A. Training Activities
Clinic and Culture Seminars
Department of Psychiatry, Montreal Children's Hospital
Date | Title | Presenters |
10/30/1998 | Coming Together: Reunification in a West Indian Family | Myrna Lashley, Ph.D. John Abbott College Carlo Sterlin, Ph.D. Jean Talon Hospital |
11/27/1998 | A Father's Curse: Possession or Psychosis in a Somali Adolescent | Cécile Rousseau, Ph.D. MCH |
12/18/1998 | Vivre a moitie quand on est deux déracinement et grossesse | Sylvaine de Plaen, M.D. St. Justine Hospital |
01/29/1999 | The Boy Who Wished to be Shiva | Jaswant Guzder, M.D. JGH |
03/26/1999 | An Overview of Inter-Cultural Approaches in Psychiatry: Case Presentation | Carlo Sterlin, M.D. Jean Talon Hospital |
04/30/1999 | Mémoire collective et espace individuel: le recit d'une femme rwandaise | Marian Shermake, M.SW SARIMM |
10/22/1999 | Trauma, prostitution et réunification familiale. "Quelque soit l'épaisseur de l'épaule, elle ne pourra jamais dépasser le cou, mais le cou ne pourra jamais se séparer de l'épaule" | Déogratias Bagilishya, Ph.D. MCH |
11/26/1999 | Psychotherapy with a South Asian Woman | Judy Malik, M.SW JGH |
12/17/1999 | Boundary Issues in Transcultural Psychiatry | Jaswant Guzder, M.D. JGH |
01/28/2000 | De l'art de se protéger avec un parapluie: les alias d'une prise en charge d'un garcon d'origine Vietnamienne, dont la mère est psychotique | Sylvaine De Plaen, M.D. St. Justine Hospital |
02/25/2000 | La fattura ou l'autre visage d'une dépression familiale | José Segura, M.D. CLSC Cote-des-Neiges |
03/24/2000 | When Help Can Mean Hurt: Intervention Institutionnelle et Violence Familiale | Toby Measham, M.D. MCH Déogratias Bagilishya, Ph.D. MCH Marian Shermarke, M.SW SARIMM |
04/28/2000 | Religion, Numerology and Eating Difficulties: A Precarious Fusion | Radhika Santhanam, Ph.D. JGH Cécile Rousseau, M.D. MCH |
10/27/2000 | Religion as a Variable in Forced Treatment | Myrna Lashley, Ph.D. John Abbott College Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
11/24/2000 | Transgressive Space | Radhika Santhanam, Ph.D. JGH Déogratias Bagilishya, Ph.D. MCH |
12/15/2000 | Ethos of the Wounded Healer | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
01/26/2001 | From Zion to Babylon: The Journey of a Rastafarian Boy Through Psychiatric Services | George McKenzie. Batshaw Family Services Cécile Rousseau, M.D. MCH |
03/23/2001 | A partir d'un cas clinique en Abitibi - une approche écologique du mental? | Jean-Dominique Leccia, M.D. PRISME |
Culture, Community & Mental Health Series
Institute of Community & Family Psychiatry, Sir Mortimer B. Davis–Jewish General Hospital
Date | Title | Presenters |
05/14/1999 | Building Bridges Between Community Organizations and Mental Health Professionals | Tamara Kater, Multi Caf Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH Judy Malik, M.SW JGH |
06/18/1999 | "Asylum" An NFB documentary that takes us right inside the Canadian refugee process | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH Judy Malik, M.SW JGH |
07/16/1999 | Rape: A Crime of War | Judy Malik, M.SW JGH Marianne Shermarke, M.SW SARIMM |
10/15/1999 | "Hear What We Are Saying" A documentary on women, racism and the mental health system | Jaswant Guzder, M.D. JGH Radhika Santhanam, Ph.D. JGH |
11/12/1999 | Dilemmas of Ethnic Match: Minority Origin Professionals in Health and Social Services | Morton Weinfeld, Ph.D. ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University Jaswant Guzder, M.D. JGH |
12/10/1999 | "War is Not a Game" A CCVT (Canadian Center for Victims of Torture) film on the effects of organized violence | Patricia Foxen, M.A. MCH |
01/14/2000 | Organized Violence | Pierre Dongier, M.D. CLSC Cote-des-Neiges Angelica Marin-Liva, Ph.D. RIVO |
02/11/2000 | Interventions in Intercultural Situations: A Training Model | Kalpana Das, Intercultural Institute of Montreal |
03/10/2000 | "Broken Promises" A NFB film & Nutaaq Media film on the effects of relocation on a group of Inuit families | Patricia Tassinari, Filmaker |
04/14/2000 | "Working Like Crazy" A NFB and Skyworks film on the struggles and victories of psychiatric survivors working in a survivor-run business | Gwynne Basen, Filmaker |
07/28/2000 | "Culture, Infancy & Research in South Africa" | M. Tomlinson, Ph.D. Child Guidance Clinic, S. Africa |
09/15/2000 | "The Return of the Dybbuk: A Cast Study of Spirit Possession in Contemporary Israel" | Yoram Bilu, Ph.D. The Hebrew University, Israel |
