Note: Requests for appeal of a Failing Grade in a Field Experience/Internship are normally addressed by the Student Affairs Committee
The guidelines presented below are designed to make procedures for appealing a 鈥淒鈥 or 鈥淔鈥 grade in a field experience/internship transparent and efficient for all parties. Appeal requests of a failure in a field experience/internship are normally addressed by the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) for the Faculty of Education.
Preamble: Teacher candidates will be required to听appeal a 鈥淒鈥 or 鈥淔鈥 grade to the Faculty of Education Student Affairs Committee (SAC). A teacher candidate who wishes to appeal a failing grade in a field experience/internship should:
- Send their request by email to isa.administrator [at] with the following information in the subject line: AppealFailingGrade_Firstname_Lastname_黑料不打烊ID
- Address the appeal to the Associate Dean, Academic Programs
- Provide a one-page personal statement that provides clear and compelling reasons for their appeal and that clearly addresses the reason(s) that may warrant a passing grade. Whenever possible, the request should include concrete evidence.
- Include one letter of reference supporting the claims made in the personal statement. Ideally the letter of reference should be submitted by someone with first-hand knowledge of the events leading to the failing grade.
- Optional: Include supporting documents (e.g. evidence of work completed that would support an appeal of the "D" or "F" grade, etc.)
The deadlines to make an appeal for an EDFE outcome are the last working days of the following March, July, and November for Fall, Winter and Summer term courses, respectively. The deadline to make an appeal for an EDIN outcome is within 30 days of the posted grade. Please note, regardless of the outcome of a Field Experience or Internship, all EDFE and EDIN courses are subject to normal fees.
Students wishing counsel prior to or during an appeal process听are strongly encouraged to contact , which is a service offered by听the Legal Information Clinic at 黑料不打烊. It provides free and confidential advice and representation in cases where 黑料不打烊 students are going through disciplinary or appeals processes.
While the appeal process is underway, students cannot be registered for any subsequent field placements and must withdraw from any upcoming field placement(s) and co-requisite course(s) until a decision has been rendered in their case.听
For B.Ed. teacher candidates, please note: In the case of field placements, a 鈥淲鈥 grade is assigned only under exceptional circumstances (with supporting documentation). A 鈥淲鈥 grade cannot be assigned because a teacher candidate is unhappy with the outcome of the field placement or the placement itself nor can a 鈥淲鈥 grade be assigned if the field placement was complete or near complete. If a student is eligible for a 鈥淲鈥 grade, supporting documentation must be submitted in the same term in which a teacher candidate was registered for the field placement. The submission of supporting documentation does not guarantee a 鈥淲鈥 grade.
For MATL teacher candidates, please note: In the case of field placements, a request for a 鈥淲鈥 grade can be made through the MATL Coordinator and will be considered under exceptional circumstances only (with supporting documentation). Requests are then adjudicated and decided upon by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. A 鈥淲鈥 grade cannot be assigned because a teacher candidate is unhappy with the outcome of the field placement or the placement itself nor can a 鈥淲鈥 grade be assigned if the field placement was complete or near complete. Supporting documentation must be submitted in the same term in which a teacher candidate was registered for the field placement. The submission of supporting documentation does not guarantee a 鈥淲鈥 grade. Also note, according to the GPS failure policy, an MATL student who receives two failing grades during their program, is removed from the program and cannot apply for readmission.
Once all appeal documentation is received, the Associate Dean will convene the听Student Affairs Committee in order to:
- Review the appeal/letter of request from the teacher candidate;
- Examine the teacher candidate鈥檚 field placement file;
- Review the teacher candidate鈥檚 academic record;
- Determine the merit of the appeal, based on the existence of clear and compelling reasons;
- Call a hearing, if necessary, during which the SAC would:
- Be presented with a summary of the salient findings from the reports and description of all action taken by the Internships & Student Affairs Office;
- Be provided with other pertinent information prepared by the Host School Administrator and/or school personnel, as well as the Field Supervisor
- Be presented with a summary of the teacher candidate's reflections, findings, and relevant documentation
Rendering a Decision
In a closed session (see Procedures for SAC Meetings with the Teacher Candidates and/or Advocates), the SAC will discuss all of the evidence. Based on the merits of the case, the SAC may provide the Associate Dean with one of the below noted recommendations:
- UPHOLD DECISION: If no compelling evidence is found to suggest an alternate outcome, to uphold the original decision;
- GRANT A PASS: If it is thought that there are insufficient grounds for the failure, or reasonable doubt, to overturn the failure and grant a pass;
For B.Ed. teacher candidates only: In exceptional circumstances only, if it is thought that there is reasonable doubt about the failure, to grant a withdrawal without refund (grade of 鈥淲鈥) for the course and to permit the teacher candidate to repeat the Field Experience during the next regularly scheduled term;
For MATL teacher candidates only: In exceptional circumstances only, if it is thought that there is reasonable doubt about the failure, to recommend to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), a withdrawal without refund (grade of 鈥淲鈥) for the course and that they give permission to the teacher candidate to repeat the Internship during the next regularly scheduled term. Please note that the final decision is made by GPS, not the SAC of Faculty of Education;
- DEFER: To defer a decision until (a) further information can be provided; or (b) a meeting with the teacher candidate and/or other involved parties may be called.