Our speakers will discuss the following texts by Rod Macdonald, written over the course of his career. Each panel will tackle five texts selected for each theme.
Nos conférenciers discuteront des textes suivants, tous écrits par Rod Macdonald au cours de sa carrière. Chaque table ronde s'inspirera de cinq textes choisis pour chacun des six thèmes.
THEME 1: Producing Fairness | La production de l'équitéÂ
- Restoring Dignity-Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions [.pdf] Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000) Executive Summary, 1–34 (with S. Zimmerman et al).
- Parametres of Politics in Judicial Appointments [.pdf] Bastarache Commission on Judicial Appointments (typescript, 2010).
- Lessons of Everyday Law [.pdf] (Montreal: ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ-Queen's Press for the School of Policy Studies, Queen's University and the Law Commission of Canada, 2002) at 3–139.
- Perspectives on Personal Relationships [.pdf] Opening address to the Conference on Domestic Partnerships, Queen's University, Kingston, October 22, 1999 (typescript).
- A Theory of Procedural Fairness [.pdf] (1981) 1 Windsor Year Book of Access to Justice 3–34.
THEME 2: Pluralizing the Subject | La pluralisation du sujet
- Custom Made. For a Non-chirographic Critical Legal Pluralism [.pdf] (2011) 26 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 301–327.
- Here, There... and Everywhere [.pdf] in N. Kasirer, ed., Étudier et enseigner le droit: hier, aujourd’hui et demain – Études offertes à Jacques Vanderlinden (Montreal: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2006) 381–413.Â
- Legal Republicanism and Legal Pluralism [.pdf] in M. Bussani and M. Graziadei, eds. Human Diversity and the Law (Brussels: Bruylant, 2005) 43–70.
- What is a Critical Legal Pluralism? [.pdf] (1997) 12 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 25-46 (with Martha-Marie Kleinhans) 25–46.
- Unitary Law Re-form, Pluralistic Law Re-Substance: Illuminating Legal Change [.pdf] (2007) 67Â Louisiana Law Review 1114-1160.
THEME 3: Kaleidoscopic Federalism | Le fédéralisme kaléidoscopique
- Canada’s Third National Policy [.pdf] (2009) 59 University of Toronto Law Journal (with Robert Wolfe) 469–523.
- The Political Economy of the Federal Spending Power [.pdf] (2008) 34 Queen’s Law Journal 249–304.
- Kaleidoscopic Federalism [.pdf] in J-F Gaudreault-DesBiens and F. Gélinas, eds., The States and Moods of Federalism: Governance, Identity and Methodology (Montreal: Blais, 2005) 261–283.
- Three Centuries of Constitutional Making in Canada [.pdf] (1996) 30 University of British Columbia Law Review 211–234.Ìý
- The Design of Constitutions [.pdf] in K. Kulcsar and D. Szabo, eds., Dual Images [:] Multiculturalism on Two Sides of the Atlantic (Budapest: Royal Society of Canada - Hungarian Academy of the Sciences, 1996) 52–84.
THEME 4: The Priority of Distributive Justice | La priorité de la justice distributive
- A Model Law on Secured Transactions [.pdf] (2010) Revue du droit uniforme 419–446.
- Transnational Secured Transactions Reform [.pdf] (2009) Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht 745–782.
- Three Metaphors of Norm Migration in International Context [.pdf] (2009) 34Â Brooklyn Journal of International Law 603-653.
- Core Principles for a Regime of Security on Property [.pdf] UNCITRAL Working Group VI – Security Interests (typescript, 2002).Â
- Article 9 Norm Entrepreneurship [.pdf] (2006) 43Â Canadian Business Law Journal 240-291.
THEME 5: Contextualizing Governance | La contextualisation de la gouvernance
- Call-centre Government: For the Rule of Law, Press # [.pdf] (2005) 55 University of Toronto Law Journal 449–495.
- Rabbits, Ravens, Snakes, Turtles: Analyzing the Political Economy of Aboriginal Communities [.pdf] in P. Noreau, ed., Gouvernance Autochtone: reconfiguration d’un avenir collectif (Montreal: Thémis, 2010) 211–235 (with Thomas McMorrow)
- The Swiss Army Knife of Governance [.pdf] in P. Eliadis, et al. eds., Designing Government: From Instruments to Governance (Montreal: ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ-Queens University Press, 2005) 203–41 (with Eric Reiter).
- The Acoustics of Accountability: Towards Well-Tempered Tribunals [.pdf] Speech to the 14th Annual Conference of the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, Ottawa, May 31, 1998Â (typescript).
- Understanding Regulation by Regulations [.pdf] in I. Bernier and A. Lajoie, eds., Regulations, Crown Corporations and Administrative Tribunals (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985) 81–154.Â
THEME 6: Â Pursuing Virtue | La poursuite de la vertu
- Decolonizing Law School [.pdf] (with Thomas B. McMorrow - forthcoming).
- Office Politics [.pdf] (1990) 40 University of Toronto Law Journal 419–476.Ìý
- Transdisciplinarity and Trust [.pdf] in M. Somerville and D. Rapport, eds., Transdisciplinarity: Recreating Integrated Knowledge (Oxford, EOLSS Publishers, 2000) 61–76.
- Curricular Development in the 1980s: A Perspective [.pdf] (1982) 32 Journal of Legal Education 569‑â¶Ä“590
- Legal Bilingualism [.pdf] (1997) 42 ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Law Journal 119–167.Ìý