Ministry Students

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Information for Ministry Students (Temporary Teaching Permit Holders)

In Quebec, in order to work as an elementary or high school teacher, you must hold a valid teaching permit ڰdzٳ ("the Ministry").

If youhaveateaching degree and/or teaching license from another country or Canadian province and youwish to obtain teacher certification, youmust apply to the Ministry for a . This temporary permit will grant you the ability to seek and obtain employment as a teacher while working towards meetingcertain conditions, includingthe successful completionof additional university courseworkfrom an accredited institution inQuebec, such as ϲ University.For information about applying for a temporary teaching permit, please call the Ministry or visit their

Once granted a temporary teaching permit, you may request permission to complete some (or all) of your required coursework at ϲ University in the Faculty of Education as a Special Student. For information about course registration, please contact the isa.administrator [at] (Student Affairs Administrator). Please include a scanned copy of your temporary teaching permit as an attachment to your e-mail.Youwill not be considered for registration as a Special Student until youcan produce proof of a temporary teaching permit.
Please note that consistent requests to register for courses, followed by requests for withdrawal from these courses may impact your ability to make future course registration requests in Education.

If your previous degree is not recognized by the Ministry, you may wish to consider applying for our 4 yearBachelor of Education program or our 2 yearMaster of Arts in Teaching &Learning program, both of which lead to provincialteacher certification. For more information about programs leading to Teaching Certification, kindly send an email [at]

Online Courses

Certain courses required by the Ministry may be offered, at the Faculty's discretion,in anonline format. When available, online courses are scheduled as follows:

Intervention auprès des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage EDPI 309Diverse Learners: Offered online in the Winter term (January - April)

Évaluation des apprentissages:EDPE 304 Measurement & Evaluation: Offered online in the Fall term (September - December)

Système scolaire du Québec:EDEC 247 Policy Issues in Quebec Education: Offered online in the Summer term(May - July)

**dzٱ**Didactique: Methods courses are only offered in-class. The methods courses' list will be provided upon request. Please send a copy of your teaching permit to isa.administrator [at] (subject: Teaching%20Permit%20)

Additional Requirements for Students in the 'Teaching English as a Second Language'Subject Area

Students who hold a temporary teaching permit in the area of 'Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)', and, as a consequence, must take courses coded either EDSL or EDTL must satisfy these additional requirements:

  • Provide proofof having previously taken a course equivalentto EDSL 350: Essentials of English Grammar, which is a pre-requisite for the Ministry-required methods and assessment courses
  • Obtain a passing grade on the Faculty of Education'sEnglish Language Proficiency Test (ELPT), which is an exam administered by the Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE); information about the test, registrationand upcoming dates can be found on DISE's website

ϲ University is on land which long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. Learn more.

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