Fran莽ois Cr茅peau

Full Professor

New Chancellor Day Hall
3644 Peel Street
Room 606
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3A 1W9

514-398-2961 [Office]
francois.crepeau [at] (Email)

Fran莽ois Cr茅peau


Fran莽ois Cr茅peau, O.C., O.Q., F.R.S.C., Dr.h.c. Clermont-Auvergne, Trudeau Fellow 2008, Ad.E.,鈥痠s Full Professor, at the Faculty of Law of 黑料不打烊 University. He was the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law from 2009 to 2022 and the Director of the 黑料不打烊 Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism from 2015 to 2020.

Professor Cr茅peau the Chair of the Thematic Working Group: Migrant Rights and Integrations in Host Communities, KNOMAD 鈥 Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, World Bank Group, Washington, DC.

He is or was a member of several editorial boards: Journal of Refugee Studies, International Journal of Refugee Law, Refuge, Droits fondamentaux, European Journal of Human Rights, Inter Gentes 鈥 黑料不打烊 Journal of International Law & Legal Pluralism.

Professor Cr茅peau was the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants from 2011 to 2017. In this capacity, he has conducted official visits to Albania, Tunisia, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Malta, the European institutions in Brussels and Vienna, Angola, Australia (including the Australian detention centres in Nauru). He has also produced several thematic reports: the detention of migrants, the protection of migrants鈥 rights at the external borders of the European Union, climate change and migration, global migration governance, labour exploitation of migrants, labour recruitment practices, trade agreements and migration. He was the Chair of the Coordination Committee of the United Nations Human Rights Procedures (2014-2015).

Professor Cr茅peau was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Agency for Fundamental Rights of the European Union (FRA, Vienna, AT) (2018-2023), a member of the Advisory Committee of the International Migration Initiative of the Open Society Foundations (NY) (2017-2021) and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Bureau for Children鈥檚 Rights (Montreal) (2018-2021).

He was guest professor at Universit茅 catholique de Louvain鈥(yearly, 2010-2020). He was the 2017-2018 International Francqui Professor Chair at Universit茅 catholique de Louvain, in collaboration with six other Belgian universities (Universit茅 de Li猫ge, Antwerp University, Universit茅 libre de Bruxelles, Universit茅 Saint-Louis, Ghent University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). He was the 2016-2017 Robert F. Drinan, S.J. Visiting Professor of Human Rights Chair at Georgetown University (Washington, DC). He has also been guest professor at the following institutions鈥:鈥 Centre de recherches sur les droits de l鈥檋omme, Universit茅 de Paris Panth茅on-Assas鈥(2018),鈥疘nstitut international des droits de l鈥檋omme鈥(Strasbourg) (2001, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2015)鈥;鈥疓raduate鈥疘nstitute for International Studies (IUHEI-Gen猫ve, 2007),鈥疘nstitut des hautes 茅tudes internationales, Universit茅 de Paris II (2002), Universit茅 d鈥橝uvergne-Clermont 1鈥(1997).

Professor Cr茅peau is an Officer of the Order of Canada (2017), an Officer of the Order of Quebec (2022), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2012), a Fellow of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation (2008-2011), a Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universit茅 de Clermont-Auvergne (France, 2018), and an Advocatus Emeritus (Ad.E.) of the Quebec Bar Association (2013).

From 2001 to 2008, Professor Cr茅peau was a professor at Universit茅 de Montr茅al, holder of the鈥疌anada Research Chair in International Migration Law (2004-2008) and founding director of the鈥疌entre d鈥櫭﹖udes et de recherches internationales de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al鈥(C脡RIUM). From 1990 to 2001, he was a professor at Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al.

Until 2011, Professor Cr茅peau also sat on the鈥疩uebec Law Society鈥檚鈥疌ommittee on Human Rights and Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, was the 鈥淛ustice, Police and Security鈥 domain coordinator for the鈥疩uebec Metropolis Centre,鈥痑nd was a member of the鈥疌anadian Commission for UNESCO. He served as vice-president of the鈥疌anadian Human Rights Foundation (now Equitas) (1992-2004) and director of the Revue qu茅b茅coise de droit international鈥(1996-2004). He participated in observer missions in the occupied Palestinian territories (2002) and in El Salvador (1991).

Professor Cr茅peau holds degrees from 黑料不打烊 University (BCL and LLB), Bordeaux University (DEUG and Licence in law, Master鈥檚 in private law), Paris II University (DEA in legal sociology) and Paris I University (DEA in Business Law and Ph.D. in law).


