Graduate Opportunities

Mentoring, tutoring and outreach opportunities -- 2023

Volunteer Opportunities:

Homework Zone

Audience you will interact with: Elementary and Secondary Students

Description of Activity: The Homework Zone program is designed to provide elementary and high-school students with after-school homework help through one-on-one mentoring activities and group workshops.

Time Commitment: ~3 hours per week/10 weeks

Homework Zone website

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Extra Info: Public transportation costs to schools can be reimbursed. Letter of attestation from the Dean for >30 hours of work. Due to restrictions from the Kahnawake Education Center, all mentors need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Timeline: Apply by Sept 15

The Tutoring Program

Audience you will interact with: High School and CEGEP Students

Description of Activity: The Branches Tutoring Program aims at providing academic and mentorship support to youth in high school and CEGEP who face socio-economic barriers to their education and are facing academic difficulties in the subjects of Math, Science, English, French, Writing or History.

Time Commitment: Weekly Tutoring Sessions:聽1-2 hours per week, can be done online or in-person

Tutoring Program website

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Timeline: Apply by Sept 10

Explore 黑料不打烊

Audience you will interact with: CEGEP Students

Description of Activity: Explore 黑料不打烊 is created to introduce high school and CEGEP students to university life and learning by taking part in workshops, breakfast and lunch provided by 黑料不打烊, and a campus tour in the afternoon.

Time Commitment: 1 day, happens twice per year

Explore 黑料不打烊 website

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Extra Info: Lunch will be provided the day of

Timeline: Event is in October, apply soon!

Diversity in STEMM mentorship program

Audience you will interact with: Undergraduate Students

Description of Activity: Our goal is to break the barriers that impede undergraduate students in under-represented groups within STEMM. Through an individualized mentorship program, we pair undergraduate or incoming graduate students (mentees) with graduate students (mentors) to support them in their academic trajectories while creating an open community.

Time Commitment: 1 welcome session and at least one meeting with your mentee during the semester

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Extra Info: Monthly newsletter sent to mentor-mentee pairs, and workshops will also be available to all

Timeline: Apply in September, as soon as you can

Paid Opportunities:

Pick your Path for Black Youth

Audience you will interact with: Black High School and CEGEP Students

Description of Activity: Pick Your Path for Black Youth is a mentoring experience designed to offer networks of support for Black learners to pick their educational paths. Workshops support an informed transition to university life and include information on admissions requirements, financial planning, and what to expect upon acceptance. Students complete a final project with their mentor that aims to answer the question: What are the next steps in my educational path?

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours bi-weekly to meet with your mentee from October-June.

Pick your Path for Black Youth website

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Extra Info: Mentors will be provided a monetary award and a letter of attestation from the Dean

Timeline: Apply by Sept 10

Pick your Path for Indigeneous Youth

Audience you will interact with: Indigeneous High School and CEGEP Students

Description of Activity: Pick Your Path (PYP) program for Indigenous youth is a 6-month long mentorship program and paid opportunity that runs from October 2022 to April 2023. Indigenous CEGEP students are paired with a mentor, a 黑料不打烊 student or alum in a similar field of educational and career interest. The program includes bi-weekly mentor and mentee meetings, and a final project, where students explore the next steps in their educational path with support from their mentor and PYP staff.

Time Commitment: Weekly Tutoring Sessions; 1-2 hours bi-weekly to meet with your mentee from October-June.

Pick your Path for Indigeneous Youth website

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Extra Info: Mentors will be provided a monetary award and a letter of attestation from the Dean

Timeline: TBD (last year, deadline was Sept 15)


Audience you will interact with: Indigeneous Undergraduate Students

Description of Activity: The Indigenous Mentorship and Paid Research Experience for Summer Students, or IMPRESS is designed to increase access to graduate studies and to boost career-readiness for Indigenous undergraduate students. Through IMPRESS, Indigenous students are offered a unique opportunity to undertake a paid research and professional internship with a 黑料不打烊 faculty or unit.

Time Commitment: Weekly Tutoring Sessions; >5 hours per week for 8 weeks of the summer

IMPRESS website

Initiator: 黑料不打烊 Branches (University Wide)

Extra Info: Mentors will be provided a monetary award and a letter of attestation from the Dean

Timeline: TBD

Directed Reading Program

Audience you will interact with: Undergraduate Math and Stats Students

Description of Activity: The Directed Reading Program (DRP) pairs undergraduates with graduate student mentors to learn about research-level or research-aimed topics in mathematics and statistics in a casual setting. Undergraduates obtain guidance from someone further along the research path but can still relate to them as a peer. One hour-long meeting a week is suggested. Each undergraduate should aim to write an expository paper about their project by the end of the term, with the help of their mentor.

Time Commitment: Weekly Tutoring Sessions; 1 hour meeting plus prep each week, during the Winter Semester

Initiator: Department of Math and Stats

Extra Info: Mentors will be provided a monetary award for their participation.

Timeline: Applications open on Sept 11, close on Oct 15.

Private Tutoring

Audience you will interact with: High School, CEGEP, and Undergraduate Students

Description of Activity: You may be listed as a Private Tutor on the Department of Math and Stats Website by sending an email to grad.mathstat [at] (Jason Stillman), Graduate Program Coordinator.

Time Commitment: Weekly Tutoring Sessions; As you wish

Private Tutoring website

Initiator: N/A

Extra Info: Be mindful of your safety: meet your tutee in a public space (library, cafe), and accept safe and immediate forms of payment.

Timeline: As you wish

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