Bachelor of Arts and Science (About the Faculties)

The B.A. & Sc. is an interdisciplinary degree intended for students who want to pursue simultaneously a program offered by Arts and one offered by Science.  The B.A. & Sc. is intended for students with well-defined interdisciplinary interests, and is not meant as a "compromise" between a B.A. and a B.Sc. degree.  If you are more interested in Arts, but would like to study some Science, you can do so within the B.A. degree. Similarly, if you are more interested in Science, but would like to study some Arts, you can do so within the B.Sc. degree.

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Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 17, 2015) (disclaimer)
Bachelor of Arts & Science—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 17, 2015) (disclaimer)
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