 326 - Ecological Economics
ECON 347 - Economics of Climate Change
ECON 405 - Natural Resource Economics
ECON 511 - Energy, Economy & Environment (not offered 2024-2025)
GEOG 216 - Geography of the World Economy
Area 8: Development and Underdevelopment
AGRI 411 - Global Issues on Dev, Food&Agr (M)
ANTH 212 - Anthropology of Development
ANTH 418 - Environment and Development (not offered 2024-2025)
ECON 313 - Economic Development 1
ECON 314 - Economic Development 2
GEOG 325 - New Master-Planned Cities
GEOG 408 - Geography of Development
GEOG 409 - Geographies of Developing Asia (not offered 2024-2025)
GEOG 423 - Dilemmas of Development (in Africa)
POLI 227 - Intro to Compar Pol-Global S.
POLI 445 - IPE: Monetary Relations
Area 9: Cultures and peoples
ANTH 206 - Environment and Culture (not offered 2024-2025)
ANTH 339 - Ecological Anthropology
ENVR 421 - Mtl:Envr Hist & Sustainability (offered alternate years, in May term)
GEOG 210 - Global Places and Peoples (not offered)
GEOG 498 - Humans in Tropical Envirnmnts (offered alternate years, in Panama)
HIST 292 - History and the Environment
HIST 510 - Enviro. Hist. of L. Am (Field) (offered alternate years, in Panama)
Area 10: Human Ecology and Health
ANTH 227 - Medical Anthropology
GEOG 303 - Health Geography
PHIL 343 - Biomedical Ethics
SOCI 309 - Health and Illness
Area 11: Spirituality, Philosophy and Thought
ANTH 318 - Globalization and Religion (not offered 2024-2025)
EDER 461 - Society and Change
PHIL 221 - Intro to Hist & Phil of Sci 2
PHIL 237 - Contemporary Moral Issues
PHIL 341 - Philosophy of Science 1 (not offered 2024-2025)
PHIL 348 - Philosophy of Law 1
RELG 270 - Religious Ethics & the Environ
RELG 370 - Religion and Human Rights
Area 12: Environmental Management
AGRI 550 - Sustained Tropical Agriculture (M) (offered alternate years, in Panama)
COMS 360 - Environmental Communication
ENVB 437 - Assessing Environmental Impact (M)
ENVR 422 - Mtl Urban Sustainability Anal (offered alternate years, in May term)
GEOG 302 - Environmental Management 1
GEOG 404 - Environmental Management 2 (in Africa)
NRSC 333 - Pollution and Bioremediation (M)
POLI 350 - Global Environmental Politics
WCOM 314 - Communicating Science
WILD 401 - Fisheries&Wildlife Management (M)
WILD 421 - Wildlife Conservation (M)
WOOD 441 - Integrated Forest Management (M)

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