Marie Manikis

Professeure agrégée
Chaire William Dawson

Nouveau Pavillon Chancellor-Day
Salle 505
3644, rue Peel
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3A 1W9

514-398-6624 [Bureau]
marie.manikis [at] (Courriel)

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Marie Manikis


Marie Manikis est professeure agrĂ©gĂ©e etĚýdĂ©tient uneĚýChaire William DawsonĚýĚýĂ  la FacultĂ© de droit de l'UniversitĂ© şÚÁϲ»´ňěČ, oĂą elle enseigne la justice pĂ©nale, laĚýpĂ©nologie, le droit pĂ©nal et la procĂ©dure pĂ©nale. Elle estĚýchercheure associĂ©eĚýau et conseillère Ă  laĚýSentencingĚýAcademyĚý(Angleterre et Pays de Galles). Elle est Ă©galementĚýchercheure associĂ©eĚýau Centre international de criminologie comparĂ©e (UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al) et membre du Centre sur les droits de la personne et le pluralisme juridique de şÚÁϲ»´ňěČ.Ěý

SesĚýrecherchesĚýsontĚýinterdisciplinaires, comparativesĚýet utilisentĚýdes mĂ©thodologies des sciences sociales pourĚýcontribuer Ă  l’avancementĚýdes connaissances en justice pĂ©nale. Ses intĂ©rĂŞts de recherche comprennent la justice pĂ©nale et laĚýpĂ©nologie, et plus particulièrement les aspects liĂ©s Ă  la participationĚýcitoyenne notamment celle desĚývictimes, le pouvoir discrĂ©tionnaire et la responsabilitĂ© du poursuivant, la mise en libertĂ© sous caution et la dĂ©tention avant le procès, ainsi que les principes de participation autochtone (principesĚýGladue).Ěý

La professeure Manikis a publiĂ© ses travaux dans desĚýrevues scientifiques rĂ©putĂ©es, notamment l'Oxford Journal of LegalĚýStudies, le Cambridge Law Journal, et le Public Law. SonĚýlivreĚýVictimsĚýas Agents of StateĚýAccountabilityĚýest sous contrat avec OxfordĚýUniversityĚýPressĚýet a Ă©tĂ© acceptĂ© dans sa prestigieuse sĂ©rie Criminal Law and Justice. Elle co-Ă©dite Ă©galement le volumeĚýSentencing, Public Opinion, and Criminal Justice:ĚýEssaysĚýin Honor of Julian V RobertsĚý(avec Dr Gabrielle Watson) sous contrat avec OxfordĚýUniversityĚýPress.Ěý

Elle a reçu plusieurs prix pourĚýsesĚýrecherches, dont leĚýĚý(2022),Ěý±ô±đ Prix de la Fondation du Barreau du QuĂ©bec dans le cadre du concours article juridique (2018) et le Prix du mĂ©rite en recherche de la FacultĂ© de droit (2017).ĚýElle a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©lue membre associĂ© de l'AcadĂ©mie internationale de droit comparĂ©Ěý(2021).Ěý

Ses recherches ontĚýĂ©tĂ© citĂ©esĚýpar divers tribunaux, dont la Cour suprĂŞme du Canada et la Cour d'appel d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles. Elle fournit Ă©galement rĂ©gulièrement des rapports de politiquesĚýpubliquesĚýet de consultation Ă  des organismes gouvernementaux, notamment le ministère de la Justice du Canada, le ministère de la Justice d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles et le SĂ©nat canadien. Elle a prĂ©sentĂ© plusieurs confĂ©rences, sĂ©minaires et sessions de formation juridique continue pour avocats et juges et a occupĂ© des postes de chercheure invitĂ©e au Center for theĚýStudyĚýof Law and Society, Ă  l'UniversitĂ© de Californie Ă  Berkeley et au Max Planck Institute for theĚýStudyĚýof Crime, SĂ©curitĂ© et droit en Allemagne.Ěý

