Production Procedures

General Information

  • Book the date and time of your dress rehearsal with the production office, once your recital date has been confirmed by your teacher.
  • Provide the production office with your production requirements no later than four (4) weeks before your event in accordance with the internal production policies.

Live Sound: live sound requests are to be indicated on the production sheets.

  • Submit your program to the Department of Performance (undergraduate) or the Graduate Studies Office (Graduate Exam Application Form), whichever is applicable. Once you have received an approval from the department, provide the publicity office with your program no later than four (4) weeks before your event in accordance with the publicity policies.

Policies and Procedures

Internal Production Policies

Piano Usage Internal Policies

  1. The pianos in all concert locations as well as in the Multimedia Room are maintained at a standardized pitch determined by the Concert Piano Technician (A442). Pitch of the School鈥檚 pianos will not be altered under any circumstances for either internal or external users.
  2. Voicing and regulation are appropriate to each instrument and are determined by the Concert Piano Technician. No requests for modification of voicing and regulation will be considered.
  3. Pianos in concert locations will be serviced only by technicians of the Schulich School of Music or their designated replacements.
  4. Any case not covered by the above must be referred to the Piano Committee and agreed to before the signing of a rental agreement for one of the halls or before the date of the first scheduled rehearsal.
  5. For playing in the piano and for other extended piano techniques, only the following are allowed:
    • Pizzicato,with the fingertip or the fingernail only
    • Muting
    • Harmonics
    • Silent depressed keys
    • Glissando

There are three instruments in Pollack Hall. Generally, the Ludo piano is used for recitals and the Ohga piano is used for solo piano recitals and ensemble accompaniment; the Ohga piano also functions as the orchestra piano; the Helmuth piano is used as the main instrument for the recording students as well as for contemporary music when playing inside the instrument is required. For a concert, pianists may choose between the Ludo and Ohga pianos according to the following criteria:

  1. Undergraduate and Artist Diploma students: the selection is determined by the Production Office in consultation with the Concert Piano Technician; number of activities and status of the instruments prevail.
  2. Master鈥檚 students in Performance may choose their instrument at the time of booking their dress rehearsal, in consultation with their teachers.
  3. Doctoral students in Performance may choose their instrument at the time of the dress rehearsal.
  4. Staff, guests and renters may choose their instrument with the assistance of the Concert Piano Technician.
  5. Master鈥檚 or Doctoral students in the Recording Program may have access to Ludo or Ohga pianos for specific projects. A request to the Piano Committee must be submitted no later than one (1) week before the recording. The Piano Committee is composed of the Piano Area Chair, the Concert Piano Technician and the Director of Concerts and Publicity.
  6. Master鈥檚 or Doctoral students in the Recording Program may have access to the Yamaha Disklavier for their projects. At the time of booking the MMR, a notification of the use of the instrument must be given to Concerts and Publicity.

Pollack Hall

Steinway, New York 1997 (Ludo)
Playing in the piano is allowed when done according to the rules above.
The piano may not have any preparation of the action, strings, interior, etc.

Steinway, New York 2002 (Ohga)
Playing in the piano is allowed when done according to the rules above.
The piano may not have any preparation of the action, strings, interior, etc.

Steinway, New York 1975 (Helmuth)
Playing in the piano is allowed when done according to the rules above.
This piano is available for repertoire with prepared piano. This preparation, including but not limited to marking on strings and/or dampers must be done in the presence of the Concert Piano Technician.

Redpath Hall

Steinway, Hambourg 1985 (Lied)
Playing in the piano is allowed when done according to the rules above.
The piano may not have any preparation of the action, strings, interior, etc.

Tanna Schulich Hall

Yamaha, 2005
Playing in the piano is allowed when done according to the rules above.
The piano may not have any preparation of the action, strings, interior, etc.

Multimedia Room (closed for the 2017-18 season)

Yamaha Disklavier 2009
Playing in the piano is allowed when done according to the rules above.
The piano may not have any preparation of the action, strings, interior, etc.

Organ Usage Internal Policy

  1. Students, other than major students in organ studies, must submit their requests to use the Redpath Hall Wolff organ, the Hellmuth Wolff portative organ, or other portative organs to the Organ & Church Music Area Chair via the Production Coordinator.
  2. When necessary, the Production Coordinator will coordinate the move of the instrument(s).
  3. The instruments will be serviced only by the technicians of the Schulich School of Music or their designated replacements.

Harpsichord Usage Internal Policy

  1. Students, other than major students in early music studies, must submit their requests to Early Music Area Chair via the Production Coordinator. The Area Chair will determine which instrument is available and appropriate to the selected repertoire.
  2. When approved, the Production Coordinator will coordinate the move of the instrument(s) with the harpsichord technician.
  3. The instruments will be serviced only by the technicians of the Schulich School of Music or their designated replacements.

