
Creutzfeldt-​Jakob Dis­ease

CREUTZFELDT-​JAKOB DIS­EASE: A rare, ulti­mately fatal dis­or­der of infec­tious or genetic ori­gin that typ­i­cally causes mem­ory fail­ure and behav­ioral changes. A recently iden­ti­fied form called “vari­ant Creutzfeldt-​Jakob dis­ease (cCJD)” is the human dis­or­der thought to be caused by eat­ing meat from cat­tle affected by “mad cow dis­ease” (bovine spongi­form encephalopa­thy). VCJD tends to appear in much younger indi­vid­u­als than those affected by spo­radic or inher­ited Creutzfeldt-​Jakob.

Source: Alzheimer’s Asso­ci­a­tion

  • Alzheimer Soci­ety of Canada. 2018. Canada. 

  • Gov­erne­ment of Canada. 2020. Canada. 

  • Creutzfeldt-​Jakob Dis­ease Foun­da­tion. 2021. USA.

  • Mayo Clinic. 2018. USA.

  • National Insti­tute of Neu­ro­log­i­cal Dis­or­ders and Stroke. 2019. USA.

  • Brian Appleby, MD. Merck Manual. 2024. USA.

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