Current Projects

Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for the critical discussion of girlhood from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and for the dissemination of current research and reflections on girls’ lives to a broad, cross-disciplinary audience of scholars, researchers, practitioners in the fields of education, social service and health care and policy makers. International and interdisciplinary in scope, it is committed to feminist, anti-discrimination, anti-oppression approaches and solicits manuscripts from a variety of disciplines.

Logo for More than Words

More Than Words (MTW)

A Project Supported by The Department for Women and Gender Equality

More Than Words is a 4-year project (2019-2023) funded by Women and Gender Equality, as part of a national $50 million Gender-Based Violence program Promising Practices to Support Survivors and their Families.



Girl-led ‘From the Ground Up’ Policy Making to Address Sexual Violence in Canada and South Africa

Networks for Change and Well-being is a six year (2014-2020), $2.4 million (CAD) research initiative funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC).


Participatory Research on Education and Agency in Mali (PREAM)

Funded by Evidence for Education in Emergencies - Dubai Cares this three years (2020-2023) research will investigate the intersections of gender, agency, and education in conflict-affected contexts, with input from adolescent participants in Mali.

Portrait X

Preventing Gender-Based Violence: the Health Perspective Teen/Youth Dating Violence Prevention

Funded by Public Health Agency of Canada this six years project (2019-2024) have created a collaboration with Turbulent, a Montreal based company creating digital learning environments.


Transforming knowledge and activism for inclusion through engaging girls and women with disabilities in Vietnam in participatory research

Funded by SSHRC, this four years project (2016-2020) focuses on engaging women and girls with disabilities in three disadvantaged communities of Vietnam in participatory research as a way of building local knowledge and developing activism in support of their inclusion.

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