Third Party Rereads (formerly Grade Reviews)

To request a formal review for an assessment tasks (Third Party Reread), students must submit a Third Party Review Request form to the Student Affairs Office (SAO) within 10 working days of receiving the graded work. Normally, this corresponds to the date when final grades are released.

Before requesting a third-party reread, the student must submit a written request to the instructor asking for an explanation of the grade. This request must include a rationale for any requested change. Note that the reread may result in a higher or lower grade.

Graduate students should refer to GPSO regulations for the Graduate Studies Reread Policy.

Deadline for Fall 2024 requests:

February 3rd, 2025, at 3PM

Révision des examens échoués

Toutes les tâches Ă©crites pour lesquelles une note d’échec a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©e par l’enseignant.e feront automatiquement l’objet d’une rĂ©vision officielle par une tierce partie. Cependant, cette rĂ©vision ne s’applique que si l’échec est dĂ» Ă  des travaux complĂ©tĂ©s, et non Ă  un manque de travaux. Jusqu’à ce que la rĂ©vision soit terminĂ©e, une mention temporaire comme “N´ˇâ€ť apparaĂ®tra sur le relevĂ© de notes de l’étudiant.e. Aucune autre rĂ©vision officielle ne sera disponible pour ces Ă©valuations.

Third Party Reread Procedures and Policies

  1. Per the Policy on Assessment of Student Learning (PASL), students must request a reread within 10 working days of receiving their final grade and feedback.
  2. Before submitting a reread request, students must first request a written explanation of the grade from the instructor, with a clear rationale for any requested change.
  3. Students should note that rereads place a significant administrative burden on the Faculty, and requests should not be made solely for disappointing results. Rereads are normally for a single assessment within a course, only in exceptional cases will more than one assessment be reviewed.
  4. Normally, students request a reread when they believe that their assessment was evaluated unreasonably.
  5. If a student requests a reread of a group assignment with a shared grade, all authors will be notified and given the opportunity to join the request.
  6. The reread process is not anonymous.
  7. The third party reviewer will consider whether the grade originally assigned constitutes a reasonable appraisal of the merit of the student's work in light of the assessment criteria. The reviewer gives significant deference to the original grade(s) and will only change it if the original grade assigned is an unreasonable assessment of the merits of the student’s work. This recognizes the possibility that another grade could have been awarded, but maintains the original grade unless it falls outside the range of acceptable outcomes, giving consideration to the justification and intelligibility of the original decision.
  8. The grade assigned after the reread may be lower, higher, or the same as the original, and the new grade will be final.
  9. The recalculated course grade will reflect any changes made to the reread assessment.
  10. Reread requests should ideally be processed within 20 working days of submission to the SAO, but not longer than 60 working days (as per Faculty regulations).
  11. Third-party rereads are not appropriate for correcting calculation errors or for accommodations raised after the release of final grades. These issues should be addressed directly with the instructor.
  12. During this transition from PDF icon USAP to PASL, third-party reviewers for Winter 2024 and Summer 2024 assessments will have access to comparator assessments and criteria, if available.
  13. There are no fees for requesting third-party rereads.
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