11/17/2000 | "If the Family Fits" A NFB documentary which explores traditional notions of family as voiced by R.E.A.L women versus an alternate family lifestyle when a spouse declares a bisexual orientation | Patricia Kearns Dan Delaney |
01/12/2001 | Encounters of the Three-Way Kind: Working with Interpreters in Mental Health Settings | Heather Clarke, MCH |
02/09/2001 | Political and Psychiatric Ambiguities in the Baltic States: From Neurasthenia to Depression | Vieda Skultans, University of Bristol |
03/09/2001 | "Some Kind of Arrangement" A NFB film on the South Asian tradition of arranged marriages adapted to the North American context | Judy Malik, M.SW JGH Judy Gradinger, M.A. JGH |
04/20/2001 | "The Development & Evaluation of the Cultural Consultatoin Service" | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
In-service Training, Workshops and Rounds
CLSCs, Hospitals and Community Organizations
Date | Institution/ Location | Title | Presenters |
06/1999 | CLSC René-Cassin | L'intervention interculturelle en santé mentale | Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH |
07/1999 | CLSC Normand-Bethune | L'intervention interculturelle aupres des réfugiés kosovars | Laurence Kirmayer, Ph.D. JGH Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH Eric Jarvis, M.D. JGH |
11/1999 | CLSC Cote-des-Neiges | Utilités et procédure du Service de Consultation Culturelle de l'hopital Général Juif | Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH |
07/1999 | Poste de Police, Laval, QC | Adéquation culturelle de l'intervention sociale aupres des réfugiés Kosovars | Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
03/16/2000 | JGH National Social Work Week Lecture | Responding to the needs of patients from diverse backgrounds | Pierre Dongier, M.D. CLSC Cote des Neiges Jaswant Guzder, M.D. JGH Judy Malik, M.SW JGH |
05/20/2000 | ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University, Psychiatry | Séminaire: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods. Sixth Annual Summer Program in Social & Transcultural Psychiatry | Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH |
12/05/2000 | JGH Inpatient Service Rounds | Case presentation from the Cultural Consultation Service | Radhika Santhanam, Ph.D. JGH Azaad Kassam, M.D. JGH Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
12/12/2000 | CLSC René-Cassin | Cultural interventions with the elderly | Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH Judy Malik, M.SW JGH |
01/08/2001 | MGH, Psychiatry | The role and function of the Cultural Consultation Service | Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
01/15/2001 | ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, Educational Psychology & Counseling Master's Students | The role and function of the Cultural Consultation Service | Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
01/19/2001 | JGH/ICFP CCS Workshop | Filipino values and culture | Renee Tirol, M.D. SAMSARA |
01/23/2001 | JGH/ICFP Psychology Rounds | The development of bicultural competence: implications for assessment and therapy | Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
02/08/2001 | MCH, Psychiatric Grand Rounds | What is the real story? An anthropological approach toward clinical narratives | Patricia Foxen, M.A. MCH |
02/12/2001 | MGH, Community Mental Health | Case presentation from the Cultural Consultation Service | Myrna Lashley, Ph. D. John Abbott College Caminee Blake, Ph.D. JGH |
B. Dissemination Activities
Date | Institution/ Location | Title | Presenters |
10/1999 | Education & Counselling Psychology, ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ | "Collective Self-Esteem and Shared Identities," Developmental Seminar Series | Sadeq Rahimi, M.A. JGH |
05/26/2000 | Vancouver, BC | "Development and evaluation of a cultural consultation service in mental health." Proceedings: Removing Barriers II; Keeping Canadian Values in Health Care | Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH L.J. Kirmayer, MD JGH C. Rousseau, MD, MCH |
10/05/2000 | Kyoto, Japan | "Cultural variations in the presentation of depression," International Consensus Group meeting on cross-cultural issues in the treatment of depression and anxiety. | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
10/13/2000 | Vancouver, BC | Keynote address, "A poetics of survival: Culture, community and the durable self," Annual Meeting, Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention in Canada: Exploring Our Diverse Landscape | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
10/19/2000 | Chantilly, France | "Use and misuse of the cultural formulation in child psychiatry," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Cécile Rousseau, M.D. MCH |
