MSW Program Field Placement Policy & Procedures


Placements are negotiated and organized by the MSW Field Placement Coordinator, not by the students themselves.

  • Students are required to successfully complete 12 social work credits before starting their field placement.
  • Students in an MSW field placement must successfully complete 450 hours of field practice.
  • Placements are carried out in one field setting, even though it represents three courses.
  • Students must complete their MSW field practiceÌýrequirement of 450 hours as aÌýBlock PlacementÌýduring the summer months (May-August).ÌýÌýFor Spring/Summer block placements, the planning process begins in January for placementsÌýin QuebecÌýand October/November for placementsÌýoutside of Quebec.Ìý The student must submit their CVÌýand Field Placement Planning Form to the MSW Field Coordinator priorÌýto their field placement planning meeting.ÌýStudents in a Block placement are in their field placement 4 days per week for approximatelyÌý17Ìýweeks to complete the required 450 hours ofÌýfield placement.
  • Students can complete their field placement in an agency in which they are currently or have been employed, however stipulations apply.ÌýThe student must submit a detailed proposal to the MSW Field Work Coordinator who must approve the placement. The student must be assigned to a different department, project, or service than their current employment, and be supervised by a different supervisor than their current employment supervisor.Ìý The decision to support this will be based on the integrity of the learning opportunity.
  • Students cannot end the practicum early regardless of hours accrued.

MSW Field Placement Procedures

  1. Accepted students will receive a request to schedule an individual meeting with the MSW Field Work Coordinator to discuss their learning goals, professional goals and interests and possible field placement options.Ìý A telephone interview can be arranged for those students unable to be in Montreal.Ìý The students must complete and return the Field Placement Form and a current CV prior to their meeting with the MSW Field Work Coordinator.Ìý
  2. The identifiedÌýField Instructor/Supervisor must be contacted within two daysÌýand an interview set up as soon as possible. The student may lose the placement interview if the agency is not contacted and an interview set up in a timely manner. Contact the Field Work Coordinator ASAP if you are having a difficult time contacting the assigned instructor or agency coordinator.
  3. StudentsÌýattend an interviewÌýwith the Field Instructor/Supervisor.
  4. If both student and field instructor agree to the match, the Field Work Coordinator will confirm the placement with the student and supervisor.

MSW Field Placement Courses

SWRK 650 Field Work Practicum 1 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

SWRK 651 Field Work Practicum 2 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

SWRK 660 Field Work Practicum 3 6 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Please note:
French language facility is an important consideration for Block placement.
Coursework often focuses on concurrent Field Placement experiences.
Students have the option of completing a block placement at an approved social service agency outside of Quebec.

Some agencies do not offer Block placements.





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