
06 - Heart: Fibrosis of myocardium

Enlarge听听听听听听Descriptive Card听听听听 Log Book Entry (none)

Rodin Number: 15
E Number: none
Donor: Osler
Date: unknown
Size (H x W cm): 14.5 x 15

The specimen shows fibrosis consistent with healed infarcts of the anterolateral (A) and posteroseptal (P) left ventricle. Although the descriptive card indicates there is coronary artery thrombosis, only a moderate degree of atherosclerotic narrowing of the right coronary (arrow) can be seen in the specimen.

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Clinical details are not available, although the descriptive card indicates the patient had angina pectoris. However, Osler may have used his knowledge of the case in an article on the subject published in the Canada Medical and Surgical Journal (1879-80, VIII: 529 - 544).

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