
IPLAI Open Meeting

Friday, December 7, 2012 15:30
Birks Building, 3520 University, Room 100, Montreal, CA
Free admission

IPLAI invites academic staff in the Faculties and Schools of Arts, Law, Music, Architecture, Religious Studies, Education and Management to attend an open meeting on the work and future of the Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas.

Faculty Fellowships

The Institure is seeking applications for six new Faculty Fellows for 2013-2015. Interested full-time academic staff are particularly encouraged to attend to learn more about IPLAI and the Fellowships program. More information on the application process and dealines will be available on the IPLAI website.

To attend the meeting, please write to iplai [at] mcgill.ca.

Question? Contact Paul.Yachnin [at] mcgill.ca or Leigh.Yetter [at] mcgill.ca.

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