Office Hours

Interested in the growing field of medical technologies and devices and want to learn more? Have questions related to engineering design, graphics communication, or drawing preparation but not sure where to go? Stuck with a design problem or want to discuss design solutions?

Professors from the Faculty of Engineering and Medicine are here to answer you! Office hours will be held on a weekly basis, so take advantage of this opportunity and meet with our professors. They are looking forward to sharing their knowledge and experience with you.

Fall 2023 Schedule

Prof. Amar Sabih

Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:00PM at听Break out-FDA 5E, Engine听

From August 30 to December 20 (with the exception of Oct 18)

Prof. Stuart Kozlick

To听, Virtual meetings

Prof. Rosaire Mongrain

Wednesdays 11:30 - 12:30AM atMacdonald Engineering Building, Rm 369

Dr. Alexei Morozov

Tuesdays 1:00 - 2:00PM atEngine, Conference-FDA 5D

From September 12 to December 19听

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