
Axe «Gouvernance, institution et participation citoyenne»


Hoi Kong

Directeur d'axe

Portrait de Hoi Kong


Professeur titulaire,Peter A. Allard School of Law (University of British Columbia)

Intérêts de recherche

Théorie du droit public, droit comparé, droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit municipal, droit de l’aménagement du territoire, design urbain


Allard Hall, 1822 East Mall, bureau 364B
Vancouver (CB), Canada, V6T 1Z1

kong [at] allard.ubc.ca (> Courriel)

Sélection de publications

Hoi Kong. “Sustainable Urban Design: The Case of Montreal” in Sustainability and City Governance in Canada, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press: projected publication date: September 2022), Hoi Kong & Tanya Monforte (eds.)

“Should Quebec Adopt a Written Constitution: A (But Not The) Conclusion” in A Written Constitution for Quebec? Richard Albert and Léonid Sirota (eds.) (ϲ Queen’s University Press: 2023).

“Comparative Election Law in Canada”, in Comparative Election Law, James Gardner (ed.) (Edward Elgar: 2022) 32-50. “Thresholds, Powers and Accountability in the Emergencies Act” (2023) 46:1 Manitoba LJ 41

Hoi Kong. “Federalism Theory and the Canadian City” in Cities in Federal Constitutional Theory (Oxford University Press, projected publication date: 2022) Erika Arban (ed.)

Hoi Kong and Tanya Monforte, “Introduction” in Sustainability and City Governance in Canada, Hoi Kong & Tanya Monforte (eds.) (Toronto: University of Toronto Press: projected publication date September 2022)

Hoi Kong. Sustainability and City Governance in Canada, Hoi Kong and Tanya Monforte (eds.), (Toronto, University of Toronto Press), Urban Studies Series (projected publication date: September 2022).

Hoi Kong. « Election Law and Deliberative Democracy: Against Deflation »,Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, vol. XV, 2015, p. 35-58.

Cynthia Farina,Hoi Konget al.« Democratic Deliberation in the Wild: The ϲ Online Design Studio and the Regulation Room Project »,Fordham Urban Law Journal, n° XLI, 2014, p. 1527-1580.

Hoi Kong. « Republicanism and the Division of Powers in Canada »,University of Toronto Law Journal, n° LXI, 2014, p. 359-401.

Hoi Kong. « Toward a Federal Legal Theory of the City »,ϲ Law Journal, n° LVI, 2012, p. 473-517.

Hoi Kong. « Towards a Civic Republican Theory of Canadian Constitutional Law »,Review of Constitutional Studies[en ligne], vol. XV, n° 2, janvier 2011.

Hoi Kong. « The Deliberative City »,Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, vol. XXVIII, n° 2, 2010, p. 411-433.

Hoi Kong. « The Spending Power, Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Pragmatism »,Queen’s Law Journal, vol. XXXIV, n° 1, automne 2008, p. 305-374.

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