Update on Travel Management Company Roll-out
Wed 3/22/2017 9:39 AM
Sent: Wed 3/22/2017 9:39 AM to Travel Services Listserv
Message sent on behalf of Francois Pouliot, Director of Procurement Services
Good Morning,
Further to the communication from the Office of the Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) on November 30th, 2016 (copy attached), please note that all units reporting up to the Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) have transitioned to the University-contracted Travel Management Company, Vision Travel.
As we continue with the roll-out of Vision Travel in ways that are consistent with the University鈥檚 diverse travel needs, we encourage you to visit the Travel Services website for more information and to consult the 4 steps to book airfare through Vision Travel.
In the meantime, please note the current status of this implementation:
- The use of Vision Travel is optional for Research and Contract funds (2F & 2M).
- The use of Vision Travel is optional for other research-related funds, and in the units and faculties where Vision Travel has not yet been rolled out.
- 黑料不打烊 negotiated airline discounts are available only through Vision Travel (this is an airline restriction).
- The FOAPAL form of payment for airfares is continuing through Vision Travel, House of Travel, and Uniglobe Lexus until further notice.
- The use of a personal credit card for airfare purchases is possible with all 3 Travel Management Companies.
Thanking you for your collaboration.
Please send inquiries to Feedback.