  • MAYER Benoit, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois (eds.), , Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, SHEPPARD, Colleen (eds.), Human Rights & Diverse Societies, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
  • FORCESE, Craig, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois (eds.), Terrorism, Law and Democracy: 10 Years after 9/11 鈥 Terrorisme, Droit et D茅mocratie: 10 ans apr猫s le 11 septembre 2001, 2011, Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2012.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, RANGER, Julie (dir.), Recueil de droit des r茅fugi茅s: Instruments, Jurisprudences et Documents (The Refugee Law Reader), 2e 茅dition en fran莽ais, Budapest: Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 2012.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois (dir.), Recueil de droit des r茅fugi茅s: Instruments, Jurisprudences et Documents (The Refugee Law Reader), 1re 茅dition en fran莽ais, Budapest: Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 2010.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, NAKACHE, Delphine, ATAK, Idil (dir.), Les migrations internationales contemporaines 鈥 Une dynamique complexe au c艙ur de la globalisation, Montr茅al: Presses de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al, 2009.
  • BYRNE, Rosemary, AUKOT, Ekuru, CHIMNI, Bhupinder, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, FULLERTON, Maryellen, GARLICK, Madeline, GUILD, Elspeth, JAKULEVICIENE, Lyra, NAGY, Boldiszar, PERAL, Luis, VEDSTED-HANSEN, Jens (dir.), The Refugee Law Reader 鈥 Cases, Documents and Materials, 5th edition, , Budapest/Dublin: Hungarian Helsinki Committee, 2008.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, TH脡RIEN, Jean-Philippe (dir.), Penser l'international, Perspectives et contributions des sciences sociales, Montr茅al: Presses de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al, 2007.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, NAKACHE, Delphine, COLLYER Michael, GOETZ, Nathaniel H., HANSEN, Art, MODI, Renu, NADIG, Aninia, SPOLJAR-VRZINA, Sanja, Van WILLIGEN, Loes H.M., (eds.), Forced Migration and Global Processes 鈥 A View from Forced Migration Studies, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006.
  • DELAS, Olivier, C脭T脡, Ren茅, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, LEUPRECHT, Peter (dir.), Les juridictions internationales: compl茅mentarit茅 ou concurrence ?, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2005.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois (dir.), Mondialisation des 茅changes et fonctions de l鈥櫭塼at, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1997.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, Droit d鈥檃sile: De l鈥檋ospitalit茅 aux contr么les migratoires, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 1995.

Recent Academic Publications

  • ATAK, Idil, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, 芦 Asylum in the Twenty-First Century: Trends and Challenges 禄, in TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, Anna (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of immigration and Refugee Studies, 2nd edition, Oxford: Routledge, 2023.
  • ATAK, Idil, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, 芦 Le d茅fi de la gouvernance des migrations internationales 禄, in Christian Nadeau, Philippe N茅m茅h-Nombr茅 (Dir.), Les droits en mouvements - L鈥檃venir des libert茅s, Montr茅al : 脡ditions Somme Toute, 2022.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, 鈥淢igration Law and Policy on the Road to Redemption: Hostile Identity Politics v. Individual Rights and Socioeconomic Benefits鈥, Foreword to: Jean-Yves Carlier, Marie-Claire Foblets, Law and Migration in a Changing World, Basel (CH): Springer International Publishers, 2022, pp v-xii.
  • CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, 芦鈥楢ccroche ta charrue 脿 une 茅toile鈥 鈥 Une perspective 脿 long terme sur la mobilit茅 humaine鈥, in鈥: FLEURY-GRAFF, Thibaut, JACOB Patrick, Migrations et droit international, Colloque 2021 de la Soci茅t茅 fran莽aise de droit international, en collaboration avec le Projet RefWar (ANR 2019-2023), Paris鈥: 脡ditions Pedone, 2022, pp 573-584.
  • ATAK, Idil, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, 芦鈥疪efugees as Migrants鈥, Chapter 7 in: Cathryn Costello, Michelle Foster, Jane McAdam, The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 134-151. Online at:
  • CARLIER, Jean-Yves, CR脡PEAU, Fran莽ois, PURKEY, Anna, 鈥淔rom the 2015 European 鈥淢igration Crisis鈥 to the 2018 Global Compact for Migration: A Political Transition Short on Legal Standards鈥, 黑料不打烊 Journal of Sustainable Development Law, Vol. 16, 2020, online at: /mjsdl/jsdlponline/volume-161-2020

