S-LP Student Excellence Awards

Student Excellence听Awards - Speech-Language & Audiology Canada

Awarded to SAC student associates, in their graduating year of Master鈥檚 study, in each of the S-LP and audiology training programs in Canada. Nominees are judged to be the best all-round future professional, shall have shown significant enthusiasm for their profession and have instilled in others a desire to contribute to the development and growth of the professions.

2018 Megan George
2017 Evan Kennedy
2016 Charlotte Guillet
2015 Suzanne Read
2014 Emma Wells
2013 Elisa Bucurel
2012 Jacenta Murch
2011 Emilie Leroux
2010 Daniel Dickson
2009 Isabelle Allain
2008 Anne Porter
2007 Benjamin Adaman
2006 Myra Cox
2005 Debbie Hughes
2004 Sara Turner
2003 Julia Weisbach
2002 Lisa Hargraves
2001 Sarah Donnelly
1999 Susanne Leah Davidson
1998 Alana Zinberg
1997 Terri Lynn Moss
1996 Jennifer Poulin
1995 Tracy Leigh Turner
1994 Joanne Wilding
1993 Claudine Charpentier

Prix Cardozo-Coderre de l'Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Qu茅bec

Les Prix Cardozo-Coderre visent 脿 reconna卯tre, chez un 茅tudiant finissant en orthophonie ou en audiologie d鈥檜ne universit茅 qu茅b茅coise, l鈥檈ngagement social et pr茅professionnel qu鈥檌l a manifest茅 au cours de sa pr茅paration 脿 la profession, notamment par le d茅veloppement des qualit茅s humaines qui font qu鈥檜n professionnel est au service de la soci茅t茅.

2017 Katherine L'Abb茅e Lacas
2016 Judith Tchen
2015 Cynthia Ossowski
2014 Roberta Konen
2013 Catherine Cl茅mence
2012 Genevi猫ve Beauregard-Paultre
2011 Jesse Burns
2007 Gabrielle Pharand-Rancourt
2004 Melany Faucher
2003 Julie Savaria

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