
Lancement du livre de Ramin Jahanbegloo, 鈥淭ime Will Say Nothing: A Philosopher Survives an Iranian Prison鈥

Lundi, 19 janvier, 2015 17:0019:00
Chancellor Day Hall Salle du Tribunal-茅cole Maxwell-Cohen (NCDH 100), 3644 rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

Le Centre sur les droits de la personne et le pluralisme juridique vous convie au lancement du livre du philosophe et intellectuel iranien Ramin Jahanbegloo, 鈥Time Will Say Nothing: A Philosopher Survives an Iranian Prison鈥, lequel a 茅t茅 publi茅 par la University of Regina Press en octobre 2014. Le livre raconte son arrestation en 2006 par les autorit茅s iraniennes et son incarc茅ration 脿 la prison d'脡vine. L'茅v茅nement prendra la forme d'une conversation entre M. Jahanbegloo et le professeur Payam Akhavan, laquelle sera suivie d'une p茅riode de questions avec l'auditoire.

脌 propos de l'auteur

(En anglais seulement) Sorbonne-educated and the author of almost 30 books, Ramin Jahanbegloo, a philosopher of non-violence in the tradition of Tolstoy and Gandhi, was arrested and detained in Iran鈥檚 notorious Evin prison in 2006.

A petition against his imprisonment was initiated, with Umberto Eco, Jurgen Habermas, and Noam Chomsky among the signatories. International organizations joined in, and media around the world reported his case extensively. Finally, after four months, he was released.

In this memoir, Jahanbegloo recounts his confinement, his fear for his life, and his concern for the well-being of his family. With cockroaches his only companions, he is sustained by the wisdom of the great philosophers and by his memories of childhood in Tehran and coming-of-age in Paris.

Jahanbegloo now lives in exile in Canada.

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