
ATOC 555 (Barbados fieldcourse)

ATOC 555 is a field studies course that focuses on observing weather, climate, and air quality on tropical Barbados. It facilitates the design of hands-on analyses of field-based observations, analysis and understanding of the climate in the tropics.

The field course preparations generally startÌýin April and students travel to Barbados for two weeks in May. This course is scheduled for Summer 2025. A more accurate timeline will be published under the 'Scientific Program' and the 'How to apply section' soon.

ÌýLab and field work experience are strongly recommended.

Objectives of the course are to:
1. Develop an understanding of current tropical weather, climate and air quality
2. Develop an understanding of the role of the ocean in tropical weather, climate and air quality processes
3. Introduce students to field methods of research including atmospheric measurements, ocean measurements and data analysis


ATOC 555 Barbados power point !Ìý

File ATOC 555



There are many benefits of taking a field course

Here are a few:

1) You get to study and identify real problems in real environments with real data that you will record

2)ÌýYou get to solve real problems while experiencingÌýdiscussions of real world situations (in small group settings)

3) You get to plan and implement your own research project outside of classroom setting in a hands-on, independent learning environment.

4) Small group settings means closeÌýcontact with professors and other students during presentations, discussions and preparation of the course report

Bellairs Research Institute

The field course will take place in Barbados. The country gained independence from UK in 1966.Ìý285,719 people live there. The people of Barbados are referred to as Barbadian or Bajan. The capital isÌýBridgetown.

ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has a campus on the beautiful west coast of Barbados-ÌýBellairs Research Institute. The Institute was founded and endowed in 1954 by the late Commander Carlyon W.ÌýBellairs to provide a facility through which staff at ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ might develop a scholarly interest in the tropics.ItÌýis Canada's only teaching and research facility in the tropics.

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý

Located in Holetown, Barbados, Bellairs Research Institute is a ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ University facility which maintains an open-door policy to all researchers with academic interests in tropical terrestrial and marine environments.The campus consist of Seabourne House (original Bellairs’ house), Brace Building (library, offices, classrooms) and residences.

Who wasÌýCarlyon W. Bellairs?


Carlyon Wilfroy Bellairs was a commander in theÌýBritish Royal Navy as well a politician serving in Churchill's cabinet. He lived from 1871 - 1955. He retired to barbados after World War II. He spent years trying to draw interest to his property,Ìý Seabourne House, in barbados. He invited ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ scientist to his estate in 1952 to study marine biology. The Bellairs Research Institute was officially opened in 1954 after he donated the property to ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.ÌýIt plays host to students and scientists from around the world for field courses, workshops and research projects involving both marine and terrestrial environments. Bellairs also maintains close association with local academic, government, and non-government organizations.Ìý


The course is partially subsidized by the AOS Department, so the fees are kept as low as possible. The course fee for 2025 is $$2,642.98. This fee covers the room and board, meals, local transportation at Bellairs and all other expenses during the course. It does not cover tuition, airfare, or the cost of supplementary health insurance.

Students will make their own travel arrangements. Tickets for this period are about $600-$800. Fuel surcharges are highly variable but could be expected to add $50-$100 per ticket. Cancellation insurance depends on the duration and conditions of the ticket. A reasonable guess would be about $50 for a 2-3 week stay. The airport taxes are about CA$30 in Barbados.

Supplementary health insurance costs vary considerably depending on what sort of health coverage you have already. For Canadians less than 25 years of age, who already have provincial health coverage, it will probably be around $35. All participants are required to have adequate health coverage. The above prices are based on estimates, are subject to change, and should be checked out individually.


The fee for the course is $2,642.98. ItÌýincludes:
1) Accommodations for the 2 weeks
2) Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
3) Local transportation
4) Materials & supplies for research


The following expenses are NOTÌýincluded in theÌýfee and as such theÌýstudent is responsible for these expenses:Ìý
1) Tuition
2) Airfare to Barbados
4) Travel insurance

Preparation for travelling to Barbados

We require all students to get:

1) Physical examinationÌý

2) Immunization for
Tetanus/Polio/Diptheria (dpt)
Mumps/Measles/Rubella (mmr)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B

3) InsuranceÌý
Full medical coverage
Medical evacuation (Medivac)

Each individual is responsible for ensuring that she or he has the appropriate documents to enter Barbados. Citizens of Canada or the U.S.A. require a passport, and it would be advisable to apply soon if you do not already have one. Citizens of most other countries will require visas, which require an application to the Barbados High Commission in Ottawa (allow at least two months). Individuals who have been in a yellow fever zone will require proof of immunization.

NoteÌýthat this course is completed in the Summer term.ÌýGraduating students who take the course will not receive their diploma until the November convocation. However, following successful completion of the course, the University can provide confirmation that graduation requirements have been met for those who may be starting jobs or academic programs in September requiring the completion of their degree.

Due to limited cooking facilities, it is not possible to make arrangements for special dietary needs. However, a vegetarian alternative meal will be available.

