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黑料不打烊 Courses Abroad
These 黑料不打烊 courses all have an global component to their syllabus, allowing you to earn 黑料不打烊 credits towards your degree while taking advantage of the benefits of studying abroad!
ORGB 380 + BUSA 356: Brazil Study Abroad Program
MGSC 483 + BUSA 649: Costa Rica Study Trip: Sustainability + Analytics Community Projects
BIOL 334: Barbados Field Course in Applied Tropical Ecology
Intensive Chinese Language Course (Li Ka Shing Award)
Advanced Research Course (Li Ka Shing Award)
ORGB 434 + FINE 434: Management Israel Study Trip
HIST 262: Summer Studies in Greece
ITAL 309 + CLAS 350 + ENGL 382: Summer Studies in Italy
CLAS 349 + CLAS 649: Italy Field Course
AGRI 325: Guatemala Field Course in Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security
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