ÉéԱԳٲ à venir
Financé par le Fonds d’études notariales, le Centre a le plaisir d'organiser un atelier qui traitera de la nouvelle réforme portant sur l’union parentale.
Sponsored by the ϲ Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, F.R. Scott Chair in Public & Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law Society, and the Feminist Legal Collective.
Le Centre Paul-André Crépeau a le plaisir de recevoir le professeurPhilip Girard pour la présentation de son chapitre “Struggling with modernity: Quebec law, 1914-1949".
Mugambi Jouet - Interaction between federalism and abortion policy and politicsin Canada and the USA
Mugambi Jouet will contrast theinteraction between federalism and abortion policy and politicsin Canada and the USAin Prof. Johanne Poirier's Comparative Federalism class.
Mugambi Jouet will lead an informal discussion on“American Exceptionalism in a Changing Western World”.Cakes and coffee will be served.
Join us for our Student Colloquium, where students from across Canada will present their research work on the topic of "Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities".
Prisons are many things. Among these, they are places of work for the tens of thousands of human beings imprisoned there.
Le Centre Paul-André Crépeau de droit privé et comparé vous invite chaleureusement à assister au lancement du nouveau livre de Valentin Jeutner, The Reasonable Person : A Legal Biography (Cambridge University Press, 2024)