The course will involve considerable physical demands but will not be beyond the capabilities of anyone in good health. Students who have not had a recent physical examination should have one before departure. Students will be required to inform the course coordinator of any physical or mental health issues that may affect the health and security of themselves, other students and the professors during an intense course away from home.ÌýThose with any doubts concerning the advisability of taking the course should consult Prof. Gyakum before signing up.

Academic Information

Course Topics

Topics covered in this course include 1) Tropical weather 2) Tropical climate 3) Air quality

Course structure

April 18 to May 2: Preparation time & definition of research question in Montreal

You will have time to define and present a research question to theÌýinstructors before you leave for Barbados.

May 3 to May 17: Observation at the field site in Barbados

You will work on the research question on site in Barbados. Additional data and information you will collect at theÌýfield sites includeÌý

  • Experiments (continuous and one-time)Ìý
  • Presentations and discussionsÌý
  • Visits to relevant institutions

May 18 to June 1: Completion of course report and data analysis

Back in Montreal, you will finish analysis of theÌýdata you collected and complete the course report


Methods of Instruction

  • Field measurements (continuous and discrete experiments), e.g., daily forecasts and air quality measurements
  • Exploration of local microclimate: Wind, temperature, precipitation; coastal conditions (e.g., sea breeze convergence) and inland contrast (e.g., orographic enhancement of wind and precipitation)
  • Site visits planned to explore atmospheric research on Barbados
  • Comparison and contextualization with historical data
  • Evening lectures, discussions, and student-led presentations about tropical weather and climate to provide context for research questions



  • Quality of field notes (10%)
  • Organisation and presentation of measured data (30%)
  • Participation in discussions and presentations (20%)
  • Course report on research question (40%)
  • Attendance at all course-related activities is mandatory in order to complete the course.
  • Submission deadline for the course report is 2 weeks after returning from Barbados. Please submit a hard copy for marking.


Learning Outcomes

  • Discover what factors regulate local weather and climate processes on Barbados and in the tropics
  • Develop research questions using your current understanding of tropical climate (e.g., from your prior course work) in order to advance understanding of a question about tropical weather, climate and air quality at the field site
  • Pursue process-oriented research (following process/causal understanding) by applying the scientific method. Develop hypotheses and testable predictions; make observations through sampling, followed by qualitative and quantitative measurements
  • Evaluate the quality of evidence you gathered using statistics-based methods
  • Practice critical thinking and make judgments and conclusions based on logic and evidence rather than opinion during all stages of your research, including: identify research goals; express thinking and judgement in oral and written form; evaluate information and estimate uncertainty; use relevant scientific literature to motivate and contextualize your research and data obtained
  • Practice effective and pro-active collaborative skills in your research group and with course instructors to solve problems related to performing your research, constructively critique the work of others, and manage timely completion of projects
  • Develop and practice effective communication skills, particularly through writing up field notes, oral presentations of research proposals, and writing about your original research


Electronic submission of application material and forms

Submit your application materials and forms to admin.aos [at] mcgill.ca (subject: ATOC%20555%20Application%20Materials) by March 1.Ìý

Course Registration

You will receive an email confirming that you've been accepted in to the course and should register.Ìý

March 1:ÌýRegister for the course for U3 and U4

March 3:ÌýRegister for the course for U2 and U1

Pay the first part of the course fee ($1000 CAD) upon registration. Remaining balance to be paid by mid-April.

The deposit of $1000 is not refundable if course dropped after April 1st, unless the course is cancelled.

After registration:

Mandatory meeting with detailed information for students



To be considered for the course, please email the following documentsÌýto admin.aos [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Application%20for%20ATOC%20555) (AOS admin):

1) 1-page letter of intent
2) CV
3) Copy of transcript

Once you have been accepted to the field course, you will be asked to provide the following forms in order to be eligible to travel to the campus in Barbados:

1) Medical form

  • for the physical examination

2) Immunization form for all the vaccines listed below

  • Tetanus/Polio/Diptheria (dpt)
  • Mumps/Measles/Rubella (mmr)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid

3) Confirmation of insurance

  • Both full medical coverageÌýand medical evacuation (Medivac) are mandatory

4) Student acceptance form


1) Is there any funding aid available?

We recommend you check with the office for funding opportunities.Ìý More specifically, please look in to the Enriched Educations Opportunities funding.

2) If I dropÌýthe course, what happens to the $1000 deposit?

The deposit of $1000 is not refundable as of April 1st, unless the course is cancelled.

3) Can the class be cancelled?

The class could be cancelled due to one of two reasons: low enrolment (a minimum number of 5 students are not registered for the course) or COVID-related (if the University determines that travel/field work is not allowable).Ìý

4) When must I have all the medical forms (deadline date) submitted?

The medical forms must be completed before student leave, ideally at least 1 to 2 weeks prior.

5) Where can I obtain information for Visa Requirements to Barbados?

Contact the Barbados High Commission in Ottawa (613-236-9517), to inquire about visa requirements for students staying in Barbados only for 2 weeks.

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