That Which Is

Radix Magazine Spring 2020 - Well-being

Being mindful is to express and feel that which is. Without constraint, but with openness and sheer joy to be uttering the insanity of understanding. To appropriate all of one鈥檚 potentiality for the sole purpose of growth and acceleration, without understanding the underlying force behind such change is to misunderstand that which is. 鈥淭hat which is鈥 transcends, and manifests as immanence, but most importantly reconciles the gap between the two. Any attempt of victory regarding material phenomena incapably addresses what transcendence entails, that is, thought first, manifestation therefore second. This transcendence-immanence differentiation displays the oppositional constitution of nature, for which we are all subject. Existence of dark and light, of yin and yang, of bad of good, of life and of death. It is imminent processes that give rise to a sense of transcendence behind all of this. The oppositions are imminent, cognition is transcendent. The reconciliation of the two is that which is. Mindfulness encountering mind.

Read the entire issue

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