Join us in congratulating...
Dr Claire Honda for her spectacular thesis defense!
On September 11th, Ms. Honda brilliantly defended her thesis titled "Investigating individual differences in native and non-native speech sound processing: Insights from behaviour, electroencephalography, and neurostimulation". Join us in wishing her all the best in her future endeavours! Congratulations Dr. Honda!
Dominique Lou毛r for winning the聽.
Dominique is a fourth-year PhD candidate in our lab specializing in neurolinguistics. Her research explores the intersection of bilingualism, brain function, and aging. Drawing from a multidisciplinary background in linguistics, psychology, and practical experience in various fields, she advocates for holistic aging solutions, emphasizing the importance of factors like bilingualism in maintaining cognitive health.
Dr. Josephine Nalbantoglu awarding Dominique Lou毛r with the first prize of the University-wide 3MT/MT180 competition.