International Development Studies (INTD)

International Development Studies (INTD)

International Development Studies, the programs, and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Academic Programs > International Development Studies (INTD).

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 6, 2015) (disclaimer)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Minor Concentration International Development Studies (18 credits)

This program may be expanded to the Major Concentration International Development Studies.

For more information, see Minor Concentration International Development Studies (18 credits).

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Major Concentration International Development Studies (36 credits)

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Joint Honours Component International Development Studies (36 credits)

Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two Arts disciplines. For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs".  ...

For more information, see Joint Honours Component International Development Studies (36 credits).

Bachelor of Arts & Science—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 6, 2015) (disclaimer)
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