10/19/2000 | Chantilly, France | "Creative expression workshops for newly arrived immigrant and refugee children," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Cécile Rousseau, M.D. MCH |
10/19/2000 | Chantilly, France | "Mediation, cultural aggression and therapeutic neutrality," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Toby Measham, M.D. MCH |
10/19/2000 | Chantilly, France | "The multiplicity of clinical narratives: An anthropological perspective," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Patricia Foxen, M.A. MCH |
10/19/2000 | Chantilly, France | "Gender and power in family therapy: A South Asian perspective,", Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Radhika Santhanam, Ph.D. JGH |
10/19/2000 | Chantilly, France | "The development of a cultural consultation service," Annual meeting, Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture. | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
10/20/2000 | Chantilly, France | "Implications of new information technologies for cultural psychiatry," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Sadeq Rahimi, M.A. JGH |
10/20/2000 | Chantilly, France | "Cultural idioms of distress and help-seeking among Vietnamese Immigrants," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Danielle Groleau, Ph.D. JGH |
10/20/2000 | Chantilly, France | "The relationship between resilience, PTSD and traumatic events among adolescent survivors of war and genocide in Rwanda," Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture | Esther Ehrensaft, M.A. JGH |
10/21/2000 | Chantilly, France | "The refugee's predicament," L'Evolution Psychiatrique Conference on Psychiatry and Human Rights: Anthropological and Cross-cultural Issues | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
10/23/2000 | Stockholm, Sweden | "An introduction to cultural psychiatry," Transcultural Psychiatry Center, Stockholm | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
10/27/2000 | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | "Research in cultural psychiatry: A schedule of methodological virtues," Department of Psychology | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
11/13,2000 | Montreal, QC | "Religion, spirituality and mental health in multicultural societies", Fondation ARC | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
02/17/2001 | Yokohama, Japan | Keynote address, "Encountering the other: cultural psychiatry in a globalizing world", Japanese Society for Transcultural Psychiatry | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
02/21/2001 | University of Missouri, Columbia | Presentation of the CCS . Outreach Meeting, International Center for Psychosocial Trauma | Judy Malik, M.SW JGH |
02/19/2001 | Jichi Medical School, Japan | "Rethinking somatization: a sociocultural perspective" | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
03/21/2001 | Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI | "Encountering the other: cultural psychiatry in a globalizing world", Chairman's Grand Rounds Lecture Series | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
03/24/2001 | SUNY, Binghamton, NY | "Shrunken Time, Flattened Memory: The Fate of Identity in the Age of Speed," Proceedings of "Time, Memory, Text," an international interdisciplinary conference on time and memory | Sadeq Rahimi, M.A. JGH |
05/05/2001 | Montreal, QC | Invited discussant, "Body, Memory & Identity", Joint Meeting, Canadian Anthropology Society, American Ethnological Society and Society for Cultural Anthropology | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
05/07/2001 | New Orleans, LA | "Coercive treatment of immigrants with psychosis," Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association | Eric Jarvis, M.D. JGH Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH Bernard Unger |
07/10/2001 | University of Missouri, Columbia | "Women & Violence," 8th Annual Summer Institute of Psychosocial Trauma. International Center for Psychosocial Trauma | Judy Malik, M.S.W. JGH |
07/23/2001 | Vancouver, BC | Invited plenary address, "Models of mental health care for multicultural societies", World Assembly for Mental Health, 26th Biennial Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |
09/03/2001 | Homerton College, Cambridge, England | Invited presentation, "Locating the narratives of psychiatry", British Medical Journal Conference on Narrative Approaches to Medicine | Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. JGH |