Graduate Research Day

Graduate Research Day Poster

What is Graduate Research Day?

Graduate Research Day is a day to celebrate Graduate Student Research being done at the Institute of Parasitology. It is an opportunity for students at all levels to present their progress in a poster format, with the opportunity to give a talk as well. These poster sessions are meant to encourage one-on-one or small-group discussions, allowing for deeper, more personalized interactions compared to formal presentations. Presenters can receive real-time questions and feedback, fostering an active exchange of ideas.

Student Expectations:


Graduate students from the Institute of Parasitology at all levels must present a poster at Graduate Research Day. Ideas for poster content include data progress, troubleshooting, a project proposal, or a thesis summary. Students should prepare a 5-minute presentation to accompany their poster. Posters will not be evaluated for grades; however, a poster competition will be held with prizes for best posters.


All graduate students are invited and encouraged to give a short presentation on their project in addition to presenting a poster. There are two presentation options. One 10-minute presentation with 3 minutes of questions, to allow for a more in-depth look into your project. There is also a 3-minute 鈥渢easer talk鈥 with no questions, to give a very short overview of your project and to attract people to visit your poster.


Registration includes attendance at all sessions, as well as coffee and lunch on May 7, 2025.

Registration link:

Registration deadline: April 4, 2025.

Abstract submission:

A reminder that all thesis-based graduate students at the Institute of Parasitology must submit an abstract and present a poster on May 7, 2024. When registering, thesis-based graduate students have the opportunity to additionally apply for a talk. Other members affiliated with the Institute of Parasitology (e.g. post-doctoral fellows) are invited to present a poster as well.

Abstract submission link:

Abstract submission deadline: April 4, 2025.


For further questions, please contact the Graduate Research Day Committee:

  • mira.loock [at] (subject: Graduate%20Research%20Day) (Mira Loock)
  • giuliana.matta [at] (subject: Graduate%20Research%20Day) (Giuliana Matta)
  • maia.sinkins [at] (subject: Graduate%20Research%20Day) (Maia Sinkins)
  • jila.sherafatibashmagh [at] (subject: Graduate%20Research%20Day) (Jila Sherafati Bashmagh)
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