Cancellation Policy

Undergraduate or Licentiate Exam Recitals

Permission to withdraw from, or postpone, a practical examination will normally be granted only in the case of illness. A medical certificate must be submitted to the Department of Performance Secretary within seven (7) days after the withdrawal request has been received. Withdrawal from a practical examination on other than medical grounds must be authorized by the Departmental Chair.

Graduate Recitals

All requests for graduate recital cancellations, postponements, or changes after the recital date has been confirmed must be submitted in person and in writing to the Graduate Studies Office for approval by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, the Chair of the Department of Performance and the student鈥檚 Area Chair, in consultation with the Director of Communications and Production, at least two (2) months prior to the concert date. The written document must explain the reasons for the request, and must be accompanied by a signed note of support from the student's teacher. Any requests submitted less than two (2) months before the date of the recital will be charged a $100 processing fee, unless an appropriate medical note signed by a doctor and indicating the dates during which the student cannot perform is submitted.

Publicity Internal Policies


  • Complete program information must be received four (4) weeks before the concert date.
  • All programs must be submitted using the
  • Only one contact person per concert is permitted. The contact person is responsible for gathering,coordinating and communicating all requirements for submission to the Communications and Production Office.

Program Information Requirements

  • Name and email of Contact Person for the event.
  • Name(s) of performer(s), group(s), soloist(s), conductor(s), accompanists(s).
  • Name of teacher or professor (if applicable).
  • Indicate if the concert is an examination, and if so, towards the completion of which degree/diploma.
  • All works to be performed listed in the correct order in French and English, the version being performed, the key, the opus or catalogue number, all movements to be performed, the complete name, birth and death years of the composers, and the names of any arrangers, transcribers or orchestrators.
  • Indicate the placement of the intermission.
  • Include any special information such as a premi猫re or a guest soloist.
  • Indicate if the concert is to be recorded by the CBC or SRC.

Song Text Requirements for Graduate Voice Recitals

Song texts for graduate student recitals will not be printed by Communications and Production. If a student wishes to print and distribute song texts they must clearly indicate they have been both prepared and printed by the student.听

Communications and Production will continue to print song texts for the Professional Concert Series. These must be submitted by e-mail as a pdf attachment to听 [at]

  • Must be submitted by email as an attached text document to [at]
  • Must be submitted four (4) weeks before the concert date at the latest.
  • Must be written in 9 point font size.
  • Must appear in French, English and its original language to comply with Quebec Bill 101 Regulations. Texts must appear in correctly aligned columns. Absolutely no formatting of song texts will be done by the Communications and Production Office.
  • Translations must be approved by the Communications and Production Office.

    Program Notes

  • Communications and Production will only pay for the writing and translation of program notes for approximately 9 concerts recommended by the Departments.
  • For Graduate Student Exam Recitals, program notes will be printed at the student鈥檚 expense. To comply with Qu茅bec Bill 101, those notes must be translated to French; the translation needs to be approved by the Communications and Production Office no later than three (3) weeks before the concert.

Internal Concert Recording Services


The performances of the large ensembles as well as the performances of Schulich Professional concert series will be automatically recorded free of charge and the master copy will be put on reserve at the Marvin Duchow Music Library. No additional copies of the recording will be issued, except at the request of the Chair, Department of Performance. These recordings are done by students in the Sound Recording Program.

The performances of the credit course ensembles will be recorded free of charge using the in-house recording system, on request by the conductor or the coordinator, and the file will be emailed to the requester as soon as it becomes available. If another type of recording is requested, it will be charged according to the fee schedule. The requester must fill in the Recording Request form (available in the Production Office, C-208) no later than two weeks prior to the date of the performance. Please note that this service is not available in Clara Lichtenstein Hall.


The Schulich School of Music will provide in-house video recordings for ALL exam recitals at no charge to the performers. A link to access the combined audio/video will be sent to the undergraduate or master's student taking the exam, within 6 to 8 weeks following the performance. A separate audio file will not be provided.

For DMus student recitals, a link to access the audio/video file will be sent to the Program Coordinator - Doctor of Music in Performance Studies (DMus) who will manage sharing the file with the appropriate people.

These video recordings are not meant as a replacement for the presence of adjudicators and only public exam recitals will be recorded.

Please note that no other audio or video recording service will be available for exam recitals.


For any other recording requests, please contact the Production Office (C-208) or email [at] (subject: Recording%20Services)

Note: Audio and video recordings are done by students in the Sound Recording Program.

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