Recent Communications

  • 2023.09.26: 鈥淢igration Governance and Human Rights: Toward long-term strategic 鈥榝acilitation鈥 of mobility鈥, Guest lecture in the course on 鈥淢igration and Human Development鈥, by Pr Daniel Naujoks, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
  • 2023.06.21: 芦 Asylum in Canada 禄, in the webinar series on the "Legal Avenues to Access International Protection", with Pr Shauna Labman (University of Winnipeg) and Ad猫le Garnier (Universit茅 Laval), organised by the Italian Academy of Law and Migration, Universit脿 degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, IT.
  • 2023.06.07 : 芦 La protection des enfants migrants dans le Pacte mondial pour les migrations, entre principes et mesures concr猫tes de mise en 艙uvre 禄, in : 芦 Le cadre normatif relatif aux enfants migrants 禄, Atelier d'information organis茅 par le Groupe de travail national pour le suivi et l鈥檌mpl茅mentation du Pacte mondial pour les migrations, H么tel Mechtel, Tunis, Tunisie.
  • 2023.04.25: 芦 La gouvernance multilat茅rale de la mobilit茅 humaine: un d茅fi plan茅taire 禄, 贵补肠耻濒迟茅 de droit, Universit茅 de Sherbrooke. (Videoconference)
  • 2023.05.05: 鈥淢igration Detention & Alternatives to Detention鈥, Specialists' Course on International Refugee Law, Department of International Refugee Law and Migration Law, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo (Italy), 14 March - 9 June 2023. (Videoconference)
  • 2023.04.25: 芦 La gouvernance multilat茅rale de la mobilit茅 humaine: un d茅fi plan茅taire 禄, 贵补肠耻濒迟茅 des Sciences Juridiques, 脡conomiques et Sociales de Rabat-Agdal, Universit茅 Mohamed V, Agdal, Rabat, Maroc.
  • 2023.04.05: 芦 Midi-discussion sur l鈥檃sile au Canada : Quelques r茅ponses du droit international 禄, webinaire organis茅 par l鈥橭bservatoire sur les Migrations Internationales, les R茅fugi茅s, les Apatrides et l'Asile (OMIRAS), Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脿 Montr茅al. (vid茅oconf茅rence)
  • 2023.03.24: 鈥淟a gouvernance multilat茅rale de la mobilit茅 humaine: un d茅fi plan茅taire 禄, dans le cours Droit international des r茅fugi茅s, de Me Camille Marquis-Bissonnette, Universit茅 de Sherbrooke. (vid茅oconf茅rence)
  • 2023.03.20: 鈥淪ecuring borders and facilitating mobility are not incompatible. On the contrary鈥︹, in a panel on 鈥Border Controls, Securitization and the Way Forward鈥, with Pr Hakan Gurcan Sicakkan and Pr Pierre-Georges VanWolleghem, University of Bergen, and Pr Elspeth Guild, Queen Mary University of London, at the 鈥淏ordering Migration Workshop 鈥 Theoretical Debates and Recent Developments in Border Policies and Practice鈥, organised by Pr Idil Atak, at the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration (CERC Migration), Toronto Metropolitan University, 20-21 March 2023.
  • 2023.02.23: 鈥淭he international Law of Human Trafficking鈥, in a webinar on 鈥淗uman Trafficking in Aviation鈥, organised by the Institute of Air and Space Law of 黑料不打烊 University, in a panel with Prof. Michel Veuthey (Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta), Linda Ristagno (Assistant Director, External Affairs, IATA), Martin Maurino (Technical Officer, Global Aviation Safety, ICAO), Youla Alhaddadin (Senior Advisor on Trafficking in Persons, OHCHR), Prof. Martine De Serres, (Adjunct Professor, 黑料不打烊 University), online at:

Recent interviews and media interventions

  • 16 juin 2023 : Interview avec Alec Castonguay, 芦 L鈥檈ntente de tiers pays s没r valid茅e 禄, 脡mission Midi-Info, Radio-Canada Radio, (脿 12h11)
  • 30 mai 2023 : 芦 T锚te-脿-t锚te avec Fran莽ois Cr茅peau: L鈥櫭﹖ernelle question migratoire 禄, interview avec l鈥橭bservatoire des droits de la personne du C茅rium, Centre d鈥櫭﹖udes et de recherches internationales de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al.
  • 30 mai 2023 : 芦 Venir au Canada en temps de crise : d茅lais, difficult茅s et d茅fis 禄, interview par Aidan Carpio-Lanthier et Michelle Akim, 茅diteurs juniors, Revue de droit de 黑料不打烊, Universit茅 黑料不打烊.
  • 20 avril 2023: Interview avec Laurette de Vivie Aufroy, 芦 Apr猫s Roxham, le calme 禄,
  • 17 April 2023: Interview with Camila Franco: 鈥淭he closure of Roxham Road: ineffective, inhumane and unjust immigration policy鈥, 鈥淟egalEase@CKUT鈥 radio show (a radio show broadcast by RadLaw, a collective of law students at the Faculty of Law of 黑料不打烊 University, and a podcast available on Spotify), CKUT 90.3 FM Montreal, (from 2:45 to 22:22)
  • 4 April 2023: Interview with Matt Galloway: 鈥淒eaths in St. Lawrence River highlight problem of human smuggling鈥, The Current, CBC Radio One, (at 12:28 minutes)

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