Final Examinations

Final Examinations

Final examinations in regularly scheduled courses are held during the final examination period at the end of the term. The format of the final exams can be either online or in person, depending on the situation. The dates of the final examination periods are listed at

Important Note: You are advised not to make travel plans prior to the release of the Final Exam Schedule. Vacation plans do not constitute grounds for the deferral or re-scheduling of final exams.
Note for Summer Studies: All information pertaining to final exam conflicts can be found at

In some courses there is no final examination; your final grade in these courses is determined by different forms of assessment(s) indicated in the course outline. During the first week of class, students will be provided with a course outline, which along with other details, will include the types of assessment to be used in the course and the weight accorded to each assessment.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024) (disclaimer)

Final Examinations: University Regulations Concerning Final Examinations

Final Examinations: University Regulations Concerning Final Examinations



The objectives of these regulations are as follows:

  1. to protect students from excessive workloads;
  2. to use the entire term to maximum advantage.



  1. These regulations shall apply to undergraduate courses up to and including the 500 level that are evaluated by the use of written examinations. They shall not apply to clinical, field, laboratory, performance, and seminar courses, or to other courses that are evaluated solely by means of a design, paper, program, or project.
  2. Written examinations (including take-home examinations) shall not be held during the last two weeks of scheduled classes during the Fall and Winter terms, except where a pattern of continuous evaluation has been established, in which case the total value of examinations given in this period shall comprise no more than 10% of the final grade.
  3. If the written examinations in a course constitute 50% or more of the final grade, one of these shall be given as a final written examination, and it shall take place during the examination period after the last day of scheduled lectures in December or April. Final examinations can be administered as either in person or online assessments.
  4. A final examination given during the examination period shall be worth at least 25% of the final grade.
  5. Students shall be informed of all course requirements by the end of the course add/drop period. All term work shall be assigned early enough in the term for students to complete the assignment(s) by the last day of class.
  6. The due date for term work in courses to which these regulations apply shall be no later than the last day of classes.
  7. In courses that span the Fall and Winter terms (course pairs with numbers ending D1 and D2), instructors who wish to give a mid-year examination in December must schedule it in the formal examination period.
  8. The principles enunciated in these regulations shall be applied, appropriately modified, to courses given during the summer, to other courses of less than a 13-week duration, and to courses in the Faculties of Law, Medicine and Health Sciences, Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, and Education that do not follow the normal University Timetable.
  9. Individual faculties may propose variations in these regulations to the Academic Policy and Planning Committee to meet their special needs.
  10. These regulations, and any variations to them, shall be made known to students by each faculty.

Instructors are not permitted to grant any special treatment regarding examinations to any student. Students who believe there are circumstances which might justify making special examination arrangements for them or which might legitimately be taken into account in evaluating their performance should apply to the Associate Dean or Director of their faculty.

Note for the Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A. & Sc.): Requests are made at Service Point (3415 McTavish Street). However, it is important that you also see a faculty advisor in Arts OASIS or Science SOUSA to talk about your options and the effects that your request may have on your studies. For more information, refer to Academic Advising.

It is the responsibility of the student to confirm the date, time, format for online or location of an in person examination by checking examination schedules posted on No student will be allowed to enter an in person examination later than one hour after it has started.

Note for Medicine and Health Sciences: Refer to UGME's Assessment and Promotion Policy.
Note for Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences: Refer to
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Jan. 31, 2025) (disclaimer)

Deferred Examinations for Summer Term Courses

Deferred Examinations for Summer Term Courses

If, for serious reasons such as illness or family affliction, you have not written one or more examinations, you must submit a request for a deferral on Minerva.

If the request is approved, you may be granted the option of writing a deferred examination. In such cases, a grade of "L" will be entered on your record, to be replaced subsequently by the grade received in the deferred examination.

Students with permission to write a deferred examination (for courses administered by faculties outside of Engineering) should expect to write the deferral in mid-August concurrent with the Winter deferred exams. Please see for further details. For deferral application dates, please see

Please note that for courses administered by the Faculty of Education, deferred examinations will not be permitted; however, in exceptional circumstances, you may be granted permission to withdraw from the course, without refund.

Note for Engineering Courses: For summer courses administered by the Faculty of Engineering, the deferral application is not available on Minerva. Students must submit a request to defer a final exam by email to [at] no later than one week or five (5) working days after the missed exam.

A student who, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, does not write the final examination and has not formally withdrawn from the course, will be given a letter grade of "J," which will count as a failure in the TGPA and CGPA.

The final examination schedule for Summer Studies courses is available at

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Jan. 19, 2024) (disclaimer)

Final Examinations: Reassessments and Rereads

Final Examinations: Reassessments and Rereads

In accordance with the Charter of Students’ Rights, and subject to its stated conditions, students have the right to consult any assessment task, including oral assessment tasks that are recorded, for which a grade has been received and the right to discuss the submission with the Examiner. Students should refer to the Policy on Assessment of Student Learning (PASL) for details.


Rereads of examinations involves an impartial review by a qualified third party. Reviewers assess the appropriateness of the original grade based, for example, on the application of the grading key to the student’s work. If a third-party reviewer deems the original grade to be inappropriate, the grade will be revised up or down accordingly. The reviewer’s grade overrides the original grade.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Aug. 21, 2024) (disclaimer)

Reassessments and Rereads: Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A. & Sc.)

Reassessments and Rereads: Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A .& Sc.)

There are two recognized types of impartial reviews: reassessments and rereads:

  • reassessment of coursework completed during the term (term papers, mid-terms, assignments, quizzes, etc.)
  • reread of a final exam

In both cases, rather than correct and grade the work again, reviewers assess the appropriateness of the original grade based, for example, on the application of the grading key to the student's work. If a grade is deemed unfair, it is changed, whether the new grade is higher or lower than the original, i.e., the reviewer's grade takes precedence over the original grade.

Reassessment of Coursework

Reassessment of Coursework

These reassessments are administered and conducted solely by the units involved according to procedures specified by the units and made available to staff and students. Requests for such reassessments must be made within 10 working days after the graded material(s) has been made available for students to view. Reassessments should normally be completed within 20 working days of the request.

Rereads of Final Examinations

Rereads of Final Examinations

Deadlines to request final exam rereads:

  • March 31 for courses in the Fall term
  • September 30 for courses in the Winter and Summer terms

Exam reread fees apply; refer to the Student Accounts website for fee amounts and information.

For students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Arts & Science:

  • Requests for a final exam reread must be made via Service Point;
  • It is strongly recommended, but not required, that you consult with the instructor of the course before requesting a reread of a final exam.

Students from outsside the Faculties of Arts or Science taking a course administered by them must submit final exam reread requests directly to the Student Affairs Office of their Faculty for Approval.

Reassessments and rereads in courses not in the Faculties of Arts and Science are subject to the deadlines, rules, and regulations of their relevant faculties.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024) (disclaimer)

Rereads: Faculty of Engineering

Rereads: Faculty of Engineering

You can request a formal reread of a final examination once you have discussed it with your instructor. You must complete a Reassessment of a Grade and Reread webform and submit it to the Student Affairs Office, Engineering Student Centre.

The following regulations apply:
  • Grades may be either raised or lowered as the result of a reread.

Reread application deadlines:

  • Fall courses: last working day of March
  • Winter courses: last working day of July
  • Summer courses: last working day of September

Non-Engineering courses: Rereads in courses not in the Faculty of Engineering are subject to the deadlines, rules, and regulations of the relevant faculty.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024) (disclaimer)
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024) (disclaimer)
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