Elle est dĂ©tentrice d’unĚýdoctorat en droit Ă  l'UniversitĂ© d'Oxford (2014), quiĚýcompareĚýles droits etĚýmĂ©canismes dont disposent lesĚývictimes en Angleterre, au Pays de Galles et aux États-UnisĚýlorsque leurs droits sont enfreints par l’administration publique. Sa thèse de doctorat a Ă©tĂ©ĚýfinancĂ©e notammentĚýpar le CRSH, le FRQSC, le MapleĚýLeafĚýTrust, le fonds PeterĚýBirksĚýet la Modern LawĚýReview. Au cours de ses Ă©tudes doctorales, elle aĚýenseignĂ© des sĂ©minaires aux cycles supĂ©rieursĚýen justice pĂ©nale au Centre de criminologie de l'UniversitĂ© d'Oxford et a Ă©tĂ© chercheuse invitĂ©e Ă  Harvard LawĚýSchool. Auparavant, elle a pratiquĂ© le droit Ă  MontrĂ©al et a Ă©tĂ©Ěýauxiliaire juridiqueĚýĚýauprès d'un juge de la Cour supĂ©rieure.Ěý

Le professeur Manikis s'intĂ©resse Ă  la supervision d'Ă©tudiants travaillant sur des sujets liĂ©s aux victimes, Ă  la dĂ©termination de la peine, au droit pĂ©nal et Ă  la justice pĂ©nale.Ěý


Articles dans revues avec comités de lecture

  • Marie Manikis and Audrey Matheson, “Communicating Censure: The Relevance of Conditions of Imprisonment at Sentencing and During the Administration of the Sentence” (2023) Modern Law Review (forthcoming).
  • Marie Manikis and Nicholas Doiron, “Solitary Confinement and State Harm: Reimagining Sentencing in Light of Dynamic Censure and State Blame” (2023) Punishment & Society (forthcoming).
  • Marie Manikis, “Recognising State Blame in Sentencing: A Communicative and Relational Framework” (2022) 81:2 Cambridge Law Journal 294-322.Ěý
  • Marie Manikis, “The Principle of Proportionality in Sentencing: A Dynamic Evolution and Multiplication of Conceptions” (2022) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 587-628.Ěý
  • Marie Manikis, “Conceptualising the Victim in England and Wales and the United States Within a Spectrum of Public and Private Interests”Ěý(2021) 41:1ĚýOxford Journal of Legal StudiesĚý219-242.
  • Marie Manikis and Jess De Santi, “Punishment and Retribution Within the Bail Process: An Analysis of the Public Confidence in the Administration of Justice Ground for Pre-Trial Detention” (2020) 35:3ĚýCanadian Journal of Law and SocietyĚý413-435.
  • Marie Manikis and Jess De Santi, “Punishing while Presuming Innocence: A Study on Bail Conditions and Administration of Justice Offences in Quebec” (2019) 60:3 Cahiers de droit 873-904.
  • Marie Manikis, “A New Model of the Criminal Justice Process: Victims’ Rights as Advancing Penal Parsimony and Moderation” (2019) 30:2 Criminal Law Forum 201-223.
  • Marie Manikis, “Contrasting the Emergence of the Victims’ Movements in the United States and England and Wales” (2019) 9:2 Societies 35-53.
  • Marie Manikis and Daniel Pascoe, “Making Sense of the Victim’s Role in Clemency Decision-Making” (2018) International Review of Victimology.
  • Marie Manikis, “Expanding participation: A comparative approach to victims as agents of accountability in the criminal justice process” (2017) 1ĚýPublic Law Ěý63-80.
  • Marie Manikis (with Peter Grbac), “Bargaining for Justice: The Road Towards Prosecutorial Accountability in the Plea Bargaining Process” (2017) 40:3 Manitoba Law Journal 85-110.
  • Marie Manikis, “Towards Accountability and Fairness for Aboriginal People: The Recognition of Gladue as a Principle of Fundamental Justice that Applies to Prosecutors” (2016) 21 Canadian Criminal Law Review 164-184.
  • Marie Manikis, “The recognition of prosecutorial obligations in an era of mandatory minimum sentences of imprisonment and over-representation of Aboriginal people in prisons” (2015) 71 Supreme Court Law Review 277-300.
  • Marie Manikis. “Imagining the future of victims’ rights: A comparative perspective” (2015) 13:1 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 163-186.
  • Marie Manikis, “Victim Impact Statements at Sentencing: Towards a Clearer Understanding of their Aims” (2015) 65:2 University of Toronto Law Journal 85-123.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Victim Personal Statements: Latest (and last) Trends from the Witnesses and Victims Experience Survey in England and Wales” (2013) 13:3 Criminology and Criminal Justice 245-261.
  • Marie Manikis, “Navigating through an obstacle course: The complaints mechanism for victims of crime in England and Wales” (2012) 12:2 Criminology and Criminal Justice 149-173.
  • Marie Manikis, “Recognizing Victims’ Role and Rights During Plea Bargaining: A Fair Deal for Victims of Crime” (2012) 58:3-4 Criminal Law Quarterly 411.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Recognizing ancillary harm at sentencing: A proportionate and balanced response” (2011) 15:2 Canadian Criminal Law Review 131-144.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Victim Impact Statements at Sentencing: The Relevance of Ancillary Harm” (2010) 15:1 Canadian Criminal Law Review, 1-29.

