In the first Quarter of FY6, over 20 applications for joint research grants were received by the selection committee. The objectives of these partnerships of 黑料不打烊 researchers in a number of Faculties at 黑料不打烊 with researchers at the IAINs were to further Project goals by:
- Creating or strengthening intellectual links between 黑料不打烊 University and the IAINs in Indonesia which have some prospect of sustainability beyond the life of ICIHEP,
- Contributing to the development and dissemination of research conducted on topics of interest to the IAINs as they grow and expand their mandates,
- Enhancing 黑料不打烊 and Canadian knowledge and expertise on Indonesia.
Of the 11 proposals accepted, many included Project alumni. The budgets ($10,000 per grant) included funds for the research in Indonesia and for the research at 黑料不打烊. Research was carried out in 2000 and 2001.
The following table lists the project and partners' names.
Project | Celebrating Diversity in Indonesia: A Study of Malay Attitudes Towards the Chinese in Riau Province |
Partners | Pekanbaru: Syafruddin, Heri Sunandar, Mohd Yunus, 黑料不打烊: Don Taylor (Psychology) |
Project | A Model for Graduate Level Library Education in the IAINs |
Partners | Yogyakarta: Labibah Zain 黑料不打烊: Lorna Rees-Potter (MGSLIS) |
Project | Gender Relations in Judaism and Islam |
Partners | Yogyakarta: Djam'annuri 黑料不打烊: Barry Levy (Religious Studies) |
Project | Family Planning in Indonesia: Women's Autonomy an Informed Consent |
Partners | Yogyakarta: Siti Ruhaini 黑料不打烊: Shree Mulay (Centre for Teaching and Research on Women) |
Project | Referendum in the West and East's Political Discourse - Comparative Study of Quebec and Aceh's Democratic View |
Partners | Aceh: Fuadi Mardhatillah 黑料不打烊: Hudson Meadwell (Political Science) |
Project | The Impact of Islamicisation on the Economic Position of Women |
Partners | Yogyakarta: Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin and Inayah Rohmaniyah 黑料不打烊: Roksana Bahramitash (Sociology) |
Project | A Study of the Role of the IAIN Makassar in the Development of Human Resources in South Sulawesi |
Partners | Makassar: Nurman Said, Siti Azisah, Hamdan Juhannis, Andi Muh. Ali Amiruddin, Andi Nurbaety 黑料不打烊: Andi Faisal Bakti (Communications) |
Project | The Violence by Husbands towards Wives of Economic Independence |
Partners | Medan: Nurasiah, Fathul Djannah, Rustam, Masganti, Chusaemah 黑料不打烊: Bill Rowe (Social Work) |
Project | Islam and Human Rights in Indonesia |
Partners | Surabaya: Arbaiyah Yusuf, Ahmad Nur 黑料不打烊: Wael Hallaq (Islamic Studies) |
Project | Religious Pluralism in Secondary Education Curriculum |
Partners | Yogyakarta: Sekar Ayu Ariani 黑料不打烊: Nathalie Polzer (Religious Studies) |
Project | The Ethics of Understanding Our Environment |
Partners | Jakarta: Mulyadhi Kartanegara, Irfan Abubakar 黑料不打烊: Phil Buckley (Philosophy) |