Simon and Ethel Flegg Postdoctoral Fellows


—Emilie Amar-Zifkin (PhD, Yale, 2022)
Areas of interest: Medieval Jewish History; Interreligious Interaction; Sensory Theory; Disability Studies; History of Theatre and Performance


—Shulamit Shinnar (PhD, Columbia University)
(Ancient Jewish history with a focus on rabbinic literature in Roman Palestine and Sassanian Babylonian; medical culture in Late Antiquity as a site for social encounter and cultural exchange between different ethnic, religious, and gender identities)

—Shlomo Zuckier (PhD, Yale University)
(Rabbinic Judaism, Hebrew Bible, Early Biblical Interpretation, Second Temple Literature, Jewish Thought, Comparative Theology)

—Jeremy Brown (PhD, New York University)
(Jewish Mysticism; interfaith connections in medieval and early modern history)

—Ofer Dynes (MA, Tel-Aviv University; PhD, Harvard University)
(Eastern European History and Literature)

—Jessica Roda (BA, MA, Sorbonne University; PhD, Sorbonne University-Université de Montréal)
(Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology)

—Ori Yehudai (BA, MA, Tel Aviv University; MA, PhD, University of Chicago)
(Modern Jewish history; Zionism and the State of Israel; migration and displacement; the Holocaust and its aftermath)

—Igor H. de Souza (BA, University of Tennessee; MA, PhD, University of Chicago)
(Jewish Thought and Textuality; Sephardic Jewish Culture (Portugal & Portuguese Diaspora))

—Amit Assis (BA, Hebrew University; MA, Bar Ilan University; PhD, Bar Ilan University)
(Native Israeli (‘Sabra’) Literature and Culture; Rabbinic Narrative; Spatial Culture; Cultural and literary Semiotics; Authorship Function in Jewish Studies; Digital Textuality)

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