Greetings, Melancholia, and O Sweet Daffodil

Radix Magazine Spring 2020 - Well-being

1. Greetings

Hello, weary man!
So tired, what'd you do?
You have to carry the weight of the world,
Nothing could be farther from being true.

Hello, dreary man!
Do they not hear you cry?
One can't hear the angels weeping,
No matter how hard one tries.

Well, hello clueless man!
I see you don't know who you are.
Do they know that they give beauty to life,
The trees, the sun, and the stars?

Hello, fearful man,
What is it that you fear?
The bravest keep going in times of dread,
And so you are, my dear.

Oh, hello smiling man!
Wait, I don't know what is true.
Whether you're blissful or full of hatred,
I haven't the slightest clue!


I've bargained for more burdens,
Than I could carry, than I could keep.
Caught in its drag while scaling the hills of life,
I'm spiraling down an endless cycle of pity and grief.

Not afraid to smile, not afraid to be happy,
But afraid that one day it might fall apart.
The only way out of this is through,
But my heart is too comfortably numb to tear these walls apart.

When pain mates with fear at the dawn of reality,
It births all the marks and all the scars.
Not meant to be flaunted, they are meant to be healed,
I don't try to heal, but I keep suing the stars.

3.聽O Sweet Daffodil

O sweet daffodil,
Why are you so full of gloom?
Don't go on tearing up,
Because you weren't the first to bloom.
O dear daffodil,
Don't be so hasty to be the first.
The bees target the first for a feast,
To quench their hunger and thirst.
O precious daffodil,
You take your time to grow.
I don't want you to be plucked first,
You're more than just a piece of show.
O lovely daffodil,
It鈥檚 okay to be the last to spawn.
Your fragrance will fill up the world,
When everyone else is gone.

Read the entire issue

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That which is
Reminder: Forget
What time did for me

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