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Request for a Late Withdrawal

Term DEADLINES to submit late withdrawal requests:

  • Fall & Winter: the听request form is open from the Minerva deadline to withdraw without refund UNTIL the last day of classes of the term concerned
    • D1/D2 courses: the request form is open from the Winter Add/Drop deadline UNTIL the last day of Winter term classes
  • Summer: May 01 until 31 August
  • NOTES:
    • DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM if the Minerva deadline for withdrawal without refund is not passed, this is around the end of October in Fall and around the end of February in Winter.听Refer to the Important Dates website for specific dates: /importantdates/key-dates
    • NO decisions will be rendered during exam periods.听Please do not submit requests during exam periods.听Review of late course withdrawal requests stops during exams and restarts one week after the听Minerva exam deferral application closes.

Important information to know prior to requesting a late withdrawal:

  • Withdrawing from ALL of your course(s) can affect your health and dental insurance coverage. Additional details can be obtained by contacting the International Health Insurance Office (for international students) and (for Canadian and Quebec students).
  • Withdrawing from your course(s) may impact your scholarships and student aid. To obtain further clarification, please contact the Scholarships and Student Aid Office.
  • For international students, withdrawing from your course(s) can have consequences on your status in Canada. For additional information, please contact International Student Services.
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