Chapitres de livres avec comités de lecture

  • Marie Manikis, “Victim-related Assumptions around Guilty Plea-Based Sentence Reductions: A Communicative and Experiential Framework” in JV Roberts and J Ryberg (eds), Pleading Guilty: Ethical Perspectives on Sentencing the Self-Convicted (Hart, 2023) forthcoming.Ěý
  • Marie Manikis and Mary Iliadis, “Analysing the Victim Review Scheme of Decisions not to Prosecute in England and Wales and Within Comparative Jurisdictions” in P Cox and S Walklate (eds), Victims’ Access to Justice (Routledge, 2022).
  • Marie Manikis and Mary Iliadis, “Analysing the Victim Review Scheme of Decisions not to Prosecute in England and Wales and Within Comparative Jurisdictions” in P Cox and S Walklate (eds),ĚýVictims’ Access to JusticeĚý(Routledge, 2022) forthcoming.
  • Marie Manikis, “Role of the Victim at Sentencing” in D Cole and JV Roberts (eds),ĚýSentencing in Canada: Law, Policy and PracticeĚý(Irwin Law, 2020)Ěý
  • Marie Manikis, “Comparative Perspectives on Victim Participation in Justice Proceedings” in E Erez and P Ibarra (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology (OUP) (in press)
  • Marie Manikis, “Role of the Victim at Sentencing” in D Cole and JV Roberts, Sentencing in Canada: Law, Policy and Practice (Irwin Law, 2020) (forthcoming)
  • Marie Manikis, “Comparative Perspectives on Victim Participation in Justice Proceedings” in E Erez and P Ibarra (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology (forthcoming)
  • Marie Manikis, “Conceptualizing the victim within criminal justice processes in common law tradition” in D Brown et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process, (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2018)
  • Marie Manikis, “The Difficult Road to Accountability: A Study on Complaints Mechanisms to Investigate and Address Victims’ Rights Violations” in J. Desrosiers, M-E. Sylvestre and M. Garcia, Criminal Law Reform in Canada: Challenges and Possibilities (Yvon Blais, 2017).

Chapitres de livres

  • Marie Manikis, “Criminal Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in JV Roberts and M Grossman (eds), Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 6th ed. (Thomson: Toronto 2020)
  • Marie Manikis, “Criminal Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in JV Roberts and M Grossman (eds), Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 5th ed. (Thomson: Toronto 2015)
  • Marie Manikis, “Criminal Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in JV Roberts and M Grossman (eds), Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 4th ed. (Thomson: Toronto 2011)

Autres revues de recherche

  • Marie Manikis, “Impact Statements at Sentencing: Developments since the Victims’ Bill of Rights” (2022) 15 Victims of Crime Research Digest (Department of Justice Canada)Ěý
  • Marie Manikis, “Recent Developments on Victim and Community Participation in Criminal Justice” (2019) 12 Victims of Crime Research Digest (Department of Justice Canada)Ěý
  • Marie Manikis, “Recent Developments on Victim and Community Participation in Criminal Justice” (2019) 12 Victims of Crime Research Digest (Department of Justice Canada)
  • Marie Manikis, (with Jo-Anne Wemmers), «ĚýLe dĂ©dommagement dans le système de justice pĂ©naleĚý» (2017) Research in Brief, Justice Canada, (forthcoming).
  • Marie Manikis and Ivana Isailovic, « Au delĂ  des catĂ©gories? Les nouvelles normes en matière de changement de sexeĚý» (2016) 4 Contours, 70.
  • Marie Manikis, “A comparative overview of victims’ rights, enforcement mechanisms and redress in England and Wales and the American Federal jurisdiction” (2013) 6 Victims of Crime Research Digest
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Victim Impact Statements in Canada: Recent Guidance from the Courts of Appeal” (2012) 5 Victims of Crime Research Digest
  • Marie Manikis, «ĚýLes tribunaux d'arbitrage civils islamiques en OntarioĚý», 1:1 International Legal (2005) Perspectives, Canadian Lawyers Abroad

