Spring Workshop
Friday, June 6, 2025
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
This workshop is open to occupational therapists as well as motivated students seeking to gain additional practical experience with orthosis fabrication. Participants will fabricate four orthoses for the wrist and hand.
*Students: 175.00
*Students must show ID at registration.
Cost includes all materials, lunch, and coffee break
Parking passes will be available for free
The number of participants is limited to 20 for this workshop. Priority will be given to registrations in order of receipt.
Please register at the link below.
Short presentations will be given in French and English. Instruction during the hands-on workshops will be available in French or English. Presentation materials may be available in English upon request.
*Deadline to Register: May 19, 2025.
Orthotic fabrication skills are required in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions in orthopedics, plastic surgery, rheumatology, neurology, trauma, burns, and pediatrics. Orthoses can help to facilitate function, protect healing structures, and improve general quality of life. This one-day workshop is open to occupational therapists who wish to learn more about fundamental fabrication principles and practice intermediate level orthosis fabrication techniques for the hand and upper extremity.
8:30-9:00 Inscription et déjeuner- Registration and breakfast
9:00-9:20 Présentation/Presentation: Orthèses «Relative Motion»
9:20-10:30 Atelier/Workshop: orthèses «relative motion»
10:30-10:45 Pause café/Coffee break
10:45-11:05 Présentation :Orthèse statique, post réparation destendons fléchisseurs de la main.
Presentation: Static orthosis post hand flexor tendonrepair.
11:05-12:30 Atelier : Orthèse statique, post réparation destendons fléchisseurs de la main.
Workshop: Static orthosis post hand flexor tendonrepair.
12:30-13:15 îԱ/ܲԳ
13:15-13:35 Présentation : Orthèses pour pathologie du poignet.
Presentation: Orthoses for wrist pathology.
13:35-14:45 Atelier : Orthèse style “gauntlet” du poignet.
Workshop: Wrist gauntlet orthosis.
14:45-15:00 Pause café/Coffee break
15:00-16:20 Atelier : Orthèses style “joint jack” et plâtres en série.
Workshop: Joint jack style orthoses and serial casting.
16:20-16:30 Conclusion (évaluations de la conférence et certificats).
Wrap-up (evaluations and Certificates).
Nancy Forget MSc, BSc(OT), erg.
Nancy is an occupational therapist with a special interest in hand therapy from a clinical, educational, and research perspective. She has extensive clinical experience in orthosis fabrication and has been an instructor of orthosis fabrication workshops for students and clinicians for more than 20 years. She has worked in private and public settings, in both Quebec and Ontario. Her involvement in research projects has led to the publication of scientific manuscripts and presentations at both national and international conferences. Currently, she holds the position of faculty lecturer at the School of Physical &Occupational Therapy, ϲ University, and works as an expert consultant to develop hand therapy expertise within the PhysioExtra clinic network, which includes more than 36 clinics across Quebec.
Barbara Shankland, BSc(OT), MSc, OT(C), erg., CHT
Occupational therapist and Assistant Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, ϲ University. More than 30 years of experience in upper extremity rehabilitation. Lecturer at local, provincial national and European conferences as well as universities in Ontario and Quebec. First certified hand therapist in Quebec.
Registration on button above.
McIntyre Medical Sciences Building, 4th floor
ϲ University, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy
1200 Pine Ave W, Montreal Quebec H3G 1Y6
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1Y6
Friday, June 6, 2025 - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Vendredi, 6 juin, 2025 - 8h:30 - 16h:30
"Very interesting workshop, hoping for more like these in the future!”
“Excellente formatrices, très disponibles pour discuter avec nous.”
“Formation très pertinente pour la clinique :)”
“Petits groupes, c’est idéal car rétroaction +++”
“Merci, c’était très intéressant!”
“Excellent! Thank you!!!”