Rapports gouvernementaux

  • Marie Manikis,ĚýFederalism and Victims’ Rights in CanadaĚý(Ottawa: Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, 2021)
  • Marie Manikis, Report on Judicial Delays in Criminal Proceedings (Ottawa: Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, 2016)
  • Marie Manikis, The Canadian Victims Bill of Rights: A Policy Analysis and Interpretation (Ottawa: Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, 2014)
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), Victims’ Needs and the Development of Outcome Measurements (London: Ministry of Justice of England and Wales, 2012)
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts) Victim Personal Statements at Sentencing: A Review of the Empirical Research (London: Office of the Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses of England and Wales, 2011)
  • Marie Manikis, Research findings and legislation on victims’ rights in Canada (Ottawa: Senate of Canada, 2011)

Contributions à la vie publique et aux médias

  • Marie Manikis, “”, Policy Options, 7 April 2020.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview “Quebec court declares mandatory minimum sentence unconstitutional for Aboriginal accused”, The Lawyer’s Daily, 22 April 2020.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on the role of victims in England and Wales and comparative perspectives, The Economist, 21 May 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, « », Le Devoir, 16 January 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, , CBC News, 30 January 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on the role of victim impact statements, Canadian Press, 30 January 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on Quebec’s proposal for specialized sexual violence tribunals, The Lawyers Weekly, 28 January 2019.
  • Jeffrey Kennedy and Marie Manikis, “”, The Gazette, 24 April, 2018.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on joint submissions at sentencing following R. v. Anthony-Cook, 2016 SCC 43, The Lawyers Weekly.
  • Marie Manikis (with Kaitlyn O’Shaughnessy), “The Mandatory Costs of Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Canada”, Oxford Human Rights Hub, 19 April 2016.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian Roberts), “Mandatory minimum sentences don’t work. They can’t work”, The Gazette, 13 January 2016.
  • Marie Manikis (with Marion Vannier), “Life Without Parole sentencing violates human ĚýĚýĚýĚý rights”, The Gazette, 1 April 2015
  • Marie Manikis, “Where are the rights in the proposed Victims Bill?”, The Globe and Mail, 7 April 2014
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on Bill C-32 and its implications, The Globe and Mail, 4 April 2014
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on Bill C-32 and its impact in criminal law, The Lawyers Weekly.ĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚýĚý
  • Marie Manikis, National Webinar for the Victims Justice Network: “Victim Impact Statements: Past Present and Future”, 2014
  • Marie Manikis, Consultation on a Proposed Federal Victims’ Bill of Rights, Ottawa: Department of Justice (September 2013).
  • Marie Manikis, Consultation on Improving the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime, London: Ministry of Justice (April 2013).
  • Marie Manikis, «ĚýProcureurs de la CouronneĚý: une vague de dĂ©parts dĂ©sastreuse est Ă  craindreĚý» La Presse, 23 February 2011
  • Marie Manikis, “Une Couronne sans joyauxĚý: les consĂ©quences d’une justice secondaire au QuĂ©bec” Droit-inc, 24 February 2011


  • DPhil (Law) University of Oxford (2010-2014)
  • MSt (Law), University of Oxford (2009-2010)
  • LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School (2008-2009)
  • Member of the Quebec Bar (2007)
  • LL.B. (Hons.), University of Montreal (2003-2006)

Parcours professionnel

  • Chaire William Dawson, UniversitĂ© şÚÁϲ»´ňěČ (2019- )
  • Professeure agrĂ©gĂ©e, FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© şÚÁϲ»´ňěČ (2019- )
  • Professeure adjointe, FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© şÚÁϲ»´ňěČ (2013-2019)
  • Chercheure (2009-2013), tuteure (2012), Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford (2009-2013)
  • Teaching Assistant, York University (2008-2009)
  • Avocate (litige) (2007-2008) et stagiaire en droit (2005-2007)
  • Auxilliaire juridique, Cour supĂ©rieure du QuĂ©bec (2005-2006)

Champs d'intérêt

Droit criminel, droit de la personne, victimes, pénologie et la justice pénale

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